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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by waynooo

  1. Hello All,

    I am booked in for a gastric band operation at the Runnymede Hospital, Surrey on 2nd February.

    I have been given a pre op diet to follow, however I have noticed that many people drink Protein shakes before they have the surgery, what is the best diet to follow?

    Any advice and help would be much appreciated.


    The best diet to follow is the one your Doctor recommended.

  2. Doing well, 62lbs total. I have stalled out pretty good. I understand why and am working on it. Been hitting the gym pretty regular and pretty hard. I enjoy being me! My wife asked last night what happened to her husband. I told her, he got fat, I am giving you back the guy you married! Good to hear from you all and look forward to hearing from the rest. Rock On, Waynooo

  3. Another on board. Benn banded since April 2010, going good. Weight loss is what you put in to it, if you work hard and exercise regularly the pounds will come off. The thing that I hate the most is when I cook a nice meal for the family and get 3 bites down and get stuck! Ughh, that sucks, I have learned to just push the plate away and be done with it. Good luck guys, it's a piece of cake.

  4. I'm sorry. I am cracking up right now... of all the posts on this forum this one came out of left field big time!!!

    We used to enjoy a wonderful hookah in college... made out of an ocean spray cran-grape bottle with 4 hoses for all of us to share... and we weren't smoking flavored tobacco!!! In fact, my college hookah probably led to munchies that caused at least a 50 lb weight gain! LOL

    Oh, memories!!! lol


    We had a different word for it, I think it was a BONG. A Hookah was some one who stood on the corner tryin to make a dolla.


  5. I was in need of some encouragement this morning so I found a pic I had taken several years ago that I actually thought looked. Then I had my wife take a pic this A.M. at about the same angle. Man did I get the encouragement I was looking for! What I journey it has been so far. I am half way there! Take a look at what I saw this morning!

    The first pic is the one I thought looked good, followed by this mornings picture.



    I have to laugh at the old me. Or maybe its the newish me that makes me giddy. Not sure but what the heck I am loving it!:cursing::blushing::smile::couch2::smile::smile2:

  6. I'm a terrible slimer... It's rare that i eat a meal where i don't start sliming and have to get rid of something. For me PB'ing is basically spitting the slime and i just like Btreiger, kind of push from my abs and squeeze my throat and up comes more slime and often some of what i just ate. My band isn't that full, although I don't know how full it is, i've only had 2 fills. But i think i take too big of bites and i'm tired of living in uncomfort because of it, so i have to get better and stop this bad behavior. If i just keep spitting slime and not swallowing it helps relieve the fullness. :cursing:

    Thats what I have been doing. Just slime no food. Maybe I am doing it right.

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