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Everything posted by Sara09
It's been a while since I've posted anything or even really been on here....life has been busy and so much is going on! I just want to say that I've been reading through everyone's blogs this morning and I'm soooo proud of each and every one of you for all of your hard work and dedication! I am coming up on my 1 year mark on Sept. 18th and it's absolutely blown my mind that it has even been a year now. Life really does fly by! My year of being banded has been a good one....I've lost 50 lbs in that year (and although it's going slow) I'm very proud of that accomplishment. Before surgery the thought of losing 50 lbs was exhausting to think about. I feel sooo much better now, and have so much more confidence. I go back October 4th for an (dare I even say it) UNFIL! I'm actually too tight right now and have been since May. My husband and I are taking a cruise in October and I've decided that I want to "enjoy" my cruise. I am going to still watch what I eat and eat a healthy breakfast and lunch....but if I want dessert at dinner, I'm going to have it. lol I'm trying to get off about 10 more lbs before the cruise. Keep up the great work everyone!!!! :tt2:
OMG....here lately I've had the worse "acid taste" in the back of my throat....and it's even woken me up at night and I'll have to get up, eat a few tums and go back to bed. Right now I'm having a really bad fit with it. Is anyone esle suffering? What are you taking or doing that helps?
Well I've been banded now for almost 10 months...WOW has the time gone by fast. I'm down about 43 pounds and even though it's coming off slow...I'm still happy that it's coming off. I go back Thursday for a follow up apt. I had gotten a 1/2 cc fill a little over a month ago which put me at 6.5 cc's. It's tight but I haven't decided if I want him to take it back out or not. I've lost 8 lbs since the fill and was averaging about 5 a month before that. So I may keep it right where it's at for now. I haven't been on this site for quite a while and I've been reading through everyone's blogs...I'm so proud of each of your accomplishments and cheer you on each and every day. Take care everyone and God Bless. :frown:
Why do people feel the need to tell others how they should live their lives?? That really bugs me. YES I knew going into this life changing event that I would have to change my eating habits, start exercising more often and so forth. I don't know about everyone else but if I could have controlled myself around food I would never have had this surgery. So YES...I still eat badly at times, who are you to tell me that I'm a bad person for that? Changing a habit that you've had for so many years isn't as easy as flipping on a light switch. There are days that I do very good and there are days when nothing will go down and I've thrown up a gazillion times and finally just sit down with some ice cream...WHY....because that's the choice I made. I love this web site and I love reading everyones success as well as their struggles because there are so many that I can relate to. I've lost 40lbs and am DAMN proud of that...maybe it hasn't come off as fast as I wanted but it came OFF not ON! So for those of you that want to get on here just to criticize others...maybe think twice before you hit that "post now" button....not all people are as perfect as you. THERE that's my RANT for today!!! Everyone keep up your hard work and go at your own pace...and feel good about your success. :eek:
Keeping my head focused on the REAL goal!!
Sara09 commented on LoseIt!'s blog entry in LoseIt!'s Blog
Good for you....and YES it WILL come off and celebrate for reaching the goal that you've set for yourself. Keep up the great work! -
8 months--- 4 fills --- 40lbs lost --- Zero restriction
Sara09 commented on Gorda123's blog entry in Blog 75657
I have also had 4 fills and have 6.5cc's in my band. I was banded Sept. 09 and have only lost 40 lbs. Don't get discouraged....I've had to learn that too (and still have to tell myself that every time I step on the scale and don't see big numbers)...but what I've learned is that everybody's BODY is different and they are going to lose weight at a different pace. Feel proud of the weight that you have lost...Say Good-bye to it because your not going to see it ever again! Keep up the hard work and it Will pay off in the long run! Oh and BTW...men lose weight faster than women so don't let that discourage you. -
Ok so last Thursday I went back to the doctor and got a 1/2cc fill which put me at 6 1/5 cc's total.....WOW, can you say tight!!! I can't hardly eat anything now and am throwing up a lot. I guess I am just going to have to live off of mostly liquids for a while. It takes me forever just to drink a protein shake now. Not to mention that I can't even chug my water. But I am going to live with it for now...although it's very frustrating at times because I would like to be able to eat some solid foods. I told my husband that I was definitely going to miss eating hamburgers on the grill this summer and I definitely miss eating a good ol'e Steak...sometimes I wish I didn't have the band because I miss so many foods, but then I realize that those foods are the reason I am banded. If I had had any self control in the first place then maybe I wouldn't be in this situation right now. Don't get me wrong...I am thankful for my band and am happy about the 38 lbs that I've lost so far...but no one ever said that this was going to be easy. Take care my fellow bandsters...I will check in with you all later. God Bless and Good luck to you all.
only 4.9 lbs until I reach my original goal!
