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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by msrojacks

  1. I agree with alot with what Michelle says!!!

    My dad also owns a small oil company. I am the office manager who oversees the health Coverage, taxes, etc.

    I pay 118 a week, as I mentioned before for my Blue cross. I also pay an extra 6 a week for afflec. There are 11 employees. 3 of them opted to Not pay for their health coverage. 2 of those 3 get health insurance from the state. The 1 person who has no coverage is My boyfriend, age 38.

    My point isnt that. Its the fact that If the 8 employees who have health coverage now decided to make the switch, the rates would go up for the people who want to continue paying for them self. We get Group deals. The more that buy into it, the cheaper it is.

    Think of it in another way. Some companies Use Health care as an incentive to work at their company. It allows each tax breaks. So Small businesses (even big) will have to pay more in wages if they lose this incentive. Most businesses are struggling and simply cant afford raises. In both of my jobs, like Im assuming for many here, no raises have been given in a long time. I think my last raise was in 06. Yes it angers me, But I know that I cant have one because the company will go bankrupt. Personally to me, Id rather make less, then nothing at all.

    When will the handouts, the bail outs end?

    People will be fined if they do not get coverage. What next? The governement is now making it not a choice. In lets say 10 years, Will the governement force us to all get cable?

    Is it fair to people who simply dont want health coverage due to religious views. Many people still go to Witch doctors/ herbal remedies, etc due to their culture. I dont think its fair to make them lose their right to choose.

    I know Ill be called naive by Cleo (since she used that word alot for oppossing responses) But I just think that health care isnt the the responsiblity of the governement.

    In stead of debating though, perhaps we can come up with Ideas.

    Better Clinics? Tax credits for prescriptions, Change Hippa laws alittle. Allow a DR office to tell results over the phone so I dont have to take time out of work, and pay my 20 copay.

    If health care has to goes thru, I would love to see only children and people over the age of 65, or people with Cancer/other life threating disease/accidents be able to use it. People ages 20-60 should be able to live a healthy lifestyle and pay for what ever kind of insurance they want, if they want to.

  2. So the Health Coverage Industry doesnt have the right anymore to charge what they want? When did our country change, and we are not allowed to charge what they want. What next The cable company can not charge over 100 dollors for Cable, and the cell phone companies can not charge over 100 for plans? Interesting fact, more people pay for cable then they do Health insurance.

    What about Car insurance. My insurance for my 2007 Ford with a clean drivers record is $167.00 a month? Should I let you pay for it since you want to take care of me so badly now. Can you pay my cable, College Bills, Cell phone, Mortage too? I dont want to pay for them anymore, but I know I am entitled to them, I mean look even Obama went to College for free!

  3. Its sad that Because I am a republican, Who is an atheist, Who is against the Health Care Reform, that I am labeled either a racist or someone who wants Obama to Fail! I do not think this a sincere way of proving your point! Perhaps I will respect the opinions of democrats when they can not resort to "name-calling" and labeling.

    To prove an example, There is a majority of younger people are mostly Democrates. The MTV generation if you will. Many of them do not own houses, Play video games all day, text while driving, and have their parents pay for the education. They vote for the Cooler choice. Should we be concerned that they are the ones Voting when they do not even know what a tax bill for a house looks like?

    I was using that as an example. I know that all Democrates are not like that, so please stop labeling all republicans.

  4. I had my gallbladder out the week before my lap band surgery. (so Its been 3 weeks for me gallbladder free)to be honest that surgery was worse, I dont know why. Usually for most its not.

    My dr knew for months too. I was mad. Why did they wait till last mmin and have it out the week before my band. It was too much, but I did it

  5. You guys just gave me th motivation to call a nutrionalist :)

    I just had my band done a week ago, happy 1 week anniversary. I cant weigh myself because the scale doesnt go past 330. When I was at the hospital last week, I weighed 340.

    I was told to have for the first 1 clear liquids, then the second week to have purreed food, then the 3rd week, thicker pureed food. Then one month solids.

    So I agree with the orignal poster, why is everyone getting different answers? I Also read 2 books, and they agreed with what my drs office said.

    The original nutrionalist I saw works with my DR, so I think I may call a few other places today to see my options. My calorie intake is about 400-500 a day with about 30-40 grams of protien. Like yesturday My diet consisted of

    1 can chicken broth, low sodium

    2 slimfast high Proteins

    2 crystal lights

    and about 5 glasses of Water. Mind you this is coming from the menu the hospital sent me home with.

    I want to start mashed potatoes, but I actaully havent had hunger pains yet.

  6. I had my band last week, and was going to pop into my office tomorow to get some work done. Well, one of the gossipy co workers hinted I had to stay home because I will be getting a delivery. They all know I despise flowers, so I know It wont be a bouquet of roses.

    Only 2 people there know I had the surgery. I doubt they adviced them on not getting me a food gift. The ones who probably decided to get me a get well gift probably decided on an edible arrangment, or a canned ham basket. Im scared to see this delivery man tomorow. Maybe it will be a singing gram, oh please be a gorilla dancing to a catchy toon!

    How do you cope with getting food as a gift. Especially with xmas coming, should I hint Im on a diet.They will probably sa, you can cheat just this once.

    My mom, dad and sister know, but my fiancees family doesnt, nor a few others. I keep telling them, please save your money, I really dont want any gifts (small lie :thumbup:)

    I was always a heavy person, so people always figured giving me candy, gift certificates to resturants were always a Winner! Not anymore.

    any advice. and what should I do with th candy that I bet is coming tomorow. That will be too much on me.

    Should I lie to my co-workers or give them a white lie, like Im on a strict diet and can not cheat

  7. I think its funny how a thread about HI on a medical forum is showing in the poll that people are against it.

    I think that people will assume in the future that if the HI passes, Everything will be Free.

