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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by dewberry

  1. Okay I'm just gunna put this one out there to find out who knows how much their stomach now holds after being banded ?

    I only ask because of what I read on this site (not just this thread)

    I am curious as to what people think or know about their band.

    I will try to check in again tommorrow night to see if I get any replies to this question.

    Thanks Dewberry

  2. I am feeling really frustrated right now. I am going to schedule a fill tomorrow because I am just not losing the weight anymore. I have been battling with the same 4-5 lbs for the last two months. So I have been thinkng about what I have been doing wrong and trying to get motivated to exercise. I have been exercising but not like I should and I have my good days and bad for my diet. Like today was a very bad day. I just don't have any restriction anymore. I mean there are still things I can't eat but other things like pizza I have no problem with. So say a little prayer for me and I restart this journey tomorrow. I also think my metabolism is shot and I have hit a major plateau and if I don't get to 140 so be it but can I least get back to 160. That is the lowest weight I have been in my adult life. Any suggestions? Anybody else having this problem? I did get in a size 12 though and I am happy. Just 30 more pounds! Como on lap-band®®®®, work for me! Later!!!

    HMMM Amanda you are doing so well your more than likely at a stage building muscle but your body is still probably changing shape have you measured yourself???? as I know the months the scales have only moved a little I loose inches!!! just a thought ....

    I believe we should not view foods or our diet as Good Or Bad all foods are okay we just need to remember everything is good in moderation..... as for the restriction I have found that I can eat all foods with little or no problems so long as I use the chewing tecnique and remem ber to keep my portions under control... I had my last fill on the 23rd of February I'm at 6.4ml ....I don't feel hungry between meals but that's not to say I don't have days were I give into the head hunger and eat something I want rather than stick to healthy options ...hey we are only human afterall ...

    Don't be impatient it will happen for all of us ...some like myself slow and steady and others it will fall off but however long it takes just keep the end goal in sight stay strong and keep up the great work :)


  3. I am about 6 and a half months out and 145 lbs down. Started having issues with skin around my hip bones. Standing up, I dont look bad, but when I sit I get rolls around my tummy, the folds start at my hip bones.

    I am also worried my body might be rejecting the band.

    Your averaging 27lbs a month ...WOW how have you achieved this ??? no wonder you are having problems with your skin your body hasn't had time to adjust ...... I couldn't imagin loosing such an amount of weight in such a short period of time and why do you think your body is rejecting the band ?????

  4. Hi Alyce

    If you are short on guinepigs I would be more than willing to help you with your research, I Live in County Victoria and I come to Melbourne for my monthly checkin and could slot you into my day in Melbourne, the only catch is I was banded in September 09 but willing to help you out as I still have a heck of a lot of Kilo's to lose and would find your reseach interesting.


  5. Ok, I know this is a gross subject, but I haven't seen it in this thread. I have been having problems with Constipation. I talked to my surgeon about it and he said it is not caused from surgery. ( I never had a problem before) I don't want to become dependent on laxatives. I have tried stool softners, fiber pills, senokot with no success. I break down and take ex lax and that seems to work after 24 hrs. Then the next day I go back to the same problem a few marbles. Anyone have any good suggestions? I am going to see my family Dr. next week. :scared2:

    I'm hearing you I have had the same problem nothing before but now I sometimes become constipated... I find if I drink loads of Water this helps.... I think it is because we don't have as much to get rid of it sits there for a couple of days and this makes it harder to get rid of ???? I also have a problem with flatulance.... about 1/2 hour after I eat I have bad wind pains it's driving me mad to say the least ...anyway just today I have looked into colonic irrigation to see if this will help ....Never thought i would ever go down that path but since being banded I have really changed my outlook on what I can do for myself I am for once putting myself first and doing what needs to be done to keep me ont he path to good health...... any way I'll keep you posted hopefully it will eleviate the problem .....:).

