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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Gorda123

  1. Gorda123

    Surgery done!

    good for you!! im sure your daughter got over it.... my 7 year old is aware of my band and worries when she doesnt see me eating dinner with her. BUt sometimes i just can eat with all my 3 kids cuz its stressful. Anyways CONGRATS!!!!
  2. Gorda123

    Need Help

    it happens to alot of us!!! i have been on and off track for the last 6 months and i have paid for it by not loosing any weight. Start fresh tommorrow!!
  3. Gorda123

    Starting Over!

    congrats on your baby boy!!! The band will help you get to your goal!
  4. Gorda123

    Weight loss stalled...*sigh*

    you are doing great!! I keep telling myself "it took me 10 years to gaing 100 lbs, i cant expect to loose it all in 1 year". But there are people out there that can and do. I am going slow...very slow. My suggestion to you is not to take the # on the scale to seriously. I also have a wacky scale..I can step on it 4 times in one minute and it never gives me the same result. Look at your body and how it is changing..i feel at how my clothes fit, that makes me feel good. Good luck!
  5. Gorda123

    20 months Post-OP........Onederland.....Yesssss!!!!

    great job... i cant wait to get to 198lbs!! my ultimate goal is to get to 180.. You said you exercise by dancing? how many time a week? I have only lost 50lbs and i am already seeing the saggy skin on my belly and upper legs...and ofcourse my flat breasts. I started saving my pennies for surgery some day...hopefully before i turn 40. I think i wil start telling friends and family to donate $ instead of Bday/Xmas gifts. I hope you get to your goal..keep it up!!
  6. Gorda123

    Gettin my groove back (a quick update)

    GOOD FOR YOU..i have also discovered ZUMBA... it is great but unfortunally the one class i can attend is so packed that i can bearly move my A** without bumping someone...to close for comfort. So i got the ZUmba DVDs and its fun. And i kinda feel a sence of pride since Beto the creator of this Zumba revolution is from my home country It is great that you are starting to live your dream and that your MOJO is coming back. Enjoy every minute of it!! I am about 35 lbs away from onederland!! i want o to get there so bad. GOOD LUCK!
  7. Gorda123

    me & my husband :)

    great Pic you look so happy!!
  8. Gorda123

    4 month progress

    wow you look great ! you will be down to your goal in no time
  9. hi, i have been looking @ your pics and it makes me think that i can do it. I have been having slow weight loss and i have been fustrated and ofcourse that makes me want to eat. Anyways, you look great...the surgery pics are tough to look at but i am sure the end result are more than worth it. I already started saving $ towards a tummy tuck/ breast lift for when i reach my goal..50lbs to go

  10. Gorda123


    So glad to see there are others that are loosing slowly..... I have not been 100% perfect with the LB. But i am greatful for the 50lb loss so far. I have been stuck at the same weight since Oct. I think mainly vecause the winter was rough and getting to the gym was just to much. Oh and i am also a salty-crunchy person...but sweets do call my name and i see myself eating ice cream and stuff i would not really have touvhed before the band. Anyways hope you get to goal soon.... I have another 50 lb to get to my ultimate goal. But for this year i would be happy with just moving the scale down 10-15 lbs. Take care
  11. Gorda123

    medical mystery

    good luck with that!...make sure to ask questions sometimes Dr like to do all kinds of test to our bodies without bothering telling us anything.
  12. Gorda123

    Hard couple of days

    hhhmm did you starve to death??? hope it all went well and that you are getting closer to your next goal
  13. Gorda123

    Sizing out of Lane Bryant?

    Great post! I have been stuck at 235lbs since October...this winter was hard to even get out to the gym and i did snack alot ...alot. So i guess i shold be thankfull i maintained. I also started at 280+lbs and i am happy to see that i am half way to may goal. For this year i would like to reach 199 lbs on the scale....or even 219 sound good too. How did your trip to India go? I imagine that by now you have been wearing those tight jeans and you are now shopping at Old Navy..Im still a size 18-20 so Lane B is still my place. hope all is well
  14. Gorda123

    Disneyworld 2010...about 238lbs

    how much have you lost..you can really see a differance.. great cheek bones
  15. Gorda123

    11 Weeks post-op: Spring Fever Strengthens Will!

    My Goal for this year is to get to onederland!! 35lbs to go... i have the same issue with snacking...i have realized i am a cruchy carb addict and that has been the hardest. My husband is supposrtive but at the same time there are alot of temptations when he gets the munchies.. that BBQ looks great!! are those stuffed peppers? OUr snow is now gone, so i will be using the grill soon too great job!!
  16. Gorda123

    another hurdle

    chin UP!! you will get there. Its better to take care of this problem now Since after surgery our bodies go through some shack and the blood work gets really wacky. I have been banded for almost 1 1/2 year and i still have low Vit D and Calcium...not to mention the huge hair loss that i am still recovering from. I take a one a day Vit pluss, chewable calcium and Vit D. It helps with enery to chase my 3 young kids. Good luck
  17. Gorda123


    look at that flat belly!! great job
  18. Gorda123


    Holly S**** you look wonderfull! I am struggling..goal is to reach onedeland by the end of the year i have been maintaining for the last 5 months ....BUt what i want more is to loose inches. YOur pics are very motivating
  19. Gorda123

    Wow ... Its been awhile!

    ONEDERLAND!!! im still 35 lbs away... goal for this year is to hit the 199lbs mark. You area doing great!!!
  20. wow!! good for you. When i get to my final goal (50lbs to go) i will start saving for a breast lift and tummy tuck. After having twins plus one.. i will really need some help in that part of my body. Rest nd recover!
  21. Gorda123

    4 years and going strong!

    to thin?? what!??! my goal is to feel good in a pair of jeans..whether they are a size 14 or 8 it doenst matter i just wnat to feel GOOD!! I am at a size 18 and still 50lbs from my main goal. I love crunchy carbs and that is my weakness...so i am trying to stay away from them. My scale has not moved in the last 4 months...but i know if i focus it will start going down. I just need to do the work. Have a great day!
  22. Gorda123

    "Those pants make you look like you have no ass"

    my husband it worried about my breast shrinking..i could care less.. he has even mentioned that once i get to goal we should start saving up for a boob job. that just makes me laugh since there are so many other things to save for. I dont think i will ever loose my backside and hips ( latina ) ..if i am ever to get cosmetic surgery it will be to get a tummy tuck and a breast lift... afte having 3 kids that is what i NEED. Good luck!
  23. wondering--was it really necessary to have sweet onion kettle chips on the way to work?? not feeling so well now and its only 9am. I am a crunchy carb addict!!

  24. how are you doing??

    I have been stuck at the same weight since forever... been slacking of.

    BUT it is spring..time to get my Ass to the gym and stop snacking with my kids.

  25. Gorda123

    March 2011

    you look great.. the scars blen in perfect!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
