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Everything posted by tdslf1

  1. tdslf1

    Conservative VS Liberal

    The midterm elections are going to be interesting. The teabaggers want to take over the rethuglican party?? Lets hope not this election. I want a clear distinction between teabaggers, the rethuglicans and the Demos. They can do it later but we can only pray. It will be cold in that wilderness when the american people vote crazy. I also heard that the biggest mistake the rethugs made was they were not true to being fiscally conservative and not getting back to small core values. Those small core value people are the teabaggers, on the extreme right. If the rethugs want to continue to run to the extreme right, be my guest. That will leave more people in the center for us. Cause the independants darn sure aren't going to follow the teabaggers into anything. They darn sure aren't going to vote for them after the bogus crap happening to the congress people. Never side with the crazies or appearance of crazy. I think John mccain just made the biggest mistake of his life when he didn't tell Palin, the retard, not to hang the teabagger mantle around his neck. Politics just went to a whole nother level. Top row elbow.
  2. tdslf1

    Conservative VS Liberal

    PG, I will ask yet again. Show me this level of violence on the liberal side. I stated earlier, this has gone beyond simple protest and calling people slurs. Wacko's have went to congress peoples homes and acted up. Whole nother mental ball park...........Not all tea baggers are crazy or racist, but it sure don't help its cause that rethuglican rule doesn't disavow themselves from it. John McCain is the king of the tea baggers says Sarah Palin. I bet McCain had to wear a diaper that day. Bout crapped his pants when she said it. Elbow from the sky!!
  3. tdslf1

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Cantor digs deeper by Jed Lewison Fri Mar 26, 2010 at 02:00:44 PM PDT Greg Sargent gets Eric Cantor's defense (or at least, Cantor's attempt at a defense): A spokesperson for Eric Cantor is pushing back on criticism that he shouldn’t have referenced the bullet shot through a campaign office window at a presser yesterday about threats on his life, offering a detailed chronology of what happened. Richmond police announced this morning that the bullet was an "act of random gunfire," leading critics to say Cantor had jumped the gun in sharing the story yesterday. But Cantor spokesperson Brad Dayspring, in an interview with me this afternoon, offered a chronology of events. Short version: When Cantor gave his statement, all he knew was that a bullet had been fired into his window, there was an ongoing investigation into the incident, and that he had received other threats on his life. Basically, Cantor's office is defending itself by saying that they had no idea what the facts were. The problem is, in his statement to the national press corp, Cantor was emphatic in his certainty that he had been the target of a shooting incident: Just recently, I have been directly threatened. A bullet was shot through the window of my campaign office in Richmond this week and I’ve received threatening emails. Obviously, the claim that a gunman (presumably pro-reform) has targeted your campaign office is incendiary. It's the type of claim that you need to be sure about before you make it. If you don't know the facts, it's incredibly irresponsible to make such a claim. And when you're making it in the context of a political attack on your opponents, it represents dishonesty in the extreme. On those grounds alone, Cantor's statement was an extraordinary breech of the public trust. But the facts of the matter reveal that what he did was even worse. First, Cantor was fully aware that the gunshot may have been random. Although he did not say this to the national media, he told a local newspaper that he wasn't sure if the gunfire was random or not. (CNN reported this, to its credit.) So Cantor knew that his statement might have been untrue -- and yet he made it anyway. Moreover, Cantor was also fully aware that the bullet didn't actually hit his campaign office. It hit an office in the same building as one of his campaign offices. Finally, there's virtually no way somebody would ever have targeted that particular office if they were going after Cantor. For starters, neither his campaign site nor his official site list the building as his campaign office. The building itself does not have any markings to suggest that it housed his campaign office. And if all that weren't enough, the office isn't even located in his congressional district. When Eric Cantor made his statement, he was fully aware of each of these facts -- but he proceeded forth, because he thought it made good political sense, truth be damned. He's receiving heavy criticism for that decision today -- as well he should. I should not be astonded because they are know for this, but I am...WOW
  4. tdslf1

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Oh, yeah about that repeal and replace, NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. The saps in congress and idiots running for office have put out ads saying they want to do this against the healthcare bill. Even the republican in congress have said it can't be done since Obama will not be signing that order and you need a serious majority in congress to do so. But guess what, retards on the fringe will donate money to these liars on that premise. Watch Fake Noise put rethuglicans on from here to November that will tell that lie. And yahoo's are going to believe it. I say bump their heads until they bleed..........
  5. tdslf1

    Health Care

    PG, Please post some personal space attacks. These congress people were attacke in a public forum. Please post where a supporter of the Democratic platform went to a congress persons home and attacked their family? That is a whole nother level when you have the balls to do that.
  6. tdslf1

    Conservative VS Liberal

    PG, Did you post the attacks that occured at the Rethuglicans congress peoples homes? These are all public forum activities you post. Did anyone go to a congress persons home or did they primarily hit public forums with this garbage?
  7. tdslf1