  6. Well it's been quite a while since I have checked in I am glad to see you are still here and everyone is going well..... it seems we are all having ups and downs with this tool we have chosen to help us with our weightloss journey.... I have been doing well slow and steady wins the race I am currently have a loss of 26.6kg thats about 58lbs my last weigh in was a week ago and I only saw a loss of .5kg in 1 month and I did feel a little disappointed that the scales hardly moved but I did lose 4cm from my waist and 4cm from my hips so the waistline is still going down that's all that matters.... I started this journey using my treadmill most days and have now changed my tactics getting outside in the real world....I have been walking every other day on the walking track along the river the full length of the track is about a 6km return trip (full track is kept for weekends) but as I work I have to manage my time so ...... I get up at 5am swim for 1/2 hour then drive into town and walk only part of the track about a 2.5km return trip.... along the track the local council have put in exercise equipment to help with strength training this has really helped me on my journey........ I can honestly say for the first time in my life I am enjoying exercise....LMAO never thought I would ever feel like that I actually miss it when I dont get out and do something...

    I finally went to the Nutritionist this last visit as I have had some issues with hairloss she told me this happens about month 5/6 and I need to take my suppliments........ I have now conformed I hate taking pills at the best of times and Vitamins really do make me feel a bit queezy but I guess I will have to do as I am told and follow the rules if I want to stay healthy.......

    I have not had much of a problem with my band but the week prior to my last visit I had problems with food being stuck before the band and the nutritionist did give me a chewing technique to avoid food becoming stuck that I would like to share in case anyone else has the same problem...... do a day or two on soft foods to allow the swelling around the band to go down that was aggrivated by the food being stuck .........then when you return to normal diet ..........1 teaspoon at a time put it on your tounge...taste to get the saliva glands working... them move to the side ....chew....bring back to your tounge ...taste again then swallow...this allows the food to pass through the band more easily without getting stuck ...this has proved itself to be a good thing as I have not had a problem since ......

    Anyway great to see everyone is still working towards there goals keep up the great work.... Dewberry:success1:

  7. Sandeigophotog

    Congradulations what a great achievment... I too am like you and have been thinking about how much I still have to loose and telling people the actual figure is going to be a hard thing to say out loud not only to others but to myself as well but it's all good because we have finally done something about shedding all the extra weight that everyone can see anyway so I guess why not shout it from the roof tops I know anyone that cares about me is extremly happy and thankfull that I have finally made the step to a healthier future :w00t:


    OMG I've lost a small bale of hay !!!! and I was complaining only last week when we carting Hay in from the paddocks how heavy they were....

    Now all I have to do is get Arny of my back and I'll be sweet LMAO:lol:

  8. You Go Girl,

    I have looked at the couch to 5k on the net and have considered doing it but never thought I could run like that .....but you might just have inspired me ....I currently WALK 5km on my treadmill each day I get up to a very fast walking pace of 6km hour but I just can't make my self run I think it has a lot to do with childhood, never wanted to run then either LOLL.....

    Any way great job keep up the great work.:w00t:


    and to TORIBUG1234

    5K is about 3mile

  9. The choice to get a fill is totally in my hands .....When I go to an appointment we sit and talk about how I am going and what has been going on in the previous two weeks and then I decide if I need a fill ), Doc always says that I am doing great but has not ever suggested that I not get a fill (see amounts and weightloss below) We had an interesting discussion about band sizes at my last appointment as I wanted to know all about what type I have how much it holds as I had been reading so much information on here and wanted to get the right information on my band (AP Small) from my doctor and to my surprise she told me about a patient that had the same band and had an amount of 25cc in the band but as it happened the band had not been placed correctly at the time of surgery (by a different surgeon).... anyway she said this surprised everyone so she could not give a real answer as to how much a band will fill to ....... but her answer about fill amounts for my size band is most people hit there SWEET SPOT between 5.5 to 6.8cc.....

