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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by msrojacks

  1. msrojacks

    Do you drink soda?

    I miss soda! But its really not that hard to give up. I got banded Nov 6 and havent had a drop. I use to drink about 6 diet coke cans a day, maybe more. It was my super comfort food. I usually realied on them for energy. But Im scared that the bubbles will pop the band, silly I know. I use to get migraines from withdrawal, but I guess my body knows I cant have it, so it hasnt punished me with them!
  2. msrojacks

    Anyone in RI?

    Wow, my bday is dec 7. The funny thing is I had my band on Nov 7, so on my bday it will be the one month anniversary, and as a BDAY gift I can start normal FOODS!!! what a treat! good luck
  3. msrojacks

    Lap band surgery in RI

    I just had my surgery, sore still I live in RI and DR giovanni did it, She was nice, but I didnt get alot of follow thru. I thought she would have checked on my after the surgery. Her office can be a little disorganized, but they are very nice
  4. msrojacks

    Anyone in RI?

    I know this thread hasnt had much activity in a while, But I am from RI, I just had my band placed 5 days ago. Dr. Giovanni did it at Roger Williams hospital. I am always looking for weight loss friends ANyone one know any good nutrionalist in the johnston area or gyms?
  5. msrojacks

    How many Sugar-Free Popsicles?

    That is a good question. I just got the band 5 days ago and I was having 2 a day. I would have more, but its cold out, and I dont want to put my heat on so I can enjoy anothor:tongue_smilie: What is a good amount to have during the first 2 weeks?
  6. msrojacks

    did you question yourself...

    I just got the band, so Its early for me to say if Its a sucess or if I will fail with it. What is good for people are age, is its always going to be inside us. If we are not ready today, maybe in a few years we can do it. Though I think once you get the surgery, your outlook changes, and you want to suceed. For me I was an eater when I was bored. I truely think I will lose the weight. These boreds are helpful, so look into before you spend the money. In this economy spending money on somethiing that you dont want is scary
  7. IM new to the site, so sorry for the late response I just got banded the other day, and I dont care if people think I am on drugs. I wont tell them I am on the lap band. SOme know some dont. The ones who question my eating, Ill just say Im stressed (which they know is usually true) THough when I was in my early 20s a few years ago, I lost 120 lbs doing atkins very fast! I was anti-social, so when I popped in to see family, They couldnt belive how THIN i got. They all thought I was doing coke. Even my boyfriend thought I was sneaking drugs. I never did drugs in my life. I was hurt that they didnt belive I lost the weight on diet alone. After a while, I just let people think what they wanted
  8. WW you have to remember is also a program that cost money. It itseld is its own entity, and they "compete" with WLS. I too had a 2 similar scenarios a few years ago. I was working alot and always on the run so I signed up for Nutrisystem. I was so excited about being on that program, so I went on some chat rooms on AOL and told them what I was doing. They treated me horribly. True The diet wasnt a true Sucess for me, but they were slamming me before I started. Another time was when I lost 100lbs doing Atkins. Countless people (including the WW Leaders) said that its just a fad and not healthy for me. I loved how I lost that weight, and felt good. I gained it back, but it wasnt due to the diet "not working" I went on medicine, and had a problem with my health, You will notice alot of people who are on different diets/programs then you, will automatically disagree with you. Even I sometimes feel people take the lazy way out, for instance when my cousin had the gastric Bypass 8 years ago when I was losing my weight thru atkins, she after losing the weight had her loose skin surgically removed. At that time I was mad/jealous. But now I understand it was her choice, and this whole journey of losing weight, no matter how you get it done, is not easy
  9. Thank you for the site, it worked for me!!! SInce Im new to this site, its taking me a bit of practice I did find where I could create a signiture, so this will be good!
  10. I got my lap band 5 days ago. I wish I used this board a little more. I could have used some help during the prediet and during the whole ordeal! When I decided back in Jan that I wanted to have this done I weighed about 350. I did all the tests, had a few issues with insurance, but that is all past me now. When I was weighed before the surgery I weighed 340lbs. I cant wait to be weight again to see my progress from this week. I also havent had much problems with the hunger. I am strictly on the clear liquids. Broth, sf jello, water, protein shakes! On my one week anniversary I plan On trying thicker liquids. During my hospital stay, my roommate was also getting the lap band, we are now friends online. I have several books, but think this site is better then the books. I do have alot of stress at home, my fiancee is an alcoholic, so I could use all the support I can get Thank you for listening:smile:
  11. msrojacks

    new from RI -Ct line

    I had my surgery in Providence at Roger Williams Hospital. My dr is out of Johnston RI Thanks for the advice!!!
  12. How do I keep the ticker in my replies all the time? Do I have to paste it everytime???
  13. msrojacks

    Nintendo Wii & Wii fit

    Im new to video games, and exercise, Do you think that th WII is helpful? I was thinking about getting one but I dont want to get it if its not helpful with exercise?
  14. I am a NOVEMBER bander! I was banded 5 days ago! I cant wait for my one week anniversary. I think today was the first day I could feel my port, It was not painful, just different. Im guessing it felt like what it feels like for pregant people to feel the baby kick! Im doing good with the clear liquids, and Im off the pain meds. I have to yell at myself because I keep forgetting to take my vitamins. I cant wait to get near a scale to weigh myself. I know I made progress this week
  15. Tony , i had the gas pain from my gallbladder removal the week before my lap band surgery 2 weeks ago My tricks to get rid of it besides the walking, is heating pad. That was helpfull, plus tap it rapidly with your fingers, if you have something that vibrates, or massages (dont laugh) that should help. Also the pain med helped too
  16. I will be banded on oct 23, the following wee I will have my gallbladder out. It took a long time for this to all happen I initially had united but was declined twice, but I switched to Blue cross and was instantly approved. Now it seems like things are coming at me fast. I also was on a waiting liest for nearly every dr's appointment. There are no support groups near me, and I feel so alone, and overwhelmed with the things I have to do to prep, so I am here. Anyone who had the surgery, what tips do you have for not chickening out?? I understand that for 2 weeks prior to my surgery, I am ot have liquids only, carnation suger free shakes I think is what I wrote down. Is this going to be impossible? What do you do for the hunger pains? What I am kicking my self for is that when I started this jounrey back on new years eve I weighed 330, but with all the stress, insurance denials, panic of the surgery I gained 24lbs. So I started a diet the day I went back to meet my surgen and was not scolded, but told nicely to aoid risks to lose some weight. Which I have been trying. Its not easy but the surgery is a great motivation. My scale doesnt go past 325, so Its hard to know what my weekly progress has been. Anyone in the ri or eastern ct area, up for a a lapband friendship??

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