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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Gorda123

  1. Gorda123

    1st Day post-op

    very normal... its those gas bubbles that get stuck. what helped me was walking around the house. it will go away.. for me it was all at once.then i started noticing that my large incision was soar and one corner was not healing as well as the rest, so that took my full attention for a while. I guess having my kids jump up on me wasnt a good idea.. hope you feel better soon.. best of luck
  2. Gorda123


    Hello, does anyone have a opinion about the Spanx undergarmites? speciafically the incognito style ( the one that goes from the bust line to the knees)??? Family and friends are suggesting a get one once i cant stand seeing and feeling my loose tummy skin. :sneaky: They are expensive and i dont want to buy one ane realize it is no good. it has been 9 weeks post op (-23lbs) last week i did not loose anything...its going slow, but i should not complain:redface: My second fill will be the last week of Jan. I am hoping to loose a total of 30lbs by then... key word here is "hoping"
  3. Gorda123

    New Year's Eve Family!

    great pic. u must be so proud!
  4. Gorda123

    Me and my babe and my doctor "I love those men"

    great PIc!!! good luck
  5. Gorda123

    Late November--lookin' good!

    great Pics.. you must be very proud. Keep it up!
  6. Gorda123

    Just another day...

    Well i had Thanksgiving lunch ready and server by 1:30pm. It was only my kids, my husband and my mother this year. I made a roasted chicken that came out pretty good...atl easy i think so since i could not really taste much since i still have a cold. I did not pig out, i had my protein 1st but i could not reject the stuffing, so i made sure it was really wet and chewed like crazy.Now i am just reslly really thursty!! It has been 2 months since i got banded and i have lost 22 Lbs. I know it could be more if i worked out, but im happy. My goal for New Years is to loose a total of 30lbs by than. hope everyone had a good day!!:cool2:
  7. Gorda123

    Just another day...

    Well i had Thanksgiving lunch ready and server by 1:30pm. It was only my kids, my husband and my mother this year. I made a roasted chicken that came out pretty good...atl easy i think so since i could not really taste much since i still have a cold. I did not pig out, i had my protein 1st but i could not reject the stuffing, so i made sure it was really wet and chewed like crazy.Now i am just reslly really thursty!! It has been 2 months since i got banded and i have lost 22 Lbs. I know it could be more if i worked out, but im happy. My goal for New Years is to loose a total of 30lbs by than. hope everyone had a good day!!:cursing:
  8. Gorda123

    oh dear.....STUCK....for the first time

    yikes!!! i just got my 1st fill and i am taking it easy. Maybe you should of gone with the sweet & sour soup. Reading this helps me for in the future i am sure i will be tempted to have take out. Hope you are feeling better now.
  9. Gorda123

    Bad Bad Bad Me!

    WOW you are very lucky you did not get sick and end up back in the hospital. Just be honest with your Dr, it is not like you can hide it. My suggestion is that when you get your 1st fill you do stick to liquids for a while. I just had mine and i am being carefull cuz i do feel restriction and i do not waht to get myself sick Good LUck!!
  10. Gorda123

    First fill experience question to all

    hi. i had my 1st fill last thurs. I was scared since i saw that he wasnt going to bother with any numbing stuff.My Dr found the port on his first try. I think what helped was that my port was placed just bellow the skin about 3 inches up from my bellybutton. The needle did not hurt, what felt wiered was the sensation of the saline filling the band. He gave me 3cc for now. So far so good, going to be on liquids till tomorrow morning and see how it goes...i do not want anything to get stuck Good luck
  11. Gorda123

    very difficult meal

    i Know exacly whay you mean!! I just had my 1 fill and i am now wondering how my body will react to that FIllet Mignon i was treating myself to once a week...i hope that if i chew it will go down fine, but know that i read your blog i will have to be real careful. I will also have to find other reasons to get together with old friends other that to pig out! THey know about my Band and the last time we got together they could not believe i was usung my bread plate as my dinner platte and that i took 2/3s of my dinner home. Good luck to you
  12. Gorda123

