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LAP-BAND Patients
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About SpeedyCheeks

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 02/21/1971

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  1. Happy 42nd Birthday Sandy_toes!

  2. Happy 41st Birthday Sandy_toes!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary Sandy_toes!

  4. SpeedyCheeks

    taco rack

    For the low-carbers, you could use this rack to shape some cheese crisps into taco shells :drool5: YUM!
  5. SpeedyCheeks

    I fit my goal pants already...

    WOW!!! You are SO INSPIRING and you are glowing with success!!!
  6. SpeedyCheeks

    F'd by lapband BIGTIME!

    Barb, I'll be praying all goes well and you can get everything done in one op. Sweet dreams during your "nap"!
  7. SpeedyCheeks

    F'd by lapband BIGTIME!

    Wow, there are so many "lap band gone wild" stories that it makes me wonder if they all aren't ticking timebombs waiting to go off. I wish everyone going for their revisions much luck and you will be in my prayers. I went for my post-op follow-up appoinment today and the doc said (because I keep asking) that the absolute soonest he would consider trying a sleeve would be at 2 months out but that's if I get scoped and there is enough stomach tissue to work with; I will be praying ALOT. And if you are feeling like a failure due to the lap band DON'T the band failed us, not the other way around!
  8. SpeedyCheeks

    VSG Failure

    There's a "Struggling Sleevers" area further down the VST front page; it's under "VSG Complications Support Group". Good luck, I hope you find the answers that will help you.
  9. SpeedyCheeks

    7 Months Progress Photos

    Beautiful AND collar bones too! You look like a movie star!
  10. SpeedyCheeks

    The big 1-0-0

    Great job to You and Kansas; may the rest of your weight melt right off in the spring and summer sun!
  11. SpeedyCheeks

    F'd by lapband BIGTIME!

    Monica, congratulations on your revision; happy healing! You say you would have been stuck with the band but I really can't believe there is even 1 person on this planet that will be able to keep their band as a lifelong weight loss tool. Even people with no outward problems/complications suffer extensive stomach, liver, scarring and adhesion damage. I hope the band will be banned soon; I will be telling anyone who will listen about the horrors of the band. I feel so much better now that it is out of my body; I really had no idea just how miserable I had become. Anyway, I'm happy for you and knowing that there are good band to sleeve revisions gives me hope. Gas dissapating prayers goin' out to you! And Thank you to everyone for the "love" that is so freely outpoured; this is just the best, shiniest spot on the whole internet!! Y'all rock!!
  12. SpeedyCheeks

    Looks like No sleeve for me anytime soon

    They should consider your banded time a supervised "diet plan", after all isn't why we got the blasted things!? Twelve years is a long time to have a band; I had mine for 4 yr 7 months and the damage was bad even without a slip. Good luck to you, you'll be in my prayers.
  13. SpeedyCheeks

    F'd by lapband BIGTIME!

    I get teary eyed from all this support, Thank you so much...Becca, I regretted getting the band from the very first time I threw-up which was the 1st day. I was self pay $15,000 and if I'd had any money left to get that evil thing out of me sooner I would have. Luckily, the military picked-up the tab on the removal but it took some time and lots of patience to finally get it done. And LilMiss I have to say the band wasn't effective for me either. I started at 278. Three years and 2 pregnancies later I clawed my way down to 203 but I quickly gained back 43 lbs which leaves me at 246 and scared to death that I'm going to keep on gaining. I was ALWAYS hungry with the band; never could feel satisfied because food couldn't reach my stomach, I always threw up the first part of every meal and only on good days I'd be able to keep the second part down. I hated running to restrooms when we'd go out to eat, I know people had to think I was a fat bulimic! I'm so glad those days are behind me; I'm hoping to be losing like you all someday soon - your loses are so inspirational! Thanks again!
  14. SpeedyCheeks

    F'd by lapband BIGTIME!

    You gals are the best of the best; how can I feel defeated with all of this support?! Patti it sounds like you and I had similar damage; were you told you had permanant scarring? It gives me such hope to know that you were able to get your sleeve after suffering damage. And Tiffykins, I wholeheartedly agree, Dr Michel is worth his weight in gold. I found out that Dr M might get orders to MacDill soon, in about 6 months, so I really want to get my sleeve ASAP if I'm able to get one. I haven't met Dr Riley but I was told that he stood in to assist with my band removal so at least he's familiar with my case. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and I'm putting all my worries in God's hands! Bless you all and Thank you so much!
  15. SpeedyCheeks

    F'd by lapband BIGTIME!

    AutumnLily I'm so glad you were scared of the band; 5 years ago people weren't brave enough to tell the truth about the band. They were probably afraid they were the only one with a problem or they might have been told "It's your own fault" like my band doc told me. He told me I wasn't chewing enough; I asked him "How many times do I need to chew a protein shake?!". I've puked everyday for the last 4 years and 7 months and believe me I want to post advertisements on billboards to get the word out about the band. Congratulations on your success with the sleeve, you are doing fabulous! Thank you so much for your good thoughts and I'll update when I get scoped in 3 months. Until then keep workin' that sleeve!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
