My surgery was supposed to happen at 8:30 am., but ended up being delayed until 8:30 pm. as my surgeon had an emergency in the morning - which meant I ended up staying in the hospital 2 nights, rather than one, which was expected.
Initially, I experienced three types of pain: an aching in my shoulder that's associated with the procedure which made it a bit difficult to get comfortable to sleep at times, a 'inside' pain due to inflammation around the organs that were disrupted during the procedure, and pain at the wound site which made me acutely conscious that I had to be careful bending over or trying to get out of bed (roll out of bed, bend one knee to pick stuff up). While I was in hospital, the pain was managed very well (the highest I ever scored pain was a 4/10, and that was when I was due to be dosed up) with IV paracetamol and a dissolvable anti-inflammatory called Voltarol. With those in my system, I was actually quite comfortable while resting and only experienced some pain when trying to move around in the bed or reach something. During my medicated periods, I used to self-score the pain at about a 2/10 - aware of some discomfort, but not unable to settle as a result of it.
When I left the hospital, I switched to chewable paracetamol (I couldn't do the dissolvable one) for two days and took the anti-inflammatory for one more day (it was really vile and I couldn't wait to be clear of it), but really haven't needed anything since then.
Since day 4, the only discomfort I have at the wound site - I occasionally have a 'pulling' sensation and it's a bit sore generally, worse when I laugh or sit the wrong way. Nothing that's needed any meds, though. Right now, more than pain, I find myself tired and feeling like a nap in the afternoon - my surgeon said that it can sometimes take 2 - 3 weeks for energy to return to pre-surgery levels.
Sorry to go on, but I thought maybe a bit of detail would be helpful. One thing that has struck me continually as interesting is how I am noticeably more comfortable each day.