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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by timmmers

  1. timmmers


  2. timmmers

    Always smiling, but never happy

    Photos ranging from 2007 to 2009. Smiling in all of the photos, but never really happy.
  3. timmmers


  4. timmmers

    5 Day Pouch Test

    I just finished the "test" yesterday. I lost 2 pounds, but more importantly I did two other things. 1) I crushed my sugar addiction cravings, and 2) I let my band rest for two days during the liquid phase, which really settled things down and made my pouch a bit smaller (I think). It gave me better restriction without needing to get a fill. I recommend the "test" only for those who may have gone off the right path (especially during the Christmas break) and need a jump start. It's not to be done regularly, as it was designed for gastric bypass patients, and doesn't really follow the band post-op eating plan. For me, it was great becuase it made me realize what I had to do for three weeks when I got my surgery - how much of a struggle it was - but how much it was amazingly worth it!
  5. timmmers

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    After receiving e-mails and messages from three people, I have decided to officially invite anyone who wants to come to an unofficial support "meeting". This is the first of what I hope will be many gatherings of fellow bandsters (and wannabe bandsters) to get to know each other, exchange tips & tricks, and support each other as we go through this weight loss journey. I am not sure if inviting everyone to a food place is contradictory, but I think it's a good place to meet and learn about tricks other's might have on eating out. So, for our first meeting, I propose we meet at Boston pizza in Ironwood, in Richmond. It's right by the tunnel so people coming from Surrey/White Rock/Delta have it pretty close, as well as those coming from Vancouver. Here is the link to Google maps with the location. 11662 Steveston Highway, Richmond - Google Maps The biggest problem I had with the meetings currently being held is that they are all in the evening on weekdays. Though this works for many people, it does not fit my schedule. I am free weekdays during the day, and on weekends. Because I don't want to be excluding those who work the "standard shift", I think meeting on a Weekend would be best. Therefore, our first meeting should be on January 23rd, 2010. If you are interested in coming and this day does not work, please let me know, and we'll see if we can change it (as I doubt too many people are going to be coming to this first meeting). Boston Pizza, Richmond (Ironwood) at 11:30am, on Saturday January 23rd, 2010. This is our meeting time and place. For any of you who wants to come but may not be able to make it due to transportation, please post on here as either someone may be close by who can give you a lift, or I might be able to come pick you up. I feel a bit like I'm on a deserted island and my only way of talking to other's is by sending messages in bottles - not knowing who will read them and who will respond. I would really like to find someone else on this island with me, so we can support each other. :-) Please let me know. Cheers, Tim tim_4756@hotmail.com
  6. timmmers

    5 Day Pouch Test

    Thank you for the link to the website. I'm starting day one of the 5 day pouch test today, as I really fell off the band-wagon over Christmas and haven't been able to get back on. I was up until 4am last night - eating! I am so ashamed of what I have done and feel so hopeless. It was doing so well for the first three months, then came final exams, Christmas stress, and weight gain. These things combined made me start eating refined carbs (which I hadn't been eating for the first three months) and I can actually feel an addiction to them this time around. So, I know I need to quit eating those and get back on track (and hopefully the feeling of success will help as well). I really hope this is what I need!!! ~
  7. timmmers