    Anyway I think the best thing to do is make an appointment to see you doctor and ask all the questions you want answers to and if your not getting what you want from your Doctor you might need to consider changeing doctors like the person with the 25cc..... ( in no way am I suggesting your band is placed incorrectly just a story I thought I would share) :w00t:

    Good Luck

  10. Hi Ya

    Not so much cranky.... but really emotional up and down like a yoyo I can't be bothered with people if they do something to annoy me .... at the moment it's all about me for a change... I think it is because we have to deal with our emotions in different ways than before..... if I was upset, bored angry etc it would be nothing to head to the pantry and grab something to eat but now I think about why I want something to eat (sometimes subconsiously).......am I hungry? am I emotional? am I bored? am I pissed off? etc and I feel that doing this is changing how I react to people , situations and life in general .......I have found it a life altering thing to actually analise yourself everytime you want to put something in your mouth so don't be too hard on yourself I am sure that in time we will adjust and things will be normal again.....

    by the way "WHAT IS NORMAL?" :sad:


  11. Hey gang: I had my third fill today - this months weight loss - 2.5 lbs (UGH!!!). She gave me .7 cc's now I'm at 5.9. I feel like this is gonna be tight. A vente latte made me full. I have to say my fills are a total non event - some people complain of pain when they stick you. Nothing. So I hope this gets that scale moving! 3 weeks ago it moved all at once then now i'm up 2 lbs. Whatever.


    I'm now at 5.8 and totally know how your feeling the restriction has hit full force ....I know I have been doing well but now believe it is going to come off even quicker I have to wait and see though, never can tell what's around the corner.... My fills are a real non event also just a quick prick and up I get and I'm on my way...I thought I was the only one I haven't had much pain through the whole experience


    Hey Ladies! I havent checked in in a while.... But things are going ok. The holiday was REALLY hard! But I made it through and got back to the gym two times today! Ive lost a total of 42 pounds since sept. 2nd and I have 7cc in my 10 cc band...... THe lady that does my fills is AWESOME...super agrressive. Ive had 3 fills and with that Im at 7cc. She tells me I can come in every two weeks and get more if I dont feel restriction. She does it under floroscopy so she can tell if it is to tight.

    Does anyone feel like they have to do SSSSOOOO much themseleves? Sometimes I feel like Im doing it all on my own. That there isnt a tool there helping me. But then my friend who knows makes commits about how I didnt eat barely anything and I think maybe Im just used to not eating as much and I have more restriction than i think.

    Everyone is doing great! So pround of all of you! I went back and read everyones post!!

    Hi McCall

    You must be on the right track 42pounds down thats great keep up the good work:P

    That is super!....and a lot of weight in a short time. I am thinking I need to be more agressive with my fills. I only have had a 2cc and a .5 cc fill and I was bandedon 9/8. I am down 23 pounds but it is so VERY slow. I have an appointment Monday and I am goign to push for a decent fill. It seems a waste to go thoruhg all of that for .5cc. Good news is I uped my exercise yesterday and plan to stick with it. Got my eliptical up and running and now there are no excuses! Congratulations all you BIG LOSERS!

    Hi Justarting

    I started out with 4cc in place at the time of surgery and have since had three fills 1.0cc then 0.5 cc and the last was 0.3cc The last one has really made the difference so be patient it will happen in time keep ip the great work:thumbup:

    I go in for my second fill today, and am anxious to see what I weigh on my doctor's scale. (Mine at home is different, and that can be disappointing!)

    Hi FemmOne

    Weigh yourself before you leave home and then at the doctors and take note of the difference, My scales and the Doctors are 2kg different ...... don't get dissapointed just know they are different ...:smile2:

    Hey! I had my fill today too. I still don't feel a whole lot. I wanted him to keep going but he wouldn't. He didn't tell me how much i have but he told me I have a size 8apl or alp band. Don't know what that means since everyone talks about cc's. He says 8apl is the new one... I don't know. I do know that he hurt me today. My port is tilted so he can never find it while i'm standing. I suggested laying down and no soon as I did he something that erupted the most god awful pain. I literally had to brace myself for a minute there. As soon as I laid down he got it right away. I have set an extremely high goal for myself this time. I go back in 28 days so wish me luck.

    Stardustic I'm sorry to hear about your port. I'm glad that you didn't give up and that you are still willing to lose the weight.

    Congratulations to all the those losing the weight successfully.

    Hi Loveslady

    After reading so much information on this site I was a little confused about my band as well so when I went for my appointment on Monday I had a really good talk with my Doctor about the type of band how much it holds etc she told me everything I wanted to know and more ...be really specific about what you want to know ask direct questions and they should answer all your questions openly it's your body and you have the right to know exactly what is inside of you and how it works.

