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Everything posted by Gorda123

  1. Gorda123


    WOW.. what a great pic. You must be so proud. I am still in the "before" but im hoping that by Sept i will have a "after".Great job. How long did it take you to loose the weight? did u work out like crazy?
  2. Gorda123


    Hello, does anyone have a opinion about the Spanx undergarmites? speciafically the incognito style ( the one that goes from the bust line to the knees)??? Family and friends are suggesting a get one once i cant stand seeing and feeling my loose tummy skin. :thumbup: They are expensive and i dont want to buy one ane realize it is no good. it has been 9 weeks post op (-23lbs) last week i did not loose anything...its going slow, but i should not complain:redface: My second fill will be the last week of Jan. I am hoping to loose a total of 30lbs by then... key word here is "hoping"
  3. Gorda123


    WOW.. i will go check JCP's. I really would like to some control, but without the huge price tag and not feelingi like a stuffed pig. Thanks, have a great holiday!!
  4. Gorda123

    now i know what restriction and slime mean...

    Hi Diamond.. I have only had 1 fill so far.My 2nd ic coming up in 1 month. I want to be real conservative about it since i dont want sinple things like liquids to get stuck and ruin my day. Thankfullly the to times i got stuck i was at home, but i cant imagine if i was somewhere public with my kids. I love to drink my water, i have no problems drinking my 64 oz + of it a day, so i want to make sure i do not over do it. The Dr said it would take 2 to 4 fills before finding the "sweet spot". It would be great to loose weight a little faster, but i keep telling myself " it took me over 10 years to put on the 100lbs, why expect it to come off in less that a year///relax" Have a great holiday everyone I will take the advice of the paper bags...cuz yuo never know. How many fills have you had so far? Is this the fisrt time you have had such toubles with it?
  5. wow 50 lbd in 4 months.. that is greta. I am almost 3 monthd out and have lost about 25lbd. Are you working out alot? you look great
  6. Gorda123


    Ok so i went to Lane Bryant to try out the Spanx Incognito and i was sooo bumbed. Right know i am a size 22 and i could not even get a 2x garmet half way up my thigh/hip area. I refuse to get a 3x, for $76 so needles to say i will hold off on the Spanx experience!! I will have to find something else to help me keep my tummy in place.
  7. Gorda123

    now i know what restriction and slime mean...

    Hi Suarez, I have been eating rice for a while and it has been ok...as long as it is wet with sauce and i chew well. My episode happend because i was eating it dry and not paying attention. The one thing i have not had since my surgery is breads, bagles,,,stuff like that. I would never be able to give up my rice...but i will be more careful Good luck with your surgery
  8. Gorda123

    No caption

    how much have you lost? you must be very proud.
  9. Gorda123

    No caption

    you have done a great job...you must be proud.
  10. Gorda123

    Carlyn 09 2009

    great pics.. hopefully now you feel comfortable taking full body pics. You must be so proud!!
  11. Gorda123

    now i know what restriction and slime mean...

    Holly Cow...On Thurs while making dinner i felt the urge to try my rice (with out sauce)..after the 2-3 try..:eek:BOOOM! i felt my chest getting tight, my stomach constricting...i could hardly take a breath...i kept trying to swallow...but "slime" kept coming up (gross) All i could do was keep spitting it out and try not to freak out. Finally some of the rice came up..and then i got Hic ups wich stangly enough helped alot. The whole episode lasted about 35 mins...by that time i felt soar from my stomach all the way up to my throat, i was sweaty and scared. I have only had 1 fill so far...and for a while i had been thinking that my band was not working like i hope it would. Well, after this i Know it is working and that probably after i have my 2nd fill i will REALLY have to be carefull what i put in my mouth...cuz that feeling of restriction is no fun.Thank goodness i was at home and alone with my toddlers. THey had no idea why mommy was acting so strange. I decided i will not weigh myself till 12/31. Hopefully i will see good results. I have been working out 3 times a week.
  12. Gorda123

    *^#@! HAir Loss!!

    PLease tell me i am not the only one thinking i am going bald!?:confused: For the past 3 weeks i have been noticing that every time i wash my hair, there is way to much of it washing out with the shampoo. I am even afraid to comb or bush it. i can really tell when im getting it up in a pony tail. SO, any suggestions? advice? Im going to have my yearly physical next month, I hope i still have some hair left my then:sad:
  13. Gorda123

    *^#@! HAir Loss!!

    PLease tell me i am not the only one thinking i am going bald!? For the past 3 weeks i have been noticing that every time i wash my hair, there is way to much of it washing out with the shampoo. I am even afraid to comb or bush it. i can really tell when im getting it up in a pony tail. SO, any suggestions? advice? Im going to have my yearly physical next month, I hope i still have some hair left my then:sad:
  14. Gorda123

    Week 29...I am almost there!