    I know when I purchased HI, I too assumed things would be free!

    What is sad, is having HI doesnt mean I get the BEST care, and have to pay no money. Many of us on here should know that. My surgery cost me well over a grand when you take out my 1000 deductable, countless office visit copays, time out of work, cpap machine, etc

    Another thing to consider, My fiancee doesnt have insurance. We both had to go to a walk in clinic over the summer on a sunday because we were really sick with the flu. My cost was 50 (copay) his you ask, 80. We left and went to get our presciptions. I was worried that his would be alot. Mine cost me 10, his 23. He got lucky there!

    He has a doctor, and gets his physical. His cost 100.00

    So 100.00 for a physical is unheard of? I pay 20. I also pay 118 each week for insurance, when he pockets that money!

    People should invest there money in their own wellness, rather fancy cars, and big screen tvs

    When people are terminally ill, is money really an issue? More and more hospital debt is written off each day.

    I think that many will assume that if they are given this universal coverage, they will no longer have to pay a red cent on an asprin, while there paying more in taxes for this program.

    I compared HI to Weight Watchers. WW is a great program, that should be free, but its not. Its an industry like HI. I went there a few years ago, and had to shell out the money to enroll, then the money each week to stay a member. Many benifit from WW (or any ww program) but it comes at a cost!

    Also consider now the waiting time to be seen at a doctors office! When I mentioned earlier that Me and my fiancee went to a walkin emergency room, I didnt get seen Faster because I have health care, He didnt get seen slower because he didnt. Both our wait time was equal 2 hours! Now if people have free care, who is to stop them from going to a walkin clinic for non serious matters.

    My last sentence (promise) is that I think the media is making it look like We are the streets of calcutta, and people are dying along the river banks. Swine flu is all over the news, obesity is being targeted as a killer. I think we should open the obituries up and look at the ages, and people dying more closely instead of being afraid all the time

  8. Your pay almost $6200 a year for health care and don't mind. That's fine. You must be well paid and your employer must not be one of those who offers paid or affordable healthcare as an incentive because I don't know too many 27 year olds who would jump at a chance to pay that much for health insurance unless the pay check was equally high. Especially those employees who are married and have children.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "if it passes some people would not need healthcare and the ones who can't have it will have to pay more". Other than the dead, who doesn't need healthcare? And if you "can't have healthcare" why would you be paying more?:thumbup:

    It will be funded by a tax on the super rich ($500,000+ per year) or the cadillac health care plans. Plus eliminating the fraud and waste in Medicare. It will not add to the deficit.


    No, your jumping to conclusions. I am 27, I work a full time job where I get paid 13 an hour and a part time job making 8 while going to 2 colleges. So please don't assume because I invest money into my health that I am some "fatcat"

    My employer offers free health care, but I would be paid less! I dont want to be given anything that I havent earned. I am at a job where I am worth 13 an hour basically. Why should you pay for my insurance, or my boss (small company might I add) Why can I not be responsable for my health insurance , and have the choice?

  9. Congrats on having the band, I just had mine done a few days ago to.

    How did you get it done so fast? For me, and many people on here there are many tests and dr appointments that are needed.

    A psych evaluation (mine took 2 months to get)

    a gall bladder ultra sound

    a physical

    Insurance approval took months

    a endoscopy (mine too a few months)

    sleep apnea diagnoses

    Initial visit

    Nutrionalist visits

    Plus your suppose to go on a pre op diet for 2 months prior to shrink the liver ( i honesty did it, but struggeled)

    Mine was 11 months of all of this

    So how were you able to even get seen by a safe surgeon so fast? I only ask because Im a little jealous. Hope your feeling better

  10. Hi Moxi!!!

    I too am a november bander

    I got mine 6 days ago, and you will feel better. You just had surgery!!! I felt yucky, but not horrible. I still get weird pains when I walk, or step down. Im assuming that its the stitches being stretched.

    I had diarrhea, because i was told to take a stool softner, I stopped taking it and feel better! Also what kinda shake are you having, it could have the diarrea causing suger in it

    Feel better, were in this together

  11. I am against it!

    I pay 118.00 each week for Blue cross, and do not mind! I choose to have it. I know health coverage covered my surgery, but I also work very hard to have it!

    health coverage is, for the country, an incenative for many companies. Many times when a company is hiring, they can offer health care as an incentative. If they have many people on the company plan they get lower rates. Its cheaper to do that then pay them higher rates! So if it passes, some people would not need health care, and the ones who cant have it, will have to pay more!

    I also do not want to know how this will be funded if it passes!

  12. Yes, def let me know. I live in foster, and right on the CT line which is about 10 mins from me there is a 24/7 one, where you get a key and can go when ever you want. I was thinking this would be good for me and my BF (he is an alcohlic who is trying to sober up) so at 2 am if he needs to get some exercise instead of drinking, we could go.

    Thought the downfalls, There is no supervision, I would feel unsafe, Though I wouldnt mind privacy when working out. I would also be scared if I had a heart attack on the machine

  13. I would def love to keep in touch with you 2, I live in Foster and I work in Cranston on oaklawn ave, and I work in johnston near plainfield Pike. RI small, were prob 15 mins away from each other!

    I am looking for gyms in the johnston/cranston area. know any good ones?

  14. I miss soda! But its really not that hard to give up.

    I got banded Nov 6 and havent had a drop. I use to drink about 6 diet coke cans a day, maybe more. It was my super comfort food. I usually realied on them for energy. But Im scared that the bubbles will pop the band, silly I know. I use to get Migraines from withdrawal, but I guess my body knows I cant have it, so it hasnt punished me with them!

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