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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Gorda123

  1. Gorda123

    LIFE HAPPENS:We Fall off the PLAN~How to get back on Track!

    It is great you think this way... everyone had a bad day/week. YOu have a lot going on and we are all human.
  2. Gorda123

    Almost 8 months.

    I really needed to read this today... I have been banded for almost 4 months and the weight is falling very very slowly. I have not kept to the eating rules 100% but compared to what i was doing before i am blessed and have to keep reminding myself that it took me "10 years to gain 100lbs, why expect it to come off in less that a years"...so i know i need to get better at the new eating habbits... but those old ones die hard!! Congratulations of your journey. Wow 30 inches off, that is great. My goal is to ne in the 180's. Right know i am 245lbs so i have a way to go. THank goodness for the site...i find it very helful and uplifting to read what other people are going though.
  3. Gorda123

    Down 30lbs, 265lbs. Dec. 28, 2009

    you look so happy... congrats!!
  4. Gorda123

    lost 51 lbs in less than 2 months!!!!!!

    Not a big deal!?!?!? it is HUGE!!
  5. Gorda123

    1 mth post op 080609 down 30ish lbs

    30 lbs in 1 month.. wow!!! it has taking me almost 4 months.keep it up
  6. Gorda123


    looking great!!!
  7. Gorda123

    I Did it!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i keep a diary too... it keeps me honest. Good luck
  8. Gorda123

    "mushy mushy mushy" !!!!

    "alfresco " chicken sausages about 17 gm of protein ...they come already cooked and have 4 different tasty flavors. I find them next to the kiobasa, precut deli meats. I cut one in half warm it up and peel of the cassing. Also Cabot Cottage cheese.... 1/2 cup has 13 gm of protein and it doesnt taste bad at all. i also have not found a protin drink that doesnt make me gag.. but everyother day i drink Carnation instant B or Special K protein shake with 10 gm of protein and 5gm of fiber always over ice. You are just starting, it takes a while to adjust...im about 4 months out and i am still struggling and adjusting Best of luck
  9. Gorda123

    Sucking at success.....

    Everyone cheats!!! dont put yourself down. Just change one thing out of your day...such as...dont stop at the fast food location!!! keep going. I always carry something in my bag, Special K protein bar, even whole grain crackers...just something to get me through the craving. You need to keep youself busy...pick up a hobby. get a good book. I am always sorrounded by food since i take care of my 3 small kids and they are always asking for snacks/drinks ect. It has been really hard to reframe from having a snack here and there. and i will admit that that is why i have not lost the weight i thought i would by now (almost 4 months out) you just had you surgery, that is no way you are going to get rid of bad eating habbints so soon... but try to find why you are reaching out for those foods. Good luck in your journey.. and chin up!!!!
  10. Gorda123

    Day 13 - I am hungry!!!!!!! I think I'm in Bandster Hell!!!!

    once you get the fill...dont go crazy. I got my fill last week and right now i am on mushy foods cuz i guess my stomach needs to reajust. do you like cottage cheese? if you are hungry at night have a 1/2 cup of that to tide you over. My stomach grumbles all the time... i dont think it is so much hungrer but my digestive system moving around and getting used to the food i am putting in it. good luck
  11. Gorda123

    Its been 5 months

    HI. i am about 4 months out and since surgery i have lost less that 30lbs..I just had my second fill lastweek so i am hoping that and working out 3 times a week will do the trick. have i been 100% complient with the new eating rules???...nope. But i am doing my best. I keep telling myself that "slow and steady is better" and that with the workouts i may be replacing fat for muscles and that is a GOOD thing.
  12. Gorda123

    Week 36....Stall & Body Image

    sssoo close!!! it is amazing how much your body can retain water. You should let the knee rest, maybe just work your upper body. i have been doing weight and i am so sore that i cant raise my arms, which makes it really complicated when my twin toddlers whant to be picked up...ouch! I am sure you will reach your goal by your Bday! do u have anything special planned? Go check out the Express sale!! wow..you are are going for a size 10...go for it! i am just happy thinking i will be fitting in a size 14 jean in the near future.
  13. Gorda123

