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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by debby7154

  1. Hi I am a staff nurse and was banded in Brussels 23 Oct 2009. I have only had minimal weight loss and my band has mls in situ. In the last month, (my last fill was 2 months ago) I have been experiencing what I believe to be oesophagael spasms. On my first mouthful of food it seems to be stuck I have severe central chest pain which radiates into my jaw producing excess salivia. If I try to drink not even Fluid passes through. It lasts for approx 5 -10 minutes. It does worry me as it is symptomatic to cardiac pain (an MI) however I am a bit more assured since it is ony associated with eating. I have emailed my surgeon today and will await his response but I am considering having cardiac tests to rule that out.

  2. Hi all, a belated Happy New Year to you. I havent been on this post for ages!! I went on a trip to Oz for 6 weeks, my mum has been really poorly and then I started my new job, my first job since qualifying as a staff nurse..I am on a acute medical receiving unit so it is hectic and terrifying!!

    I was banded 23/9/09 and have had just one fill approx 4 weeks later. I initially lost 2 stone and thankfully have not put on anything whilst in Oz or over Christmas which is great. I missed a fill in December due to not being able to get time off work. I tried to find a nurse at the hospital to do it for me but we wre not able to obtain a Hubor (non coring needle) which you seemingly need so I have an appointment for Glasgow next week. In the last month or so I have terrible trouble with eating...It feels like it gets stuck and then this almightly pain radiates across my chest..I cannot throw anything up and have to wait approx 10minutes or so minimum for the pain to disperse. Went to my doctor today who has prescribed me Fas Tabs saying it is acid reflux "heartburn" but to those I have spoken with who have experienced heartburn they say the pain comes up the way and not down to the gut like mine...anyway will try the tabs and see if they help. Can anyone give me info??? This happens with even mushy foods. My doctor said to me today when i saw her for the first time since just after I was banded "Oh Debby I thought you would be a skinny minnie by now" feel kind of disheartened after that :thumbup::sad:

    Will head off now and put the wee one to bed. Good luck to everyone being banded in the near future.

  3. Hi All, not been on for a few days as things pretty hectic. I have the consultant appointment tomorrow for results for my mum and I am absolutely dreading it!! I have not been in as much pain but occassionally when I stand I feel like the port is doing a twist?? Don't really know how to describe it but its bearable and able to play with Gabrielle (my 4 yr old) so all is good there. Struggling with anything not liquid like mashed potatoes for example..it feels like its stuck in my throat then run to the toilet to bring it back up!! Everyone else seems to be doing great and I seem to have had one prob after another feel like a failure. I have my graduation ball on Thursday night and was wondering if I can have a drink (banded on 23rd Sept) not planning to get sloshed but thought a couple of drinks would be nice..meant to be getting a fill on Friday am. Can I get advice please.

    So many thanks for evryone who gives their advice and shares their experiences, sometimes I feel so scared and like I know nothing when it comes to the band and you all help so so much.

    Good luck to everyone getting banded soon...as much as its early days and I have had some minor probs I totally believe this will help me.

    Take Care

  4. Hi Homecare and Garry, thank you so very much for your reply, you really have put my mind at ease. I think I worried as I never had the pain at all and felt must have damaged something when I stood up!! It comes and goes at the mo but one wrong turn or bend and its back so I am taking your advice and wearing the beautifully sexy big pants!!!! I had emailed Frederick and Dr Chris and both got back to me really quickly saying it could just be a torn stitch at the port side and not to worry.

    I have my grad ball on the 15th and really not looking forward to it:frown: I just feel so uncomfortable when I go out being the size I am !!!

    Can anyone give me info on Wendy @ WLS. Is it better to book a package with her???

    Many thanks

  5. Hi all desperately need some advice.

    I was doing really really well and probably not taking things as easy as I should. I stood up yesterday night and had the most horrendous pain in my left hand side like I had twisted or torn something. The pain is not stopping at all, it is just below the horizontal incision to the left of my tummy button and is worse when I stand upright or bend over. The pain is awful and I am quite scared I have damaged something. I am able to eat and swallow no probs at all. Please someone reassure me. Off to nurse tomorrow to get the sticthes out but my surgery knows very very little re banding. :smile:

  6. Hi all, just wondering if you give me some advice and sorry beforehand if I sound silly. Frederick said to have my first fill when they are in Glasgow on 16th Oct which is only 3 weeks or since since being banded (this is because I am going to Oz for 6 weeks end of Oct). How much do they normally put in? Can you also tell me who is Wendy from WLS, does she do fills in Glasgow? What ist he difference between having Frederick and Wendy doing them. Many thanks

  7. Hi all, hope everyone is well. I have been doing a lot better in the last few days. I don't have that "I have been run over by a lorry" feeling anymore!!! I am also not on a tramadol high and have stopped taking painkillers. I still have my shoulder pain occassionally but not as severe, its quite funny really as when it does come now my shoulder actually swells up and its really noticeable. I went on the scales last night (Monday) and discovered I had lost a stone since op on Wednesday so over the moon!. Kim I hope your flight is good going home. Thank you fatpants and freckles for your advice. It is much appreciated coming on here and everyone being so friendly. Regarding Oz...well my hubby is Australian so planned to go to Oz for holiday and look for property as I have just qualified as a nurse and been fortunate enough to be offered a great position here and also in Brisbane. The Brisbane post commences in Feb and depending on my hubbys job circumstances we were going to move but will reconsider now. If we still go (depending on mums biopsy and Mri body scan results) we will be staying in Brisbane for about 4 weeks and 2 weeks in Coloundra - Sunshine Coast. I love Australia and evetually we will move but my life has been turned upside down. Every morning I wake and think instantly about my mum and I am finding it so hard to stay positive. Anyway enough....Karen how are you getting on?? Have you moved off Soup and out of your trackies?? Is John loving your musical wind? How far in advance do you need to book your fill. I will only be 3 weeks post op for my first fill..scary??

    Take care everyone.

    Debby x

  8. Hi all, I am just new to this so please bear with me. I was banded on 23rd Sept 09 and have terrible pain especially at my left shoulder. I am supposed to be going to Oz on 29th Oct (but had bad news about mum so don't know if definitely still going) and assuming I am still going Frederick said to have a fill prior to going when in Glasgow on 16th Oct. Can I ask what you think and if you have any advice. I am in Oz for nearly 6 weeks. Thanks Debby x:unsure:

  9. Hello all. I was lucky enough to meet Kaka this week as we were banded the same day along with two other lovely women. I hope to see them on the board as well. Again, I can't express my gratitude for having this thread and the information it has provided. Thank you all.

    Hi Chapamar, was I banded the same day as you on the 23rd Sept. How are you??? How was the concert today?. I still have the awful pain going between under my left breast to my left shoulder. Its so sore!! I also got really bad news about my mum when I got home so trying to get more mobile to be a support for her. It was lovely to meet you and the other girls and hopefully you will keep in touch and let me know how things are going. Take Care Debby xxx:unsure:

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