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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Msmisse83

  1. Thanks for that. Yeah, my doctor said that its not normal for the tubing to become disconnected so soon, if at all. I'm just so frustrated because it took so long to find out what was wrong. I hope getting the replacement will be a better experience for me. Thanks again!
  2. I just found out yesterday that I need to have my port & band tubing replaced because they are not connected; is this normal?? Does it happen often?? I am really upset but relieved about this news because I have been having problems with my band every since I had my surgery; it took 7 months to figure this out! I am considering seeking legal counsel regarding this matter because it looks as though the tubing was never connected to the port. I won't know for sure until I have it replaced (whether or not it was ever connected) but I'm looking for some kind of reassurance that I am not the ONLY person this has happened to. HELP!
  3. Msmisse83

    I HATE my surgeons office.

    OMG I feel for you! I had the same experience with my surgery facility in Beverly Hills!! I hated them SOOO MUCH I had to switch doctors. The transition to my new doctor was pretty easy. I say you find a new Dr. ASAP; it makes all the difference in the world! Good luck! )
  4. Msmisse83


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