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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Gorda123

  1. Gorda123

    1/8/10 Another Link In The Head-Band- Part 2

    DITO! Keep it up! and thanks for the the Biotin advise. started taking it this week.
  2. Gorda123

    @$%*^ Hair loss #2

    Ok..I looked for shapoo that had Biotin in it. But instead 3 days ago i started taking Biotin 1000 gm. I found it at Target and decided i need to try it. I m tired of seeing so much hair go down the drain:ohmy: I am planning on getting a haircut ( new look) soon but i need to stop the hairloss. The pill is small enough to be swalloed easily. I hope Biotin helps me with my hair on my head and not in the growth of it anywhere else hahaha!
  3. I cant wait to be on the beach and be able to walk on the sand without the feeling that i am waddling!!and that i can sit on the towel without needing helo to get up lolyou look great
  4. Gorda123

    Nov 16, 2009 90lbs Down!

    you are beautiful!!!
  5. Gorda123

    12/29/09. Exactly 2 years after my lap band surgery.

    congratulations!! you look great and im sure you feel wonderful.
  6. Gorda123

    Being prepared

    dont beat yourself up... i have had many slip ups. I just look at everyday as a new start. One thing i have yet to try since the surgery is pizza/bready food. I have had to episoded with restriction and i am trying my best to avoid that feeling..ouch@ i got my 1st fill in Nov. I was nervouse. wether it is unpleasant or not i guess it depends where they place the port. Mine is right above my bellybutton so my Dr found it in the first try. it was over so quickly and you feel the restriction... i stayed on liquid/mushy diet for 4-5 days after it. I know what you mean about wanting the kids to go back to school... it seems i spend my day in and out of the kitchen because one of my kids is always requesting a snack, a drink...lunch!! Good luck and Happy new year Oh and let us know how the Wii training goes
  7. Gorda123

    4 Months Post Op - Frustrated

    hi..i know what you mean. i did not do to well during the holidays and because of that i did not get to my NEw YEars goal of loosing 30lbs ( surgery sept 30th). But i did start the year with a 6;30 am 40 min work out!! so i will get back on track. I am having my 2nd fill at the end of the month..hoping that goes well and it keeps me full for longer. Happy New Year...best of luck
  8. Gorda123

    Week 32....Happy New Year?????

    It is fustrating, but you are doing GREAT!!! whether you reach the goal or not just remember not to put yourself down...EVER!!! a womans body is a mystery, you could be retaining water, builing muscle or your scale could be playing a cruel joke on you. In any case, you are inspiration to alot fo people. Chin up. Put that scale away till after your fill!!!
  9. Gorda123

    down 105lbs

    Great pic!!! Wow what a change..comgrats! You must be near you goal? How do u feel?
  10. Gorda123

    Before on the left at ~300 pounds and on the right at 202

    Great pics.. You must be sooo proud!! I cant wait to have a before and after pics. You look wonderful!!
  11. Gorda123

    Almost 3 months out and already stuck!

    :blink:I did not weigh myself in over 10 days...but this morning i just had to check. I was sooooo dissapointed to see the scale say 250!! i did not loose any weight and granted that started working out over 2 weeks ago. I can blame some of the food i had during the holidays but, i did not go to crazy. My second fill is coming up on 1/21. I want to be below 250!!! Im trying to get fustrated...and hungly. that is a deadly combination. I will keep with the morning work outs 3 times a week and try my best to stay away from yummy temptations. Is amyone out there 3 months post Op, :crying:stuck after only loosing 25 lbs??
  12. Gorda123

    Almost 3 months out and already stuck!

    wow i just realized my spelling...yikes! Thanks Laura, i am keeping my chin up. I just need to remember that the weight is coming off and that my body is still getting used to the new ways. We just got the Wii and i think my hubby and i will enjoy playing games on that. He just hurt his knee so he wont be working out with me in the mornings till who knows when. Bellydancing sounds fun..do they sell DVDs?
  13. Gorda123

    december log

    great job... i hope my chart looks like that a year from now. Happy New years!!
  14. Gorda123

    Almost 3 months out and already stuck!

    :blink:I did not weigh myself in over 10 days...but this morning i just had to check. I was sooooo dissapointed to see the scale say 250!! i did not loose any weight and granted that started working out over 2 weeks ago. I can blame some of the food i had during the holidays but, i did not go to crazy. My second fill is coming up on 1/21. I want to be below 250!!! Im trying to get fustrated...and hungly. that is a deadly combination. I will keep with the morning work outs 3 times a week and try my best to stay away from yummy temptations. Is amyone out there 3 months post Op, :crying:stuck after only loosing 25 lbs??
  15. great job. U must be so proud.
  16. Gorda123

    5 1/2 months post-op!

    you look great!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