    Goodluck with your goal:nono:

  12. Hey Sberry I don't believe you are doing anything wrong ...

    I to felt able to eat anything I liked from the day I had surgery..... but have stuck to the plan, I know I eat more than the talked about 1/2 cup but I know it is a lot less than before surgery and I have been steadily loosing weight and that is the main aim to keep the scales/inches going down (but it doesn't matter by how much).....

    Measure yourself when you weigh in and you may be pleasently surprised at the inches you loose but the scale may not show as much and then the next time the scales move and your inches are slow...

    it's all a mystery but it works for me ...

    I decided in the beginning I would not sabbotage myself with self doubt so I only weigh and measure myself at doctors appointments and this seems to keep me on track.....

    Best of luck you are doing great


    PS I had my third fill yesterday 8 weeks post op and I believe I have hit my sweet spot I don't feel interested in food at all today just a small amount and I am done .... I didn't think I would get there either but I have so don't rush it, it will happen at the pace your body decides it want's to move at

    Good luck:welldoneclap:

  13. Hi Linny,

    Argh life is so busy no time to myself but here I am tonight ......I only just got back from Melbourne and I thought I had would post an update ...I'M SO EXCITED....... I went for my third fill today down another 3.6kg in 2 weeks.... If I can keep this up I will be very happy but I do expect to hit a wall sooner or later and I am prepared for that time when or IF it comes...Take care


  14. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I dont feel like i've made it out of the blocks yet....maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel:blush:

    Hey girl one month in and 7.6kg down your doing great keep up the great work :thumbup:


  15. Hi All,

    Just a quick update.... I had my second fill November 13th lost 2.9KG that makes 19.9kg all up (I think thats about 44lbs) I'm feeling good and Doc's happy with my progress so far I think I am close to being at my sweet spot I'm not hungry between meals although I can still eat whatever foods I like nothing seems to get stuck or disagree with me so far..... but I CHEW CHEW CHEW ! until there is nothing left to swallow but mush.... I'm Going back for another doctors visit on the 30th November and I hope that see's another couple of kilo's gone...wish me luck and keep up the great work everyone you are all doing so well :thumbup:


  16. Hi Everyone,

    I havn't been on for a while and noticed you are talking about the dreaded scales and little or no movement southward ! (As you may have read in my earlier posts I have committed to not weighing myself between doctors visits so I don't sabotage myself with bad thoughts and return to old habbits, next Doctors visit is next Friday and I am busting to know how much I have lost !) ......anyway I have a suggestion that might work for you as it has for me in the past and I am doing it again now .....measure yourself Neck, Waist and Hips then each week when you weigh yourself measure as well and you will be pleasently surprised even when the scales don't move the measurments do !

    Keep up the good work it is a long and winding road with long uphill battles and then the downhill run with the breeze in your face and the sunshine on your back.......it will all be worth it in the end it's going to take some time so keep positive.

    :youcandothis:Everyone on what you have achieved so far

    Dewberry :thumbup:

  17. Hi,

    I had my first post op visit yesterday 1 month to the day after surgery and had my first fill 1ml that makes 4ml in total.

    It has done wonders for my appetite today only eaten and an apple and a very small peice of fish and feel like iv'e eaten the side of a cow loll.


  18. Hi All September Bandits

    Update - I went to my first Doctors visit yesterday and I have lost 10kg post op in 4 weeks OMG that is awsome... I had my first fill the Doc had a bit of trouble finding my port he had 4 goes at jabbing me and couln't find it, so had to go to have an xray (belly is still swollen from the surgery......) X marked the spot for him to go in it didn't hurt at all ......the 1 ml fill has done wonders for my appetite today I have only had an apple at work today which took me about 2 hours to eat and a small peice of fish for tea tonight and I feel like iv'e eaten the side of a cow LOLL that's got to be a first......


    P.S Everyone keep up with the great work, and thankyou for sharing your journey :(

  19. Hi Shmack,

    I too was excited when I realised I was not alone ..... It's nice to know we are not isolated down under and we can meet people from near and far right here in our lounge rooms, that are going through the same experiences as us ..... good luck with your journey

    keep me posted with your progress we are at the same starting weight it would be good to compare notes and keep each other motivated on this fantastic journey we have begun.