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Thank you for your responses Doddie63 and Viking Girl. I really like your idea of informal meetings. The past week has actually been pretty difficult, both emotionally and with eating. I think if I had some support from fellow bandsters, I would benefit from both having the support but also just from knowing that others have gone through this too and that they are still doing well. I would really like to get to know some of you in person, and learn from your experiences. I feel a bit alone, as I do not know anyone else who has the band, and though my parents are supportive, they don't understand what its like living with the band. So, I am more than happy to set something up, and be the contact person; But I am not sure how best to get this accomplished. Is this a good place to "advertise" the event, or is somewhere else better? Also, I have a car and can head out somewhere if need be, so is there a better and more central location - like maybe Surrey? Feel free to e-mail me if you would like (or add me to MSN): tim_4756@hotmail.com I hope to set something up for before the Olympics, so let me know when is good for most of you, and then I'll pick the most commonly available time / location. Cheers
  8. @FyrEMT: First, they only require intubation those that they think will need it. People who currently require a CPAP machine, or have sleep apnea, or have large necks, or who the anaesthesiologist believes is at high risk of having problems breathing. My surgeon says that less than half the people even fall into this "possible" category. However, before I went into my surgery, they said I had a large neck but that they don't think I will require intubation. So, going in I didn't think I was going to be. They put me to sleep, I woke up, and my throat was sore. So, when I asked if this was common, the nurse replied "yeah, the intubation tube rubbed against the back of [my] throat". To my surprise, I did require intubation. But, they put it in once I was asleep and took it out before I woke up - which I think is the case for 99% of the surgeries. By your name, I assume you are an EMT and probably do intubations through work. My brother was a paramedic and is now a surgeon, and when I spoke to him after my surgery, he said that intubation "in the field" and in the operating room is drastically different. There is no real "deadline" to get the tube in, they can position your head and neck in almost every which way without the fear of spinal injury, etc. And, unless there is some complication - it's out before you awake. If there is a complication and it needs to stay in, I think it would be the least of your concerns anyways. Luckily, the chance of that is less than 2% I hope this helped. Good luck ~
  9. Today I had a symptom I have never had before, and though I am fine now and think I know what the problem was, I wanted to 1) share my story and 2) see if anyone else has had this and what they do to prevent it. Today, after two weeks of not doing any exercise (due to final exams plus the Christmas frenzy), I decided I really needed to get back to the gym. When I got there, they had a "draw" that I entered and I ended up winning a free personal training session. I thought to myself "I'm here, my as well do it now" so instead of booking something for the future, I got my trainer right away. After a bit of a chat to determine what I wanted out of my exercise routine, the trainer got me doing walking lunges with weights, the 'mountain climber', and weighted squats. Though I had been doing, what I would consider to be, pretty good workouts previously, I got winded pretty quickly... and it felt great! If you would have asked me 4 months ago if I would ever enjoy going to the gym and having my ass kicked - I would have definitely said "no". But, it was great! After I finish the squats, we're walking to the tension lines to do some chest pulls and I started yawning... about 10 seconds later I feel really light headed. Another ten seconds and my vision starts to get all distorted, dark, and tunnelled. I feel nauseous, short of breath and start to panic. Next thing I know I'm on the floor and scared! Luckily, my trainer knew exactly what to do. She runs to get me Gatorade plus a handful of trail mix. After sitting for a few minutes, drinking the caloric drinks (yeah, I know we're not supposed to, but I think this is one of those good exceptions), I feel alright. Decide that I've had enough, so I go home, eat a meal and feel 100% back to normal. Now, looking back, I realized that I had eaten at 12pm as I was planning on going to the gym at 1, but didn't get there until 3. Plus, I hadn't had too much to eat as it was a bit dry (had chicken breast) and I felt that it was a bit difficult to get down, so didn't want to overdo it. Based on what my trainer had said and based on what I read online, I'm fairly confident that I just had a severe case of low blood sugar levels added to a jolt of physical exertion. It was quite a bad experience, and I never want it to happen again. My trainer suggested that instead of drinking Water, I should drink either some sort of "sport beverage" (such as Gatorade) or at least a diluted version of a sports drink. However, I really do not want to be drinking "liquid calories". We're told (and my surgeon stressed it multiple times) that liquid calories are terrible - and that many people have failed on the band purely because they were drinking too many calories. I'm worried that 1) I will drink to many calories if I drink Gatorade and 2) that I will be "triggered" by these drinks and then start drinking them more and more often, even when not at the gym. So, my question to all of you is: Have you experienced this before? and (if you have or even if you haven't) what do you do to prevent it? I found some suggestions online, one if which is to find some low-caloric Protein bars, and eat half of one either right before working out (or half-way through the workout). Otherwise, my WL journey has been so incredible! I have absolutely no regrets, and am just thrilled to be on this adventure. I see myself randomly in the mirror or in reflections when walking by stores, cars, etc. and think to myself "wow, you're starting to look good". That's something I never thought I would be able to say (*can you say "bad body image & low-self esteem"? haha). Thank you all for reading my ramblings. Cheers :-D
  10. Just realized that I posted this in the wrong section... sorry! I will re-post. Thanks
  11. Today I had a symptom I have never had before, and though I am fine now and think I know what the problem was, I wanted to 1) share my story and 2) see if anyone else has had this and what they do to prevent it. Today, after two weeks of not doing any exercise (due to final exams plus the Christmas frenzy), I decided I really needed to get back to the gym. When I got there, they had a "draw" that I entered and I ended up winning a free personal training session. I thought to myself "I'm here, my as well do it now" so instead of booking something for the future, I got my trainer right away. After a bit of a chat to determine what I wanted out of my exercise routine, the trainer got me doing walking lunges with weights, the 'mountain climber', and weighted squats. Though I had been doing, what I would consider to be, pretty good workouts previously, I got winded pretty quickly... and it felt great! If you would have asked me 4 months ago if I would ever enjoy going to the gym and having my ass kicked - I would have definitely said "no". But, it was great! After I finish the squats, we're walking to the tension lines to do some chest pulls and I started yawning... about 10 seconds later I feel really light headed. Another ten seconds and my vision starts to get all distorted, dark, and tunnelled. I feel nauseous, short of breath and start to panic. Next thing I know I'm on the floor and scared! Luckily, my trainer knew exactly what to do. She runs to get me Gatorade plus a handful of trail mix. After sitting for a few minutes, drinking the caloric drinks (yeah, I know we're not supposed to, but I think this is one of those good exceptions), I feel alright. Decide that I've had enough, so I go home, eat a meal and feel 100% back to normal. Now, looking back, I realized that I had eaten at 12pm as I was planning on going to the gym at 1, but didn't get there until 3. Plus, I hadn't had too much to eat as it was a bit dry (had chicken breast) and I felt that it was a bit difficult to get down, so didn't want to overdo it. Based on what my trainer had said and based on what I read online, I'm fairly confident that I just had a severe case of low blood sugar levels added to a jolt of physical exertion. It was quite a bad experience, and I never want it to happen again. My trainer suggested that instead of drinking Water, I should drink either some sort of "sport beverage" (such as Gatorade) or at least a diluted version of a sports drink. However, I really do not want to be drinking "liquid calories". We're told (and my surgeon stressed it multiple times) that liquid calories are terrible - and that many people have failed on the band purely because they were drinking too many calories. I'm worried that 1) I will drink to many calories if I drink Gatorade and 2) that I will be "triggered" by these drinks and then start drinking them more and more often, even when not at the gym. So, my question to all of you is: Have you experienced this before? and (if you have or even if you haven't) what do you do to prevent it? I found some suggestions online, one if which is to find some low-caloric Protein bars, and eat half of one either right before working out (or half-way through the workout). Otherwise, my WL journey has been so incredible! I have absolutely no regrets, and am just thrilled to be on this adventure. I see myself randomly in the mirror or in reflections when walking by stores, cars, etc. and think to myself "wow, you're starting to look good". That's something I never thought I would be able to say (*can you say "bad body image & low-self esteem"? haha). Thank you all for reading my ramblings. Cheers :-D
  12. timmmers