    Eating out of bordem

    Find a hobbie...yeah right! I am a stay at home mom of 3 small kids and i also used to find myself eating out of boredem....the same routine everyday just meant eating here and there and then wondering Why am i 100 lbs overweight? I dont have the solution, but i am trying hard to stay away from food that are easily accessable (chips, snack mix, crackers). GOOD LUCK!
  13. Gorda123

    Size 18's was in 26

    great job!!
  14. So i got my 1st fill on Thurs. This is after getting up with a cold and having to take my daughter to thr Dr just to find out she had STREP throat!! Thankfully my Dr found the port on the first try. He said my band was one of the larger ones and that we would start with 3cc and see how that does. The minute the saline went in i felt the pressure. Before i left he made me drink two glasses of H2O to make sure it went down. it did. So now i am back on liquids till Sunday night and them mushies..then maybe by Thanksgiving i will be able to have a bite of the roasted Chicken dinner i am planning to make...:rolleyes:yes i said chicken. I have never been a fan of turkey and since its only going to be 4 adults and 3 kids at the table it is not worth going though the trouble a turkey. I am planning on making a yummy stuffing ( my favorite)with apples, even thought i will probably not be able to pass it down. My goal not is to loose a total of 30lbs by Xmas>... only 11 lbs to go! My wish is to be loosing Slow but steady.
  15. Gorda123

    1st fill...feeling wiered and Thanksgiving is almost here

    So i got my 1st fill on Thurs. This is after getting up with a cold and having to take my daughter to thr Dr just to find out she had STREP throat!!:biggrin: Thankfully my Dr found the port on the first try. He said my band was one of the larger ones and that we would start with 3cc and see how that does. The minute the saline went in i felt the pressure. Before i left he made me drink two glasses of H2O to make sure it went down. it did. So now i am back on liquids till Sunday night and them mushies..then maybe by Thanksgiving i will be able to have a bite of the roasted Chicken dinner i am planning to make...:rolleyes:yes i said chicken. I have never been a fan of turkey and since its only going to be 4 adults and 3 kids at the table it is not worth going though the trouble a turkey. I am planning on making a yummy stuffing ( my favorite)with apples, even thought i will probably not be able to pass it down. My goal not is to loose a total of 30lbs by Xmas>... only 11 lbs to go!:biggrin: My wish is to be loosing Slow but steady.
  16. Gorda123

    Week 26...Just 25lbs to Go

    wow people must make a double take when they see you...very nice!! love reading your blog kepp it up!
  17. DITO!! my hubby is tall, looks like a football player so i am looking forward to taking a photo with him where i dont look like a linebacker!!!You make a great couple... good luck
  18. Gorda123

    My first blog

    Hi G, I know what you mean about being to young to have aches and pains. I am 34 and a mother of 3 small kids...and my house is constantly a mess, i try to keep it organized but picking up tos a million times a day my back just gives out. I am about 6 weeks Post Op and i already feel a difference in energy and i know once i loose 50-60lbs my back and knees will be more willing to cleaning up and playing on the floor Good luck
  19. Gorda123

    This thing is definitely on!

    Good luck... how many fills have you had? I am having my 1st on Thurs and im getting nervouse. I dont want to deal with a "over fill" becuase getting back to my Dr office is a all day thing and i cant be feeling lousy while taking care of my 3 small kids.
  20. Gorda123

    November 14, 2009...new haircut

    YOU LOOK SO HAPPY. i am also struggling to get the protrein. I average about 40 -55 gm per day and the DR wants me to be in the 70's. I cant seem to find a protein shake that is not chaulky and easy to swallow. I am drinking alot of the Special K protein shakes an d Carnation Inst Breakfast.... it has 10 gm-15lm but it taste great. Good luck.
  21. Gorda123

    23 pounds down

    Just by the face shot it looks like you lost more.. Great job
  22. You look great. You must be so proud

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