Sara09 commented on tonya66's blog entry in Sunshine2's (Tonya's) Journal
Hooray for you!! What an awesome accomplishment. I know you will reach both of your goals. Congrats on all of your hard work and success. -
Well I had my 4th fill this past Thursday and my doctor gave me a 1/2 cc which puts me now at 6.5cc's....Could this finally be my sweet spot?? I couldn't hardly eat anything Saturday and Sunday and threw up a lot....but I'm hoping that it get's better. I would really like this to be my "sweet spot". I've never had that feeling of "fullness"..but rather just felt that my food was stuck in my throat and wouldn't go down...and more often than none I'd have to throw it back up. My weight loss has been slow so I'm really hoping that now I can progress a little faster. We shall see....I'm a few pounds away from being under 200....WOW...I haven't seen a 1 in front of the scales in a LONG time....and can't wait for that day. I'm not dreading trying on clothes as much as I used to. :smile:
It seems like you know what you have to do to get back on track and you will do fine! Good luck!
I have also been maintaining the same weight for a month and a half and have been exercising and drinking a lot more water. It's frustrating isn't it. I looked into the 5 day pouch test and I think that sounds like a plan. Good luck to you!
Hi there! I was banded Sept. 09 and I've kind of hit a plateau myself...I've lost 33 lbs and it's coming off very slow! I get so discouraged when I read other peoples blogs about them being banded around the same time as me and yet they've lost twice as much. But I have to realize that everyones "body" is different. I'm happy with what I've lost and have upped my exercise regime so hopefully I'll get out of my plateau soon. Sounds like you are doing awesome....keep up the good work.
How in the world do you accept a friend request on here? I have 2 friend requests and when I go on to the notification screen I can't figure out how to ad them....it's confusing! Can someone help.
How in the world do you accept a friend request on here? I have 2 friend requests and when I go on to the notification screen I can't figure out how to ad them....it's confusing! Can someone help.
So if any of you have been reading my other blogs you'll know that I started the "Couch to 5k" program a week ago and finished up my first week this morning....I'm waiting on it to get easier...but I know it will take some time. I'm still not able to jog all 100% of the program but am still proud of myself for what I am able to do. I like that I can blog about it on here, it kinda puts it into perspective that this whole journey is real and that I'm changing my life (for the better!) I need to stretch better or something because I found myself getting shin splints in my left leg this morning...that will put a damper on things real quick. I kept stretching all along the way but I guess it was too late! Well guys thanks for listening and keep up all of your hard work! Talk to you later! :w00t:
So if any of you have been reading my other blogs you'll know that I started the "Couch to 5k" program a week ago and finished up my first week this morning....I'm waiting on it to get easier...but I know it will take some time. I'm still not able to jog all 100% of the program but am still proud of myself for what I am able to do. I like that I can blog about it on here, it kinda puts it into perspective that this whole journey is real and that I'm changing my life (for the better!) I need to stretch better or something because I found myself getting shin splints in my left leg this morning...that will put a damper on things real quick. I kept stretching all along the way but I guess it was too late! Well guys thanks for listening and keep up all of your hard work! Talk to you later! :tongue_smilie:
So yesterday morning (I had the day off from work)..I had set my alarm for 6am to get up and go to the gym and then do my second day of "couch to 5k". Well the alarm went off and I hit SNOOZE!! But I did wake up at 7 and decided that I would go to the track and do my jogging...(didn't have time for the gym because I was going out with my mom that morning as well)....so I got up and got dressed, grabbed my IPOD and timing watch and was on my way. I have to say....Day 2 was not any easier than day 1. It was a little easier on my lungs however because it was morning and still a little cool whereas when I went on Sunday evening it was still pretty hot out. I still wasn't able to jog each full minute that I was supposed to, but I did try and am proud of myself for going. Day 3 will be either Friday evening or Saturday morning. Ahhh...maybe one day this will all pay off. :tongue_smilie:
If you go to this link it should pull up the weekly program. Scroll down a bit and it shows you what to do each week.
So yesterday morning (I had the day off from work)..I had set my alarm for 6am to get up and go to the gym and then do my second day of "couch to 5k". Well the alarm went off and I hit SNOOZE!! But I did wake up at 7 and decided that I would go to the track and do my jogging...(didn't have time for the gym because I was going out with my mom that morning as well)....so I got up and got dressed, grabbed my IPOD and timing watch and was on my way. I have to say....Day 2 was not any easier than day 1. It was a little easier on my lungs however because it was morning and still a little cool whereas when I went on Sunday evening it was still pretty hot out. I still wasn't able to jog each full minute that I was supposed to, but I did try and am proud of myself for going. Day 3 will be either Friday evening or Saturday morning. Ahhh...maybe one day this will all pay off. :w00t:
Yes it's very normal. Basically your swelling has gone down around your band area and you are now able to eat "normally"....and because you don't have anything in your band right now, you pretty much could eat anything you wanted. But I'm sure that your doctors office has certain foods that you are allowed to eat at this point, so just stick with those...as for being hugry...try eating foods high in protein or getting some protein shakes to help satisfy your hunger.