    Canadian GLBT

    Christmas is over, and I LOST a pound!!! *woot woot* I don't think I've ever gone through the Christmas season and lost weight before. So, when I stepped onto the scale today and it was a pound lower than last week (only weight myself once a week), I was so happy to see that I hadn't gained weight. Granted, I did work really hard on resisting as much as possible, but I did end up having a few treats here and there. I think I have this fear that I'm going to wake up and be back to where I started, or eat some bad food and gain 20 pounds instantly. So, knowing that even with this little treats during the holidays, I can stick to it, is so wonderful! I know I can't continue this as I'm sure it will just become more and more. So, back on track today.. went to the gym and hired a personal trainer. Feeling great! Hope you all had a good break as well. Good luck - Cheers :-D
  13. timmmers

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hello fellow Vancouver bandsters. I hope you all had a good Christmas. I was really hoping that my school schedule would be different next semester so that I could FINALLY make it to a meeting, but unfortunately it has not - still have class Wednesday nights. I have been following the posts on this website, the yahoo group sites for NWWLS, and randomly a few others, which has been great. However, I do feel like I would benefit from regular meetings, IRL. So, after much consideration, I have decided that I would look into making another group. My first question to you all is: If there was another meeting available, would you like to attend it as well? This is by no means to replace the current meetings on Wednesdays at St. Pauls. It would most likely fall on a weekend day, sometime in the afternoon. I have looked into a few places for room in Richmond, as this is where I live. But, I don't mind meeting anywhere else in GVRD, as long as it's on a weekend instead of Wednesday. Please let me know if any of you are interested, and if yes, which city you are from so we can find something in the middle. Depending on how many people would like this second meeting, I'll try to figure out the next steps. Thanks a lot! Cheers :-D
  14. Hello fellow bandsters I have been banded 2.5 months and I'm feeling FABULOUS! The weight has been coming off pretty consistently (except for a two week period where I plateau'ed, but then got a fill and started losing again). I went to go see my family doctor to get a prescription refill, and he had asked me if I know of any blood tests that I should be doing. At first I thought that was an odd question, since I would think I should be asking him that question. However, it made me think that maybe I should be. so, I called my surgeon the next day and asked him - he said that there aren't any tests we need to do, other than if we have some problems. Again, at first, I thought that was an acceptable response. However, after reading a NAWLS e-book, and doing a bit of research online, I have found out that some things like Vitamin B1 deficiency can result in permanent neurological deficits (including the loss of the ability to walk) and that there aren't too many warning signs and that once you have the problem, it can't be reversed. So, I wonder how many other things like this exist out there that I should be looking out for? So, my question is: Do any of you get blood work? and if so, could you please let me know what you get tested for (obviously weight loss related only.. don't need to know about tests for other reasons)??? I live in Canada so the tests are free if my doctor recommends that I get them done. THANKS!!! I hope you are all doing great!
  15. Thank you all so very much. I have called my doc to make an appointment, and will bring him the list of tests you have given me - and hopefully we can figure out which ones he and I think would be worth doing. I am also thinking about starting to take vitamin B-12 supplements as I have been pretty tired the past two weeks. Cheers
  16. I got banded 2 months ago, had my first fill on Oct 4 and second fill this morning. Weight loss has been going great, no pain from the band or port, and really excited to losing more and beginning my new life. However, slimming has become more of an issue, happened twice today (after getting my fill). I have read that it is a sign of not chewing food properly, which when I look back at my day is a possibility. So, I am going to try my hardest to ensure I chew well so that I don't slime anymore. But, the question I have is, IF I get that "stuck" painful feeling and feel like I am slimming (which I usually can feel because of a lack of being able to PB and a slimy feeling in my oesophagus), should I try to go through the pain and give it time to maybe pass? Or, should I just head on over to the toilet and let it come up? I have read so many times that throwing up is terrible for the band, however the pain from being stuck really sucks - and I'm sure that that can't be too good for you either. Which one is better - Painful slimming or regurgitating? Has anyone asked their doc? Thanks!
  17. timmmers

