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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by emmysgranny

  1. This is my first time posting, but good to hear of your success. I got my band in 2005..got really sick and ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks struggling to stay alive. I was never really able to experience the lap band process as they could never fill mine without me getting deathly ill. It has now eroded and embedded into my stomach and I'm having it removed Wednesday Oct. 7, 2009. I'm scared to death, I know because this whole experience has been a nightmare for me....after not losing any weight, ironically, in the last week I have lost 9 pounds from not being able to keep anything down. Anyone out there that has had the removal process due to erosion, I would love to hear your experience with the surgery. This is only the SECOND surgery I have EVER had and I'm 56 years old. Needless to say, again, I'm scared..... Again, good luck to you all and please say a little prayer for me.:)

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