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    I'll follow my POTUS's lead and say about them repealling the health care, GO FOR IT!!!!
  8. tdslf1

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Did anybody act on any of these?
  9. tdslf1

    Conservative VS Liberal

    PG, No difference in the signs. All presidents have had these. The difference here is the attack on the congress people, actual threats that have been carried out and acted on against the congress people. Multiple ones by retards of the highest order. I told you a long time ago this teabagger thing was based on having a black president. Founded by a racist agenda, and yahoo's like yourself got pulled in by Fake Noise, as a legitimate movement. The tea baggers have raised it to a whole nother level. As I said before, they should be ashamed and all who associate with it should be. DYLAN on MSNBC had a teabagger founder on who he asked the question, Why not just reject the people who call out slurs and names? Why not say on national tv that the teabaggers will not tolerate their group calling people names and racial slurs? Dylan asked him this 4 times and the dude danced around it every rip. Dylan even tried to lead him to it by his example and the dude never said it. I said to my teenage kid, the world is a dangerous place and the wackos of the tea party have been getting permission to act up at those rallies all along. Great that you say you don't support it. But that still does not obsolve the founders of this group from what their people do. If my kid went down the street and broke out all the windows in the neighborhood, people would look at my family like we were all retarded, not just the one kid. Why? Because they don't know the rest of us are not as crazy as the kid who broke the windows? They don't, so they can only go by what that person has done and who's kid he is. Same things applies here. You say you guys have unity, we believe you, thus we believe what is said by the group until it is nationally rebuked by its members. Yet I have not seen 1, count 1 rethuglican, rebuke what they have done clearly enough.
  10. tdslf1

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Cantor not targeted: Richmond PD says bullet fired randomly by Jed Lewison Thu Mar 25, 2010 at 06:40:51 PM PDT Eric Cantor, the second-ranking House Republican, claimed earlier today that his office had been the target of a politically motivated shooting. If you thought Cantor's claim seemed reminiscent of the the bogus "an Obama supporter carved a backwards 'B' into my face" story from the 2008 campaign, you were right. According to AP, the Richmond Police Department now says the bullet that hit an office in the building where he has a campaign office was fired randomly. Bullet that hit Va. congressman's office random RICHMOND, Va. — Richmond police say the bullet that hit a window of Republican Virginia Congressman Eric Cantor's office had been randomly fired skyward. Given the facts of the matter -- that the bullet was fired randomly in the air, and hit a window in the building in which Cantor has an office (the bullet didn't hit his office) -- it is clear that Cantor willfully misled the media this morning. Cantor and his office knew that they were not targets of the shooting, but they claimed otherwise to score political points. This is a big deal. Cantor is the number two Republican. He speaks for the party. And he brazenly dissembled to the national press corps on an issue of life or death. It might not be fair or balanced, but he should be held to a different standard: truth and accuracy. What kind of garbage is this?? The Rethuglicans in office kill me. Straight up lie. Even after death threats to Democratic congressmen and women, he still has the balls to blatently lie to the American people. WOW.
  11. tdslf1

    Health Care

    Ariscus, Please explain why the definition of socialized medicine is a bad thing? You make it sound like a bad thing. Then again I am confused. This bill gives people who don't have it, the chance to get it. People who have insurance and want to keep it, they get to keep it. People who work but don't have it, will be able to get it. I am lost as to why the teabaggers are angry enough to call people names, break windows act a straight ass over giving people a chance to live. Not all but when you stand there with people who do it, you condone it. Why is this a slide to craziness? We have no timetable for when progress will stop. When times change, the country has to change. Just as everything about the time we became a nation is different from now. All things might not apply and we have to change. This cannot be a stagnant nation. You think change is bad, I, and many others think its good. Unfortunately for you, we have the majority.
  12. tdslf1

    Health Care

    The tea baggers are getting restless. They are showing their true colors. Phone calls to congress, death threats, pictures in the paper and racial slurs. It's amazing why they think we should have ANY respect for their movement. Only closet teabaggers will make it in the history books, if they manage to get elected. Democrates will not allow a crazy person to take to the Congress, they just won't. We will lose some seats but coo co birds definitely won't replace Democrats. I would be ashamed to be associated with such a group. I am ashamed for them. The rethuglicans should be ashamed of what they have incited and have no intention of toning it down. Never have you seem Democrats lose their minds like the past couple days with teabaggers in the news. This is sad when the retards threaten our leaders and feel they can have the freedom to do it without consequence. They and all who associate with it should be ashamed.
  13. tdslf1

    Health Care

    I got an interesting question to ask about the new health care. One of my clients asked me today and I really had no answer. If a mother is on welfare and she has a child that is 24 and lives with her, can that child get back on her welfare insurance? I thought this was interesting and if not what does a kid who lives at home do to get insurance if they got kicked off that welfare insurance at 18 and that is the only insurance she has? Is this the group of people that won't be able to get the insurance even if they are poor? Those not connected to mom and pop insurance but still live at home ecause they don't make enough to pay for it?
  14. tdslf1