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Thanks for your reply mom.on.the.go. Yes, I'm trying to work on the "just being" part. My counsellor actually suggested something very similar (to just pretend that I am out to everyone and that all is good about it - so this way I don't feel stressed about it). So, I'm working on just loosening up. It's just going to be so hard considering I've spent my entire life NOT "being" I got my second fill today - feel so much better! I ate half of a chicken hard taco and felt full! So, I'm really happy that I am back on my path of weight loss. Losing the weight through eating well and exercising is going to make me happy, which will definitely help me deal with all of my other issues. Haha, I think it's funny that you said that your dad thinks that if you lose weight, you will become straight. Because, I think it's the exact opposite with my dad. I think he's afraid that if I lose weight, I'll become more gay. So, he's definitely going to be trying to sabotage me this entire process. Luckily, I recognise that this is his problem and not mine, so I really hope I will be able to make it through this stronger in the end. Hope you're all having a good day! Cheers~
  18. Hello fellow bandsters I am trying to decide if I should get another fill or not. I have only had one fill so far, so I know I will need another fill eventually, but not sure if I should get one now or not. I was losing weight at around 2 pounds per week for my first 6 weeks, but two weeks ago I gained one pound, and this past week I plateaud. So, from first observation I would say I need another fill. However, since my fill on Nov 1st, I have had a few more "stuck" incidents - one of which lead to me having to through-up. I'm worried if I get a fill, I will just have more food stuck (and more pain, and the possibility of stretching my pouch or oesophagus, or some other problem). But, I'm not losing any weight and feel hungry after only just 2 hours after eating. The thing is, I know that the reason I have been getting food stuck the past few weeks is because I haven't been chewing as well as when I first got banded (still chewing, but probably not as good as I should be). So, really, if I get back to chewing the way I should be, then I don't think I will have any more food problems even with a fill. So, my question really is, should I get a fill now and work on the chewing part at the same time, OR, should I work on the chewing part first, and then get a fill later? I'm afraid that if I don't get a fill soon, I will get discouraged - as I haven't even been banded for 2 months yet! I know for sure some of you have gone through this, so please, wise-ones, give me your advice!! Thanks so much! Cheers~
  19. I posted this on the "fill" thread, but only got one response, so I thought I should post it on here too JIC. Hello fellow bandsters I am trying to decide if I should get another fill or not. I have only had one fill so far, so I know I will need another fill eventually, but not sure if I should get one now or not. I was losing weight at around 2 pounds per week for my first 6 weeks, but two weeks ago I gained one pound, and this past week I plateaud. So, from first observation I would say I need another fill. However, since my fill on Nov 1st, I have had a few more "stuck" incidents - one of which lead to me having to through-up. I'm worried if I get a fill, I will just have more food stuck (and more pain, and the possibility of stretching my pouch or oesophagus, or some other problem). But, I'm not losing any weight and feel hungry after only just 2 hours after eating. The thing is, I know that the reason I have been getting food stuck the past few weeks is because I haven't been chewing as well as when I first got banded (still chewing, but probably not as good as I should be). So, really, if I get back to chewing the way I should be, then I don't think I will have any more food problems even with a fill. So, my question really is, should I get a fill now and work on the chewing part at the same time, OR, should I work on the chewing part first, and then get a fill later? I'm afraid that if I don't get a fill soon, I will get discouraged - as I haven't even been banded for 2 months yet! I know for sure some of you have gone through this, so please, wise-ones, give me your advice!! Thanks so much! Cheers~
  20. Thank you all so much for your advice. I only weigh myself once a week, and did so this morning. I again haven't lost any weight. So, I think I need a fill - and plan on getting one soon (will be calling my doc this week to make an appointment for next week). In the mean time, I'm going to work on my chewing and making sure I am eating the right foods all day (When I first got banded, I kept a food journal and ensured I ate the right foods - but haven't been doing that lately). I have been going to the gym three times a week and getting a good hour and a half long work-outs, but don't get my 30 minutes in everyday (maybe 5/7 days). You're right mellabella, it really is pretty simple - thank you for grounding me again. I just need to go back to the basics. I guess my brain's just so used to the way I ate for so many years, that it's not quite sure what to think about having a band. Slowly, but surely! One day at a time, right? Cheers!
  21. Love your avatar! Best wishes on your journey!

