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About WulfGurl

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/04/1978
  1. Happy 35th Birthday WulfGurl!

  2. Happy 34th Birthday WulfGurl!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary WulfGurl!

  4. WulfGurl

    Getting back on the wagon

    I have been on here since October last year. After my last post my grandmother died in front of me, then two weeks later her brother died, my favorite uncle. I didn't do well with any of those deaths. I didn't get back into over eating because the band doesn't allow you to do that but I stopped working out and not paying attention to what I was eating. Surprisingly I still have lost some weight. I'm down a total of 34 pounds and I know I could be farther along, I haven't had a fill since November because they keep canceling my appointment, that's getting rather frustrating. I still feel good about my decision and I have started getting back to where I was before I had those tragedies. People say it looks like I've lost more than the 34 pounds but I haven't. I had surgery in August of last year but I'm getting back on the wagon. I have re-enrolled in my aerobics class and have picked back up on walking each day.
  5. WulfGurl

    Getting back on the wagon

    I have been on here since October last year. After my last post my grandmother died in front of me, then two weeks later her brother died, my favorite uncle. I didn't do well with any of those deaths. I didn't get back into over eating because the band doesn't allow you to do that but I stopped working out and not paying attention to what I was eating. Surprisingly I still have lost some weight. I'm down a total of 34 pounds and I know I could be farther along, I haven't had a fill since November because they keep canceling my appointment, that's getting rather frustrating. I still feel good about my decision and I have started getting back to where I was before I had those tragedies. People say it looks like I've lost more than the 34 pounds but I haven't. I had surgery in August of last year but I'm getting back on the wagon. I have re-enrolled in my aerobics class and have picked back up on walking each day.
  6. When I had the surgery I wasn't thinking of results immediately. I figured slow and steady was the way to go. Today makes 2 months post surgery and I am down 23 pounds! I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time. My work clothes are really starting to bag on me and I may have to go shopping soon but I don't want to. I want to wait as long as possible before going shopping. I had a little bit of a problem after my first fill but I seem to be doing a little bit better. Its a work in progress, really getting used to what my body will take and what it won't take. The only problem I am having is getting my liquids in. Before the surgery I would drink water all day long, now it takes me a full day just to get down 16 oz. I know that's not enough liquids but I don't know what else I could do to get liquids in.
  7. WulfGurl

    Clothes beginning to fit differently.....

    When I had the surgery I wasn't thinking of results immediately. I figured slow and steady was the way to go. Today makes 2 months post surgery and I am down 23 pounds! I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time. My work clothes are really starting to bag on me and I may have to go shopping soon but I don't want to. I want to wait as long as possible before going shopping. I had a little bit of a problem after my first fill but I seem to be doing a little bit better. Its a work in progress, really getting used to what my body will take and what it won't take. The only problem I am having is getting my liquids in. Before the surgery I would drink water all day long, now it takes me a full day just to get down 16 oz. I know that's not enough liquids but I don't know what else I could do to get liquids in.
  8. WulfGurl

    One week later.....

    I didn't eat much over the rest of the week or on the weekend. Monday I ate and actually felt fine and didn't experience any pain, same thing yesterday but today I guess I ate too fast, maybe that's what my problem is. Working in the ER, I'm so use to just inhaling my food, lol. Thanks for the support and good words.
  9. WulfGurl

    One week later.....

    Its been one week since my first fill and I can't seem to get things right. I was fine on Thursday and Friday last week, even the weekend was fine. I came to work on Monday and wham, I ate lunch and the most horrible pain ever, it was so bad that all I could do was go home and lay down, same thing on Tuesday. Yesterday I didn't eat a lot of solids and was fine. Today tried soft food and it was ok but I get this pain either in my back or under my left breast. I work in the ER and went and spoke to one of the Nurse Pracs and she said that it might just be air. I'm eating less than what I was before I had the fill. I don't know what to do and it kind of makes me a little nervous. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
  10. WulfGurl

    One week later.....

    Its been one week since my first fill and I can't seem to get things right. I was fine on Thursday and Friday last week, even the weekend was fine. I came to work on Monday and wham, I ate lunch and the most horrible pain ever, it was so bad that all I could do was go home and lay down, same thing on Tuesday. Yesterday I didn't eat a lot of solids and was fine. Today tried soft food and it was ok but I get this pain either in my back or under my left breast. I work in the ER and went and spoke to one of the Nurse Pracs and she said that it might just be air. I'm eating less than what I was before I had the fill. I don't know what to do and it kind of makes me a little nervous. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
  11. WulfGurl

    Into the 160's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am new to this site and reading your story lets me know that its all worth it. I am newly banded so I have just begun my journey but I know that it will be a fabulous one. High/Surgery/Current/Goal 375/ 350 / 335 / 195
  12. WulfGurl

    Wrong choice

    Don't stop your journey before it begins. I just had mine in August and trust me you will begin to see the difference. For me it took for them to release me to begin working out. Don't give up hope yet, it may take a few fills to get to the right spot. Keep your head up and know that it will pay off in the long run.
  13. WulfGurl

    First fill oct 29th

    I just had my first fill today of 4 cc's. I've been doing liquids for most of the day and I feel fine. I do have a little discomfort but was told that was normal. Keep up the good work!
  14. WulfGurl

    Ok, now I'm getting frustrated.

    Have you looked at other protein shakes? I actually use the Whey Protein powder and mix my own shakes. I add bananas, peanut butter, cocoa powder and other things to it. I try to stay away from the scale, I would look at how your clothes fit first before trying to get on the scale.
  15. WulfGurl

    First Fill

    Today was my first fill and I feel fine. I've been sucking down liquids but I think that I could eat something if I really wanted to as long as it wasn't something heavy. Although I have talked to a number of people who have had the procedure, what I have found is that not everyones body is the same. What I can do or tolerate, someone else may not be able to do or tolerate. So far, I am very happy with the decision I have made and I feel like I can reach my target goal or get close to it.

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