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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralcol

  1. Hey ... I see you've been banded and doing very well. I'm excited for you. I've been off-line for a while ... moving to a new city and state and getting adjusted. Had to find a new doctor and all that stuff. In that time, I didn't get a fill for 5 months and that was not good but I'm back on track now.

  2. Hi Vikki99 ... good to hear from you. I'm doing well, thank you. I'm down 34 lbs and staying motivated. How are you coming?

  3. Yeah, I know, but I had to take my health into my own hands. Thanks for the well wishes. It looks like you have done extremely well. I'm just trying to get where you are:-)

  4. ralcol


    From the album: The Many Facets of Ralph

  5. ralcol

    I look 15 :-x

    Ok .... you look great!!! Got any before pics????
  6. Hi Fredicole2001,


    I'm doing well, thanks. I've lost 28 lbs and go for my first fill on 11/30. I'm thinking that more lbs will really start coming off then. In the meantime, I've just been concentrating on eating the right foods and staying away from junk. Upcoming challenge = Thanksgiving:-) Let me know when you are approved.

  7. Hi Luvs2laff,


    Good to hear from you. Yes, bandster hell was tough but I made it through. Everything is going well. I've lost 28 lbs and my first fill is on 11/30. I'm thinking I really get moving after the fill. This week may be a little difficult with Thanksgiving approaching and I'm heading to my hometown. I'm glad that everything is going great for you!! Check with you soon.

  8. Congratulations!! Everything will be fine. I just recently banded on October 23, 2009. I wish you much success.

  9. Hello .... first, let me say that you look great and congrats on the weight loss!!! I was banded on 10/23/2009. I lost 20 lbs the first week while on the liquid diet. However, this is the end of my second week and I've gained about 6 lbs back since I've started on foods. I'm due my first fill until about 11/23 or 11/30. Currently, it seems that I can eat most things and am not getting full quickly enough. Does this sound familiar? Did this happen for you? I see that you've had only one fill and are down 50+ lbs. I'm assuming that once I have my first fill, the weight loss will come again.

  10. ralcol

    Now time to MAINTAIN!

    Congrats on meeting your goal!!!! You look amazing!!!! When were you actually banded? I was just banded last Friday, Oct. 23, 2009.
  11. ralcol

    Today is the Day

    Well, it's finally here. Today is the day that I get banded. It's an exciting time. Today is the beginning of becoming healthy and fit.
  12. ralcol

    Today is the Day

    Well, it's finally here. Today is the day that I get banded. It's an exciting time. Today is the beginning of becoming healthy and fit.
  13. ralcol

    105 down, 11months out

  14. ralcol

    Feeling good now!

    Man, you look great!!!!!
  15. ralcol

    -56 :)

    Ok, you look amazing!!!
  16. ralcol

    my great granny

    Wow .... it is very rare that you can be old enough to really know your great grandmother. This is great stuff!
  17. ralcol

    Still coming down! and only 7 months in !

    Lookin' good!!!
  18. ralcol


    From the album: The Many Facets of Ralph

  19. ralcol

    Wifey and I

    From the album: The Many Facets of Ralph

  20. ralcol


    From the album: The Many Facets of Ralph

  21. ralcol

    07/09 - Me after having surgery.

    Wow, you look great .... congratulations!!!!
  22. ralcol

    Approved and Waiting

    My insurance company approved my band on last Thursday!!! I should now be scheduled by Tuesday.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
