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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Gorda123

  1. Gorda123

    2nd Fill, Goodbye Bandster Hell?

    that is great!! I had my 2nd fill 21st... I have a 10CC band and it is now has 4.5 CC and unfortunally i still dont have much restriction ;-( In one way it is good cuz i can drink my 64oz of water with no problem...but i can also eat more that what i should...and im getting hungry between meals..specially know that i am working out 3 times a week. Anyways...maybe when i get my 3rd fill that will be my sweet spot. Best of luck!!
  2. Gorda123

    Big Milestone!

    WOW!!! congrats... are you working out like crazy? i ask because i am loosing slowly and i am working out 3 times a week.... my fat doesnt seem to what to leave my body,
  3. Gorda123

    Down 40 lbs!!!

    40 lbs so fast!! are you working out alot???
  4. Gorda123

    My family!!!

    Great looking family!!
  5. Gorda123

    8 weeks post-op....down 25 lbs! Me and my lil' teddy REESE!

    AAwwww that is so cute!!
  6. Gorda123

    From 327 to 217. Banded Jan. 27th, 2009

    what a change!!! can i ask how much do you work out? how many fills before you hit the sweet spot?i hope to have a pic like yourse by the end of the year ;-)You look soooooo HApPY!!!
  7. Gorda123

    Awkward Social Situations and the Band....

    just day "no" i have to learn to say that too. Good that you did not give into the food... fasting?? seems more like a FEAST!!
  8. Gorda123

    I'm watching Miss America

  9. GReat job!!. mt weight is also coming off slowly but surely..you look great. Cant wait to have a waist!
  10. Gorda123

    More Madness... year after surgery

    I am the same way with cameras..i am always the one taking the pics. Maybe after i loose 60lbs i will be more willing to be infront of one. Water park sounds like fun..yeah the bathing suit my be a little weired but just keep thinking how you looked last summer -vs- NOW!!! Have Fun!!
  11. Gorda123

    The Deed is Done?Don?t Let the Villain Rise Again

    Good for you.. I loved that movie!! i saw it with my skinny sister- in-law who has no kids. She thought the movie was a bit extreem but i just told her that if that was me and and someone had my children i would kill and ask questions later to get them back!!! Same goes with my weight loss..i m the only obese woman in my family so its hard for them to understand what my goal is. Good luck on killing the vellin!!!!
  12. Gorda123

    Week 37....Scale Moving...110lbs Gone

    I so happy for you! No BUtt!?!? AAAWwww i cant say i feel sorry for you. I know what you mean about the tummy..i have lost only 1/3rd of what i need to loose and i already see the loosen skin all around my belly button. i know i need to take it easy and give my body to re-adjust. I have heard that you do need to give your body/skin about 1 year. I started using St. Eves firming lotion after the shower on my belly, thighs and upper arms. i have never considered myself a vain person, but i have a feeling that when i reach my goal it will bother me to see all the loose skin not just because of the weight loss but also for carring twin boys. The left sice of my tummy has more skin...GREAT! I cant wait to see the pics..you deserve it! How much water are you drinking? I love my 64 oz water and that is something i have no problem drinking but i do worry that the more fills i get the harder it could get. Keep it up!
  13. Gorda123

    Jan 26, 2010 251 lbs

    great Tatoo.I also did the bathing suit pics. This week i plan on having updated ones. Its been 4 months for me and i have lost about 30lbs.Good luck!!
  14. Gorda123

    working out pays off!!!

    how much do you work out???!! i want to get rif og my belly...what worked for you??you look great!!
  15. Gorda123

    Super Mood Swings!!!

    I say its Carb withdraws!!! women need carbs and the Band causes big changes in our body. Until our system gets used to it, people better watch out lol I have yelled at the Tv too...and my poor kids have suffered my rath. I know it iwll get better ( it better) Ofcouse it doesnt help that my husband is still eating crappy and he sometimes forgets and asks me if a want a "treat" or if i want so munchies while watching a show. H_E_L_LO!!! Good luck
  16. Gorda123


    Thinking the same way... My 3 kids are a NIG reason why i got the BAND... my 6 yr daughter is already noticing thati have more energy. And hopefully by the time my Twin toddlers are old enough they will not remember "fat mommy". CHEERS** here is to having many more of those memories!!
  17. Gorda123

    All i think about is the band

    oh yeah.... making lists is a good idea. I make a weekly list and try to stick to it. good luck
  18. Gorda123

    All i think about is the band

    RELAX!!! it is going to be a huge change but it is all worth it!!!
  19. Gorda123


    great Job!!!
  20. Gorda123

    No caption

    WOW!!! the pics look great. I am 4 months out and lost about 30lbs. When did u start noticing it? i have not seen any huge change yet..... are you working out alot?

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