    What a great moment in life for you! Good luck with you last 20lbs. It must feel incredible. I also have the same goal, t be in the 70's would be AWsome. YOur hubby sound like a sweetheart...hold on to him! Merry Xmas!
  15. Gorda123

    165lbs fit perfectly into a size 8 :)

    you must be so proud...great job
  16. Gorda123

    ..just starting to workout

    it has taken me over 2 months to get the motivation to get my ass up 30 mins early , get infront of the TV and press play of 40 min cardio workout..I have to do it BEfore everyone wakes up. Im starting only 2 days a week and I am doing 100 tummy crunches. so hopefully i can keep it up for the winter...and see what I do once the noce weather comes back. Does shoveling snow count as a work out???:sneaky: My legs, butt and shoulders are killing me right now... kinda pathetic really. But i have to do something to jump start my body...and i want to get rid of my belly, so that people stop asking me "how far along am i??" I have tried to convince my hubby to join me int eh morning workout...he is not obese but he could loose 20-30lbs and maybe that would help him with all the meds he is taking for this that and the other. BUT he is not getting up and i refuse to nagg him about it. My twins Bday was yesterday, i cant believe thay are 3 already. my 6 year old daughter and i made them cup cakes...boy was it hard not to gobble up 2 or 3 of them...i did slip a bit...i could not resisit the frosting:bored: Ok so hopefully in 3-4 weeks i will start seeing a differance now that im working out. It would be great to start the year 30lbs lighter....but most importantly that i can see it when i look in the mirrow have a great night!
  17. Gorda123

    ..just starting to workout

    it has taken me over 2 months to get the motivation to get my ass up 30 mins early , get infront of the TV and press play of 40 min cardio workout..I have to do it BEfore everyone wakes up. Im starting only 2 days a week and I am doing 100 tummy crunches. so hopefully i can keep it up for the winter...and see what I do once the noce weather comes back. Does shoveling snow count as a work out???:tongue2: My legs, butt and shoulders are killing me right now... kinda pathetic really. But i have to do something to jump start my body...and i want to get rid of my belly, so that people stop asking me "how far along am i??" I have tried to convince my hubby to join me int eh morning workout...he is not obese but he could loose 20-30lbs and maybe that would help him with all the meds he is taking for this that and the other. BUT he is not getting up and i refuse to nagg him about it. My twins Bday was yesterday, i cant believe thay are 3 already. my 6 year old daughter and i made them cup cakes...boy was it hard not to gobble up 2 or 3 of them...i did slip a bit...i could not resisit the frosting:bored: Ok so hopefully in 3-4 weeks i will start seeing a differance now that im working out. It would be great to start the year 30lbs lighter....but most importantly that i can see it when i look in the mirrow have a great night!
  18. Gorda123


    Thanks.. i may just stop by a Lane B or a Avenue and try it on. I dont think i would wear it everyday, but for those occasions that i actually need to get out of my sweats and sneakers i think i will feel better without having my extra sking wiggling around.
  19. Gorda123

    sooo...THIS is what a fill feels like

    My 1st feel was 2 weels ago anf just like you i did not feel any pain..drank my glass of water and off i went. I do have to say that the first 3 days after i felt full...but slowly the hunger came back. Since the fill i have lost 4lbs...its going slow. I have my next fill appt in Jan. I think i am going to need it. My Dr warned me that it may take 2-4 fills before i get to my "sweet spot". I know i am eating a little to much and have felt very little restriction. Anyways, keep up the good work Good luck to you...
  20. Gorda123

    highest again.258 pounds.

    great pic... i know whay you mean about not taking body pics
  21. Gorda123

    Little glitch last night.

    Good luck. I did not have to deal with to much family..but i made sure to tell them about my surgery. i did not ask for opinions, but some still came my way. Ofcourse most came from family memebers that have never been 10lbs over weight . All i really care about is what my husband and kids feel about it. Your husband sounds typical...they can be such "brats". I suggest you clear the air with him so that you are both on the same page cuz once you have the surgery it is not going to get any easier. My husband still has a hard time remembering that i cannot eat what i used to specialy when we are out...in more that one occasion he was stopped at a fast food place and after ordering for himself has asked me if i care for something....HELLO! Since you live with you MIL you will have to deal with her...one way to go about it is telling her that you are going to have "surgery" and are going to try that "white diet"... it is somewhat true since bread, pasta, rice will be out for a while.
  22. Gorda123

    Can someone tell me what is going on!!

    hi Queen.. i am 9 weeks post op and had my 1st fill on NOv 19th. before then i was thinking the same thing as you...i did not feel any restriction BUT i tried tricking my brain into keeping with the "idea" of feeling full and keeping with my food limitations. I made sure my stomach was never empty, so had small meals 4-6 times a day... the way i saw it is if"i dont have restriction now, i might as well help myself get used to the idea since after my 1st or 2nd fill i will feel the difference". I dont feel much restriction now after the 1st fill...but everyone is different and it may take me 2 or 3 fills to get to the "sweet spot" as my Dr calls it. I am loosing slowly, and sometimes a wake up fustrated but then i think "slow and steady is better that going UP" My suggestion to you is dont go crazy with the food just because you dont feel restriction, because then you will be in shock once you do. You need to start training your brain now. Good Luck, Vic
  23. Gorda123

    Me 5 months Post Op 71 lbs down!!

    you look great!!

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