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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by timmmers

  1. October 1st date, and I start my pre-op tomorrow. I have suffered from last-supper syndrom for the past week, so I'm actually really happy to be starting the pre-op so that I can stop eating so badly. If I had more than a week to go still, I'm sure I would just keep on eating and gain a ton of weight. But, I'm SOOOOO nervous for the procedure. I'm supposed to be paying for it tomorrow, so I'm pretty anxious. One week today, around this time, I'll probably be arriving back at home - newly banded. I'm excited beyond words, and anxious beyond comprehension. So, I guess I may as well just focus on the excitement, right? Good luck October bandsters!
  2. timmmers

    video of the surgery

    Yeah, I found it very informative as well. It really does help with convincing yourself that the pre-op diet is VERY important. It's not for people who get queasy easily, but if you are interested, you can watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5ICI9q7nxU
  3. Thanks for doing this! It's really interesting to see who's getting banded on what day, but also for me to see who are my band-date buddies. thanks!
  4. timmmers

    My date!

    wow, so many posts from 3 years ago or more. How is everyone doing? Good successes? Please come back and update if you can. I have my surgery in 11 days!
  5. timmmers

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hello fellow Vancouverites! I am fairly new to this site, but have found it so helpful. Thank you Canadagirl33 for informing me about this specifically Vancouver board. I had my consultation two days ago, start a liquid diet in 5 days, and have the surgery on October 1st! I've been researching the band for 1.5 years, and have finally made the decision to get it. I'm extremely anxious and very excited! I would love to go to at least one meeting IRL (in real life), however it seems like almost all of the meetings are during the week and in the evening. I unfortunately go to school every night of the week. But, I was hoping there are Saturday meetings (or meetings in the morning/early afternoon during the week). Is there an up-to-date list anywhere with all of the meeting times and info? I really look forward to my WL journey, and to building friendships with some fellow bandsters. Cheers~
  6. I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. Though I have lost weight before by dieting and doing some exercising, I have always regained all of the weight plus some. Most of you I'm sure are reading this and saying "yeah, me too" and truthfully, who hasn't? However, I know for certain that this is going to be the time I make the change for the rest of my life. The big differences between my previous attempts and this one is that I'm not just on a diet. I know that I need to be fixed in my stomach, but also in my head. I'm seeing a counsellor once a week and she specializes in overweight people. My number one rule is to be honest with myself and those around me - which means not hiding what I eat, and really looking at what I am eating and doing. If I eat a scoop of ice-cream, then I'm going to record it and count it in my daily total, and not feel "embarrassed" and try to hide it. Being fat is embarrassing... eating some ice-cream when I "probably" shouldn't, is not. I'm very excited to get my band! I went in for my consultation just yesterday, and have my surgery in 12 days! I've been researching the band for 1.5 years and am really happy to have finally made the decision to go for it. I'm just really anxious and hope to meet a lot of good people on here to build a support team. I have a scheduled surgery date of October 1st, 2009. Cheers, Tim
  7. Thanks! I'm actually a bit less anxious today as I was yesterday. However, this is ALL that I'm thinking about right now, and I really need to study (I'm a fourth year university student). I'm afraid that my courses are going to be effected negatively becuase of my obsession with thinking about the band. (unlike you women, I can't think about more than one things at a time :biggrin:). I'm afraid that if I don't think about the band and focus on school, that I will "miss" something important and I'll forget something and I will be less succesful with the band. I think it's going to be hard focusing on both - getting a headache already.
  8. timmmers

    Anyone 5 years or more post-op?

    If you don't mind telling us, why did you revise to the sleeve? Did you have complications with the band? thanks!
  9. timmmers

    I get Banded 9/9/09

    yes, you need to enter the entire code (yours won't have some of the % signs.. I had to add them so that it wouldn't change my code into the image) [u%rl=http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/w1qyjIP/] [img%]http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/w1qyjIP/weight.png[/img] [/u%rl] then, to edit your information, you need to go to your ticker account. like mine is Weight Loss - Diet Ticker but yours will end with different letters and numbers. Enter your PIN code, and then you can change the data. When you change the data, it will automatically update all of your signatures. Hope this helped!
  10. For me, it's definitely... 1) Being able to buy clothing from a store and not have to go to the end or the bottom to find the largest size they have (and still not be able to fit). 2) Going to clubs/dancing with friends and not feel like the big fat guy no one wants to dance with. 3) Become a regular sky diver. I went once when I was a teenager and loved it! 4) Finish a half (or maybe even full) marathon! 5) Stop sweating all the time! It can be 20 degrees below zero, and if I just walk up one flight of stairs I'll start to sweat. Not having to constantly worry about it and be embarrassed about it would be so wonderful! 6) Feel attractive and have someone be attracted to me! 7) Get rid of my sleep apnea and FINALLY get a good night's sleep. These are just the things I thought of off the top of my head. There are so many things that I do not do, or negative things that I do, because of my weight. I'm so looking forward to the time when I feel normal and can do the things I have so longed for.
  11. timmmers

    Anyone else bigger "down yonder"?

    Well said, well said...
  12. Hey guys thanks for posting. I'm just starting the "lap-band" experience and have wondered what PBing was actually like. It doesn't sound as bad as I had feared. I hope to not do much of it, but I am a pretty bad (violent) vomiter, so I was fearing what it would be like to need to purge my pouch. Thanks for the descriptive info! Cheers~
  13. wow, that sure was an entertaining thread to read... Prostate massage is used quite commonly for sexual stimulation, either to achieve a pleasurable orgasm, or to achieve excretion of seminal Fluid without orgasm as part of BDSM "orgasm denial" activities (which is sometimes called "prostate milking"). I personally enjoy having my prostrate stimulated, but I'm also gay. However, I do know, personally, a few straight men who also thuroughly enjoy prostate stimulation and other anal activities. So, to answer your question whether or not any straight men enjoy anal play, the answer is definitely yes. However, this does not mean all (or even most) do. Everyone's different and enjoy's his/her own sexual pleasures. Next question? :blushing:
  14. My surgery is set for October 1st!!! I can't believe it's only 12 days away. I have been researching the band for 1.5 years and am confident that this is the right path for me. I have been told to lose 5 pounds 5 days prior to my surgery by drinking AES AdvantEDGE shakes 4 times daily (they are 110 calories each) plus either 1 lean cuisine or 1 cup of veggies. But, like most of you, I'm definitely suffering from "last supper" syndrome. I have been eating SO MUCH food and have even planned the next few days worth of meals to always include my favourites that I will never be able to have again. It's amazing how strong this disease is over us. However, I know I will be successful and am extremely excited to get the band (though SO INSANELY anxious). Good luck to you all, and I look forward to my and our journey.
  15. timmmers

    I get Banded 9/9/09

    congratulations. I'm getting banded in 12 days and am so anxious! I'm so scared I'm going to chicken out in the last minute and cancel... or maybe just pass out in fear. also, btw. You can get the weight loss tracker "signature" from tickerfactory.com Just set up the info. Then, it will give you a "BB" code. Enter that code into your signature profile on here and it will show up. GOOD LUCK!

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