  22. timmmers

    Canadian GLBT

    Hello and welcome. I am also in Vancouver (Richmond). I got banded on Oct 1 2009 at NWWLS in Everett, WA. They started offering the banding at False Creek a few weeks before I got my surgery, but already felt so comfortable with the people at NWWLS so decided to get it done there. Have you made it to any of the group meetings at St. Pauls? I would love to go but I have class Wednesday nights. I am thinking about trying to arrange another meeting on weekends. However, I have heard the current meetings are great, so I hihgly suggest you go there if you can. Best wishes on your surgery!!! Keep us posted - Cheers
  23. timmmers

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Hello everyone I was banded on October 1, 2009. Had my first fill on Nov 1. I was doing really well with my weight loss for 6 weeks, but the last two weeks I have gained a pound. I'm thinking I probably just need another fill - so I'm going to be making an appointment on Monday. I am a gay man, 24 years old, in Vancouver Canada (Olympics in 3 months). I am a 4th year IT student, and am really excited to graduate in less than a year. So, things seem to be going pretty good - except their not. I'm clinically depressed, not comfortable with my body, and not 100% comfortable with my sexuality. I classify myself as gay, except I'm not "happy". I am out to some family and friends, but definitely not who I want to be. It really has been a big issue in my life - one which usually leads to my compulsive eating, eating, and more eating! So, I know if I want to be successful with this band, I need to work out my issues. However, I also feel that being fat is hindering my ability to work on this issue. The reason why is that when I imagine people being out (or coming out), I imagine thin guys. I know this is very stereotypical, but it's the way I feel. Don't get me wrong, I love big queens, bears, etc. However, I seem to only ever seen older big queens, bears, etc. Being 24 is making this very difficult for me. I really hope I haven't offended anyone, because I really don't mean to. Really, I think the question I have for all of you reading this, is how has your weight affected your comfortableness around your sexuality - and how did it change with your weight loss? I'm also trying to figure out if I need to lose weight first to help me work on my sexuality issues, or work on my sexuality issues so that it will help me lose weight??? Thank you all for reading this. I just want to feel free and be myself!!
  24. Hello October Bandsters! I hope you all have had success in your recoveries and weight loss. I got banded on October 1st, and had my first fill today! (I found out today that I actually had 3 CCs put into my band while I was having the surgery). They added 1 CC today, making a total of 4. I was very surprised about how quickly and relatively painless the fill was. I think it was about 30 seconds, but I only really felt the "sting" for about 10 seconds. I HATE needles, so I was very happy that it went so quickly. I drank water which went down fine, and then left. In-and-out in about 20 minutes (of course, it was a 3 hour drive each way) - but go to do some shopping on the way home!! :-) I have been doing really well, lost 22.7 pounds so far, and am so super happy with my band. I have only had food stuck once where I actually had to bring it back up. I have had food half-stuck a few times where I just had to stop eating, swallow, PB, and then it was fine. So, considering I'm learning a totally new way to eat, I think it's going REALLY well. I'm so excited about what the future has in store. I've taken photos and will be posting them up later. I can't believe how much difference 20 pounds makes. You do need to really look at the photos to see it, but you definitely can see it... I haven't had anyone comment on my weight loss yet (which I expected as I have lost and regained weight so many times in my life), but I'm still focused on my goals! Anyways, don't want to make this TOO long.. haha Good luck on your journey's everyone! Tim

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