    Day #2

    hi i notice you have 1 cup of cottage cheese = 8gm of protein. that seems like a little low. I eat the CABOT brand and 1 cup/8oz has 23gm of protein. That is may main BF and it doesnt taste bad at all.
  14. Gorda123

    Am i eating too much????

    in the morning i have cottage cheese and shaved ham!!i make sure it is atleast 20gm worth. that keeps me full till lunch...my problem sometimes come is in the mid afternnon...i feel so hungry. So i try to stay away from all my favorites ( crackers, sunships, ect) I think the hardest part for me is to not drink water right before, during and after a meal...i love water! good luck to all
  15. Gorda123

    A blessing in disguise...

    funny you should say that. I got my fill on the 21st...expecting that TOM to arrive any second. i am eating mushies for the next few days and right now i feel like a balloon!! no way cold i take off my rings. I only got 1.5 CC, so in total i have 4.5CC... i hope this gets me closer to my "sweet spot". My next fill is no 2 months... my goal is to loose 8lbs by then....trying to keep it real
  16. wow...how long did it take you to loose it? did u work out like crazy?you look wonderfull
  17. Gorda123

    My baby, Charlie, & me

    great job!!!! you look so happy
  18. Gorda123

    2 weeks post-op down 19 lbs

    AAwww... those hugs are so wonderful! my 6 yr daughter has been complimenting me on my 'new' outfits (clothes that i have had in the closet for years and can now fit ). I have lost about 30lbs since this time last year and i am noticing more energy. I ma 4 months out and just got my 2nd fill this week. I is not a easy process...but i say "slow and steady is better"!! Good luck
  19. Gorda123

    Carb Coma...

    wow... now i know why i feel like having a nap everyday around 3pm... for the last 5 days i have been craving WheatThins and i have had those for lunch with cottage cheese....and also rice tortilla chips. Bad habbints are so hard to break!!! I have my fill on thurs...hope my craving go away.
  20. Gorda123

    New Year....New Outlook on Life

    hi I am almost 4 months out and having my 2nd fill on the 21. Boy do i need it. I have good days and bad just like you. I have not yet ventured out and tried bread. But i have tried out toast, tortillas. I have had only to episodes where the food (rice) went down fine till i had the 4th bite and BAAMM!! what a nasty feeling. Thankfully the 2 times where in my house. The weight is coming off slowly...and i have to remind myself that "if it took me 10 yesr to gain 100 lbs, i cant expect my body to loose it 1 year" To be honest i am not sticking to the dieat 100% bad habbits die hard. But im hoping that with each fill i will be getting closet to that "sweet spot". Good luck in your journey!! this website is great!
  21. Gorda123

    First Fill-Questions

    do u know how many CC's you have? when i had my first fill about 6 weeks ago they injected 3CC, i did feel wiered when i was told to drink 2 glasses of water before leaving the office. It felt tight. I was also told to go back to the mushy diet for 2-3 days. right know for me it doesnt feel like a have any restriction. I do get full alot faster -vs- before the band. I have my 2nd fill on thurs, i am hoping this one will get me closer to my sweetspot and the pounds start coming off.
  22. hi ... you have beautifull hair. My 6 year old has the same curls. can i ask what you use to wash it and detangle it? my poor daughter gets tortured every time i wash her hairs since i had super straigh hair and i am clueless . I need HELP!
  23. Gorda123

    How do you know your sweet spot?

    Hi Jeant...i sometimes feel the same way. i got my band at the end of sept and have only lost 26lbs. i have 3 cc right now and i have my 2nd fill this week. I feel a little dissapointed, but i keep reming myself that "slow and steady is better!!!" I do not want to be overfilled and go though the discomfort..i rather be a little conservative about my fills. Good luck and keep you chin up!!!!!

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