I am just over 3 months post-band and have successfully lost right at 39 lbs since my surgery. I have had no fills and since starting solids, have been able to eat as much as I was able to before the surgery. At my last few appointments I brought this up with my doctor and he thinks that as long as I am losing weight there is no need for a fill. Now don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that I have been able to eat with no problems and lose weight! I guess I'm just worried that I will stretch out my pouch or stop losing, due to being able to eat as much as I have been. I've tried cutting my portions down, and still feel extremely hungry. This last month has been real slow for me as I have only lost about 3 lbs and will see my doctor again next Monday, 10-12-09. I'm wondering if it is now time for a fill or if he still wants to wait and see how I do without a fill. I've been continuing to exercise regulary and count my calories, it's just the amount I'm able to eat really surprises me.
Any weight loss makes me happy and keeps me motivated! :thumbup: