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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rdarby

  1. Hello everyone I am getting very discourage with this process, I guess I shouldn't say with the process it's more like I want to really hurt my PCP, getting the necessary information from her is like asking her money or something, not only did I have to pay $35.00 for my ltr of medical necessity and wait 7 days to get the ltr, now the people at True Results are having a hard time getting her to fax over my medical records, not only that my psych appt was for next friday (12/4), now I have to postpone that until 12/11 because I have to have surgery on my achilles on 12/03 and the Psych Dr doesn't think I'll be in a good enough mood to come in on the 4th to complete my eval. I am just ready mentally to really start this new chapter in my life and I keep hitting road block. I guess I am just tired of waiting....:ohmy:
  2. Hi I haven't been on the board for a couple of days, but my insurance doesn't require a supervised diet, I'm just having a hard time getting my Dr's to send over my medical records which is the last thing I need from them. I have my psch visit next saturday, it was supposed to be this friday but I have to have surgery tomorrow on my Achilles tendon on my right foot, so the Dr rescheduled the appt.
  3. Hi stl2atl07 I can't wait to be a banded women:rolleyes2:, I have changed my way of thinking and eating and I feel mentally ready for this, that really stinks that you have to wait until January 14th :frown:, but the way these days have been flying by it will be here in know time. :wink: teburgess wow you've really been on the right track:thumbup: and it's to bad that you have to start at the beginning again, but it's all going to be worth it in the end. I sometime have a problem with patience but since I'm having surgery on my right foot next week I'm hoping for a surgery date for my the end of dec or beginning of Jan. Good luck to all of us!!! our day is coming....:thumbup:
  4. Good Morning Ladies and Happy Thanksgiving I appreicate your comments and I do realize it's a slow process but I thinks that I'm mostly frustrated with my PCP because she agreed with me that the Lapband would be perfect for me, but yet and still she's not getting the paperwork back to True Results in a timely matter. Yes moviestartaal I do live in Forest Park, is Dr. Hart doing your surgery?
  5. Hi Stl2atl07 I'm sorry it took me so long to respond, I still kind of new to this site and I didn't know i even had messages, bu anyway I moved here in 96 from New Britain, CT and I to have gained about 100lbs since i have gotten here, my husband is not on board with me having this surgery, but like i told him this has to do with me and my health so i wasn't asking permission to do it I was just telling him what i was up to. I haven't gotten my band yet I just went to the nutritionist on friday and go to the psyc visit next friday, so I'm hoping after that they will submit my paper work.

  6. rdarby

    Stoked in Georgia!

    I went to my PCP to get my ltr of med nec even though she encourged me and said that would be a great choice for me, but she charged me $35.00 for the ltr plus a $15.00 copy for the visit that day, then it took her 7 days to get the ltr to me. I had to exactly go to her office and demand my ltr :tongue2: I was so ticked off, I will be changing Dr's she charges for everything I can't afford her even with insurance.
  7. rdarby

    Stoked in Georgia!

    Welcome!! Wow you got your approval without doing your pre test first?? that great , I have to go through all of my pre test first before my Dr. will even send it in because the tests are a requirement. I didn't know they did the band at Southern Regional wow that is so close to me, I'm in Forest Park but I'm having my surgery at Perimeter surgery center with Dr. Hart thru True Results hopefully sometime in Dec.:tongue2: Good luck to us all, I can't wait to start the new year working on the new me:thumbup:.
  8. Hello tedwa3 I just was wondering how everything went with your surgery???

  9. Hi stl2atl07 thanks for requesting me to be your friend, I understand your fraustrations with being over weight, my weight has really gotten out of hand since I moved here to GA, and I can't seen to get a handle on it. I can't wait until I get my date for my band I am so ready mentally. Have you rec'd your band yet?? Keep in touch..

  10. Congrat junbug178 you have been through enough to get to this point good luck on your surgery next week. Let is know how it went for you.
  11. rdarby

    New from Georgia

    Well good luck to you Dawn, I wish my surgery was one week away I still have my psych and nutrition evals to do so I'm hoping with in the next couple of weeks I'll get a surgery date, my ins didn't require me to do a three or six month diet which I'm glad it didn't. Make sure you let us know how your doing after the banding. God Bless.
  12. Hi I just wanted to clear up a few things, I am a medical analyst and the reason that they are saying it's not medical necessary is because you didn't have a physical what they are looking for are other illnesses like High Blood Pressure, Diabeties ect. I don't understand why your Dr did not do this to start with. Have your Dr do a complete physical and submit that info with an appeal and it should be covered. Good Luck,,
  13. I haven't gotten my approval yet I still have to go to the psych and nutrition visits next week, but I have a tentative date for Dec 2009.:wink2:
  14. Hello everyone well today I went to the hospital and had my chest x-ray and upper gi test, the chest x-ray was a breeze but that upper gi test was a little difficult. The test it self was ok but drinking the barium liquid was tough it was so thick and swallowing was a challage, but I made it thorough and I don't have a hernia or any acid reflux. Each time I complete an appointment I get more excited cause it gets me closer to my Ins approval and a surgery date. Everyone have a safe and blessed day.
  15. rdarby

    New from Georgia

    I'm having mine done with Dr. Hart at Perimeter. And I can't wait until that day comes :laugh:
  16. rdarby

    New from Georgia

    Hi tarajim I'm sorry to hear that your girlfriend is not being the support that you need, I am in the same boat with my husband he TOLD me that I was not getting the surgery:cool:, so he doesn't even know that I have started the process. You have to keep in mind that this is for YOU to better your life and your health it's not about your girlfriends insecurities.... it sounds to me that she's afraid of you being smaller for some reason. I think it's great that your employer is willing to pay for this surgery for you, this is a great opportunity for you and I hope that everything works out for you. But just remember this is about your life and health. Good Luck..:blushing:
  17. rdarby

    The verdict is in.....

    Well at least you did your research and didn't out and out give up on the idea of having the surgery, I am not a self pay but I can imagine the cost. Good luck to you with the WW and there are groups on yahoo groups that deal with WW that might be a little more positive. Take care.
  18. rdarby

    The Pretty Face

    Oh how I understand not wanting to take pictures, everytime I see someone with a camera I want to run :frown:. I am in the testing mode right now waiting for approval from insurance and going through all of the eval and everything :huh2:. How I would love to take pictures with my three granddaughters, but the camera make u look soooo much bigger then you are and that really does not help your self esteem. I have to deal with my daughters Mother in Law at every birthday party and her damn camera :cursing: even though I tell her that I don't want to be in any of the pictures I seem to end up in a few and then she post the pictures on her family website for everyone to see :drool:. So I try to stay away from her so I don't have to make her eat that camera :scared2: and keep the piece in the family. I looking at a Dec surgery date as well and I can't wait. Keep your head up it's going to get sooo much better. "God Bless". Rose
  19. Hello everyone this is my first time posting to this site. I had my initial evaluation today and I must say I'm not feeling as scared as I was prior to. My schedule surgery date is early Dec pending ins approval at the Perimeter center in Ga with Dr Hart:thumbup:, not really worried about the approval I have BC/BS and my co-worker just got banded about three weeks ago. I just have to go through all of the required tests and things, but I am so excited about getting it done, I have been waffling around with the idea for sometime now and I thought I better go ahead and get it done just in case my employer changes insurances next yr and it wouldn't be covered then I would really be upset. So I will be a constant poster on this board so that I can stay encourged. Everyone have a blessed and safe day...
  20. Oh ok I have BC/BS PPO and they don't require the six months thing, I just have to put in writing what I have done in the last 5 yrs to try to lose weight.And get the ltr of Med Necessity from my primary Dr.
  21. Good Morning Everyone :thumbup: thank you Plain and marmotsgrl for responding to my post, I know there will probably be lots of red tape but so far the only problem I have encountered so far is that my PCP is charging me $30.00 just to write a ltr of med necessity :sneaky:, and when I talked to her about getting the LAP-BAND® she thought it would be great for me:confused:, but after I get the ltr I'm changing Dr's anyway. But wow marmotsgrl you have to wait till March?? what kind of weight loss program are you on?? and is it required from BC/BS that you do this?

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