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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by megsy_81

  1. hey guys, i am due to get banded on the 22nd of October - i work as a travel agent and have been offered a great trip to China - only 3 weeks after my surgery! has anyone travelled so soon after their banding? i would love to hear your stories :frown:
  2. megsy_81

    Anyone willing to help my research?

    i wouldn't mind helping either - however i was banded the end of october -09 and live in brisbane
  3. Hey guys, i got banded back in late october (here in australia) and 3 weeks later i was on a work trip to china for 10 days. Rice was given to us for every meal and i had no problems with it. as long as you eat slowly and avoid drinking you will be fine :thumbup: happy travelling !
  4. try drinking some soda - this will cause a draino effect and make you vomit it up! Good Luck
  5. megsy_81

    female issues

    i am also on the depo needle - i haven't had a period for almost 6 years and i had spotting for just over a week after my operation. everything is back to normal now - im guessing its just a reaction to what our bodies went through with the surgery! good luck
  6. hey guys, i just saw my dietition and surgon yesterday and they both said if i can handle it then there is no problems. Just be careful as sometimes it may bring food up in your stomach - all the best to you all
  7. megsy_81

    Major meltdown

    i also backed out 12 months ago when i was 3 days into the pre op diet. 2 weeks ago yesterday i finally got banded :thumbup: it did take me awhile to learn and finally agree to the band, but i can tell you now its the best decision that i have ever made. take it easy and when the time is right you will know and you will get it done :smile2: Good luck
  8. hey guys, i was banded 2 weeks ago and lost 5kg in the first week and 7kg in the pre op diet - since the start of the second week i have not lost any (well gained and lost about 300grams) has this happend to anyone else? i am starting to get a little depressed with myself because im trying so hard and yet again like all the other diets it hasn't worked. hope you can send me some advice? cheers Megsy
  9. megsy_81

    Im now done! :)

    Hey everyone - i just wanted to share that i got banded yesterday. Im surprisingly not that sore, its a little tender- but pain that i can put up with. i only had 2 needles since the op and haven't touch the tablets they sent home with me! YAY for the rest of my life - im so excited:)
  10. i have also got this pain but mine is under my right side of the rib and only started this afternoon. I am 6 days post op and i too am hoping that its just gas that will go away
  11. hey guys - i am 5 days post op and feeling really good! and have lost 3kg since the op itself. Im a little curious though - can you normally feel your port if you rub your tummy? i haven't come across it yet and i keep having second thoughts if i have really been banded. Where is everyone else's port? and can you feel it? Cheers Megsy
  12. i had a quarter glass of red wine 3 days post op - i was fine and helped a little with the pain. i am now 5 days post op and so far have lost 3kg since the op and 10kg in less than a month - im very excited about my future ahead of me :cursing:
  13. megsy_81

    1 week to go :)

    hi everyone - just wanted to get it off my chest - i have more week to go until im banded! eeekkk sooo excited and so nervous! i have been doing the pre op for 15 days now and really starting to feel the pinch - but i can see the light at the end of the tunnel. how much did everyone lose on the pre-op? so far i have lost about 5kg i hope its enough? thanks for listening :thumbup:
  14. thanks for the advice - i have my operation in just over 2 weeks - trying to change but my pre op starts in a few days which is just liquid. do u have a facebook page?

  15. thanks for the advice - i have my operation in just over 2 weeks - trying to change but my pre op starts in a few days which is just liquid. do u have a facebook page?

  16. looks like u are doing awesome - i hope i can progress like u have :)

  17. megsy_81

    APRA Approved me!

    Hi guys i just wanted to share my happy news - APRA approved my early release of super today - i am sooooo HAPPY!!! October 22nd is my surgery date with Dr Blair Bowden - can't wait! would love to hear from others that have been banded by Dr Bowden
  18. megsy_81

    APRA Approved me!

    i live in Brisbane! and i can't wait to keep you updated too! p.s how do i get a tracker on my page?

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