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Can't defend the indefensible but I bet someone on here will try.
  15. tdslf1

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    I heard a phrase today that resonated with this whole teabagger thing. "When people show you who they are, believe them." I say.. the teabaggers showed us who they really were on the House steps and halls by calling out names and slurs,...and now I believe them. I have lost even more respect for that cult.
  16. tdslf1

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    I could have sworn that all those "socialized" programs are still around, Social security being one of them. Name a percentage that feels SS is wrong and i'll show you what single digit means....minority.
  17. tdslf1

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Originally Posted by jre1974 It amazes me that everyone thinks they are going to end up with free healthcare now that this has happened...I overheard some people talking in the check out line at the store the other day about how when this health care bill passes, they are going to get free healthcare...I just had to shake my head...I wanted to say that, No, you're not going to get free healthcare...as a matter of fact, if you have healthcare, now you're going to have to pay a 40% tax on your premiums in order to pay for all the illegal aliens and welfare people to have free healthcare. And if you don't have healthcare because you simply don't need/want it, you'll be fined by the govt for not having it. And watch how many people get laid off because the govt is going to mandate that employers offer their workers healthcare, or they get fined $2000 per employee...Oh yeah, and don't forget the educational issues that were hidden in this bill..now it is illegal for you to get student loans through any other lender, except for the federal govt.... Every poll out there shows that a majority of the people in this country are NOT in favor of this bill, so how can the Dems say they are representing the people by passing this monstrosity? Its amazing... I only hope there is a True Conservative that runs in 2012. If there is a true conservative out there who runs, they will win because the American people are tired of this crap. This first paragraph is just a sample of the misconceptions people have about the bill. I think the tax is on higher income people, not the poor, who probably will get the chance to get free health care. Single people who make 40k a year can afford some form of healthcare. People below that figure, probably not. The above referenced people are ill informed that is why paragraph number two carries any weight. Simple phrase. "When one knows better they do better." When simple people know whats in the bill, they make better observations about it. But since we have retards like Beck and Limbutt who have hypnotized the collectively uninformed, we have confusion. The True conservative screamed out "baby killer" in the House. Good luck with getting characters like that elected.
  18. And abortion is going to saty lawful because the people want it that way. Oh, except people like you who are in the minority, thank the Lord.
  19. tdslf1

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    There you go again reading in your own interpretation not to mention the fact that you were the one who said you just can't interprete what you want something to say. Hypocrite. Read the quote again. Better still read the book and TRY to figure out the context besides the word Negro. Despite what you think, people using the negro word is not always racist. My parents use it all the time. Nobody could have interpreted Pat's idiocy for anything other than saying death was upon Haitians because they made a pack with the devil. Nobody.
  20. tdslf1

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    PG, I don't give anyone a pass as you call it. They both said something that offended people. The difference, Pat said it about whole host of a country and what was said was not with admiration.
  21. tdslf1

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    PG, There is a world of difference between Pat and Reid. Nothing at all to do with Rethug or Demo. Pat's words were said to give cause to why the Haitian people were going through having natural disasters. It came across as though the Haitian people were on the side of the devil and thus deserved the destruction. What Pat said was deliberately obtuse and cruel. Nothing to do with his party affiliation. The man sounded crazy. Reid misspoke a word. Didn't use the rightly assigned usage. Just like someone would call a phycologist a head shrinker instead of a mental health professional, a misspeak. Pat said this in a mean spirited way, out in public and on TV. Reid spoke in private to express his admiration for Obama and his candidacy. Just as I said, people listen to tv too much and when tv people become outraged, the audience stops thinking for themselves and believes everything they hear. If anyone had cared enough to ask a black person what they thought or rather more than one black person, they would have found that most black people understood what Reid was saying and were only taken aback with the word negro because it is old language. They were not offended and did not consider Reid a racist for his remark and that Pat was an ass in comparison.
  22. tdslf1

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    "Just like you liberals overlooked Reid's racist remarks towards Obama because he endorsed his campaign and did so much for the african american people. " As I stated earlier, Reid is not racist. Nor were his words racist. He was accurate in his statement. The words "negro" was old language. If he would have said black, his statement would not have caused an uproar. That is not racist, that is a misspeak. Besides, black folk were not offended at what he said. Most said it was the truth. News people made it a big deal.
  23. Just as we said. People have their own interpretation and no ones is better or more accurate than the next.
  24. tdslf1

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    Thy will be done.
  25. You missed the whole point PG. I have never specifically called Rethugs ignorant, evil or stupid. I have called you arrogant, ignorant beyond yourself, and never called you evil. I called you arrogant because of you superior attitude and ignorant of the plight and inequality of others. Give me a thread where I have called anyone else anything else. Palin is a given.

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