  20. HI DaniRea,

    I made a pact with myself not to weigh myself between doctors visits as I believe your weight fluctuates too much and you can loose cm's and not kg's.....I had surgery 3 weeks ago and my clothes are a getting looser by the week so if that is any indication I reckon I am doing well...... I have my first doctors visit next Tuesday wish me luck :crying: .... I reckon I am down between 10-15kg so far but I don't expect that that I will keep on loosing like this forever just that I like you have a lot to loose so it should come off in the begining.... good luck and keep us posted on your journey

    Dewberry :thumbup:

    P.S I have walked everyday since my surgery steadily increasing, I am now up to 2km ......I know it's not a marathon but for someone who was actually born allergic to exercise (loll) I reckon I am doing okay:tongue2:

  21. Hi Jackie,

    I like you have struggled with my weight for many many years and it was a decision that was made after many questions and research and I do feel it was the best choice for me.

    I'm not sure what your surgeon does but mine is very big on educating you. Before you can make an appointment to see him you must attend an information session where they tell you all about the surgery show you the band etc and have people that have had the surgery speak and you can ask questions. They also have followup after surgery he wants you to commit to seeing him monthly for the first year after surgery and then he arranges what he thinks is best for you but he likes to see you at the very least every six months and this is a commitment for the rest of your life.

    I believe this is a great way for surgeons to help us their clients to get the best from our bands by way of being able to monitor how we are coping with our new way of life and being able to address problems if and when they arrise.

    Prof Paul O'Brien is my surgeon he has written a book that he gives out at his information sessions called The Lapband solution A patnership for weightloss He calles it your bible and requests you read and re read it time and time again it is a easy read and answers a lot of questions he also has a website www.lapbandaustralia.com

    I hope this is of some help best of luck with whatever decision you make.


  22. Sexy Septembers' Band List

    Soco 9/01/09

    Amandakrangel 9/1/09

    Coloradomom (Gen) 9/1/09

    ms_Hart37 9/1/09

    mosean6278 09/01/09

    katklaws 09/01/09

    SmilinShel (Michelle) 09/01/09

    Comet321 (Chris) 9/1/09

    ivy76 9/02/09

    $occer mom 9/3/09

    agnaus (Terri) 9/3/09

    Jmtmb (JoLynne ) 9/4/09


    Cortney75 (Cortney) 9/4/09

    tzn (Karena) 9/8/09

    mrsyellis (yohontas)9/08/09

    juststarting 9/8/09

    Jules 09/09/09

    Soldiersgem(ginna) 9/9/09

    pr8453(Pam) 9/9/09

    bradybrat 09/09/09

    Ready4a2ndchance 9/09/09

    travel (Anita) 09/09/09

    kittkat2009 09/10/09

    Hmarko (helen) 9/11/09

    stardustic 9/11/09

    BrentinLA 9/14/09

    Queen Bee 9/14/09

    amwash23 9/14/09

    romain123 9/14/09

    Nawlinzlady (Dee) 9/15/09

    Anni80 (annie) 9/15/09

    Lula 9/15/09

    smallerj (jes) 9/16/09

    Boo Cakes 9/16/09

    Hardygostlin (Jody) 9/17/09

    Loveslady(Tawonda) 9/17/09

    Gatorgirl1024 (Shelley) 9/17/09

    MishiB (Michelle) 9/17/09

    Kimberlyann2009 (Kimberly) 9/17/09

    Sharie3 9/21/09

    Italia2020 (Mia) 09/21/09

    Ariane (Ariane) 09/21/09

    Jenna1979 (Jennifer) 09/22/09

    Dgaratoni (Donna) 09/22/09

    Pookiemp 9/23/2009

    leigna 09/24/09

    Kelly~v 09/24/09

    Dewberry (Sandra) 09/27/09

    Chickychoo (Jill) 09/28/09

    Kinzie 09/28/09

    Soexcited 9/30/09

    ShrinkingV (Vickie) 9/30/09

    Katlynn (Kat) 9/30/09

    JUST ADDED MY NAME :thumbup:


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