The other day I blogged about how aggravated I was that my doctors office had scheduled me for an apt. only to go there and find that he wasn't in. So I wasn't able to get a fill and had been really anxious to do so. But I had decided that I wasn't going to rely on just a "fill" alone and that I was going to take more control of my body and what I put into it and exercise more. I'd been revving up my exercise for the past several weeks and decided to start a new program called "Couch to 5K"....ever heard of it or even tried it? Let me first say this....OMG I never imagined that it would be soooo hard to jog for 60 seconds at a time. The program is designed to help you build up to eventually be able to run 3 miles by the end of the 9 weeks if you stick to the program. It's pretty neat, you should google it if you are interested. You follow the program....doing it 3 times a week for 9 total weeks to build up your stamina. Last night was my first night and I was supposed to warm up with a brisk 5 minute walk and then jog for 60 seconds, then walk for 90 seconds and continue that for 20 more minutes. I ended up walking the last 5 minutes because I couldn't catch my breath. But all in all I was proud of myself for even attempting to jog outside in public for everyone to see. My husband went with me to encourage and support me and he tried to push me that last 5 minutes but I was done for. I'm going to do my 2nd day on Wendesday so I'll let you know how it goes. Happy Monday to you all! :thumbup:
The other day I blogged about how aggravated I was that my doctors office had scheduled me for an apt. only to go there and find that he wasn't in. So I wasn't able to get a fill and had been really anxious to do so. But I had decided that I wasn't going to rely on just a "fill" alone and that I was going to take more control of my body and what I put into it and exercise more. I'd been revving up my exercise for the past several weeks and decided to start a new program called "Couch to 5K"....ever heard of it or even tried it? Let me first say this....OMG I never imagined that it would be soooo hard to jog for 60 seconds at a time. The program is designed to help you build up to eventually be able to run 3 miles by the end of the 9 weeks if you stick to the program. It's pretty neat, you should google it if you are interested. You follow the program....doing it 3 times a week for 9 total weeks to build up your stamina. Last night was my first night and I was supposed to warm up with a brisk 5 minute walk and then jog for 60 seconds, then walk for 90 seconds and continue that for 20 more minutes. I ended up walking the last 5 minutes because I couldn't catch my breath. But all in all I was proud of myself for even attempting to jog outside in public for everyone to see. My husband went with me to encourage and support me and he tried to push me that last 5 minutes but I was done for. I'm going to do my 2nd day on Wendesday so I'll let you know how it goes. Happy Monday to you all! :thumbup:
I met with my doctor a little over a month ago and ended up not getting a fill...he wanted me to see the nutritionist and then come back (my weight loss has been very slow so he wanted me to meet with her so we can figure out how I can eat better)...so my apt. was on April 8th at 8am..but I never had a chance to go see the nutritionist becuase of my work schedule...I had to beg to have someone cover my shift just to be able to go to my apt. yesterday morning. So...the night before I noticed that I didn't have any messages on my machine confirming my apt. for the next day...but wasn't too concerned. So the next morning I get up, get ready and am at the doctors office right on time...only to have them look at me (confused I might ad) as to why I am there....you see, the doctor only meets with patients on Wednesday's and Thursday's (but only at certain times of the day)...so the girl that made my apt. had screwed up my time and the doctor wasn't in the office yet. So she told me that I could wait an hour or so until he was able to come in (but how did I know that he'd even be there in an hour or that he'd be able to see me when he got in)...plus I had to get to work so I wasn't able to stay. So I was very discouraged because I was looking so forward to getting a fill...but I've decided not to stress about it and I'll make another apt. when I'm able to. I'm going to concentrate on exercising and eating better.
I met with my doctor a little over a month ago and ended up not getting a fill...he wanted me to see the nutritionist and then come back (my weight loss has been very slow so he wanted me to meet with her so we can figure out how I can eat better)...so my apt. was on April 8th at 8am..but I never had a chance to go see the nutritionist becuase of my work schedule...I had to beg to have someone cover my shift just to be able to go to my apt. yesterday morning. So...the night before I noticed that I didn't have any messages on my machine confirming my apt. for the next day...but wasn't too concerned. So the next morning I get up, get ready and am at the doctors office right on time...only to have them look at me (confused I might ad) as to why I am there....you see, the doctor only meets with patients on Wednesday's and Thursday's (but only at certain times of the day)...so the girl that made my apt. had screwed up my time and the doctor wasn't in the office yet. So she told me that I could wait an hour or so until he was able to come in (but how did I know that he'd even be there in an hour or that he'd be able to see me when he got in)...plus I had to get to work so I wasn't able to stay. So I was very discouraged because I was looking so forward to getting a fill...but I've decided not to stress about it and I'll make another apt. when I'm able to. I'm going to concentrate on exercising and eating better.
I definitely know where you are coming from...I was banded Sept. 18th 2009 and have lost 34lbs....so mine is super slow too....but like you, it's hard at times to change years of old habits. So I've eaten chocolate and ice cream (although I've stayed away from pop)....so I'm buckeling down on myself too. Good luck to you and we both can do this!!!!