Liberals don't really hate Palin, we just think she is not intellectually capable of running a country as complex and diverse as our is. I only need to mention the bizarre interview she had talking about seeing Putin from her window or some such. Her interview with Katie, which to me and most liberals was so obvious a question that a parrot could have stated the answer and Katie would have moved on. There was no gotcha question, there was no indirect answer that could have been stated. The question was straight forward. The answer should have been straight forward. She couldn't do it because she was being hawked and trained like a seal by the McCain camp to perform and she was not up to the task. She could not perform on command which is what a politition is supposed to do. Know the issues, know your audience and know your lines. She did not. That makes her just like any other human on the planet who is ordinary, not extraordinary, which is what you need to be to reach the level of the presidency. People have to believe you are real with what you say and that is where she falls short. Nobody disputes that she is God fearing. But for me, that is not a criteria to be the POTUS. She has home spun charm, which is great for a politician, but not the presidency. She had a shot to impress us, us liberals, and she didn't. SHe did what most would have done under the circumstance, she responded like a deer in headlights and she never made it to the side of the road into obscurity. Nothing wrong with her but the problems we face need to be met with more than just the criteria of God first. We need people who know their limitations. SHe apparently does not. She stated that she was not surprised to get the call for the VP slot, she was ready. This bravado reminds me of the person who inflates their resume, then looks like an idiot when the interviewer hands then their ass and calls them on it. We don't hate her, we just don't see her as someone who has studied the issues beyond their world and can think on their feet to get the job done. She can go to church all day long, she is still not worldly enough, intellectually rigorous enough and appealing to other people outside of that homegrown spin to be effective. Personally she reminds me of the female in the office who uses her looks to get where she is, without a clue. What turned me off to her was when she called Obama a terrorist and the news media did not call her on it. That was offensive to me on top of her interviews, which she blew all by herself. Me and my mother were discussing this the other day after I asked my mother out of the blue "Mom, what magazines do you read?" My mother came straight out of her mouth, not knowing what I was going to ask and said, 'Time, and The Enquirer and ....why do you want to know." When Palin couldn't even do that, I was done and so was most Americans or they should have been. McCain jeoprodised our country by making her his VP, because if enough of those "homespun, honest and God fearing" types had voted her in, she would have been way, way, way out of her league and too arrogant to ask for help. I would have really started to be scared for our country. SO, please let her run for 2012, it will go down as the most humiliating defeat in American history and she and all those that voted for her would have no one to blame but themselves. Great, she believes in God, that don't make her smart, nor POTUS material.