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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Gorda123

  1. Gorda123

    My First Performance Where I Loved The Way I Looked....

    Holly Crap!!! you look and sound amazing!! i have become a fan! you husband is H*O*T!! cant wait to see the studio pics.
  2. Gorda123

    Down 92 pounds:)

    you look great!!
  3. Gorda123

    Im a brand new BANDIT!!!!

    Congrats!!! I also had a hiatal hernia..the wonderfull thing is that after they fixed it i have had ZERO heartburn. Good luck !!
  4. Gorda123

    Not on Solid Ground with Solid Food

    Good luck with that.. I also have terrible cravings when PMS comes nocking at my door. I crave for stuff that i dont really like. One thing i do is i start every day NEW! no matter what happend the day before.
  5. Gorda123

    Sciatica--- a real bummer!

    Ok so it has been a week since my sciatica appeared and on Tues it will be a week since i have been on the anti-inflamatories (celebrex) and the Vicodin...wich i can only take after my husband gets home since it makes em loopy :lol:and i really cant stay awake. So i take Tylenol during the day. I still have pain, i can not go more that 15 mins without feeling the pinch/shock go down my left leg. it is really fustrating because i want to get back to doing my workout at 6am but i get up very lame and i know i have a full day ahead of me with the kids. To TOP it off...i have gained 3 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!:frown: i am still not feeing any restriction and i have 5 more weeks before my next fill. i am bumming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Gorda123


    Thanks for the advice Mommy1558 It does seem that when i wear my sneckers i am more stable than when i run around barefoot at home. I am really bumming over not being able move around more that 15 mins without feeling the pinch going down my leg. My husband is trying to help with what he can.
  7. Gorda123


    Agervated my sciatica:crying: on Friday when i took my kids up to Maine for the day. I can nearly go 15 steps without feelig a sharp pain go from the lower back to my left knee!!! i wont be doing much Cardio this week. I will focus on Abdominals and arms. I will keep taking Tylenol every 6 hours to help during the day. I dont have the option of stopping since i have to take care of the house, my 6 year old daughter, and my 3 year old twin boys!!!.Im feeling down, just needed to vent. My husband is clueless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and a gained 1 lbs...what a HELL!??!?:biggrin:
  8. Gorda123


    Agervated my sciatica:crying: on Friday when i took my kids up to Maine for the day. I can nearly go 15 steps without feelig a sharp pain go from the lower back to my left knee!!! i wont be doing much Cardio this week. I will focus on Abdominals and arms. I will keep taking Tylenol every 6 hours to help during the day. I dont have the option of stopping since i have to take care of the house, my 6 year old daughter, and my 3 year old twin boys!!!.Im feeling down, just needed to vent. My husband is clueless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and a gained 1 lbs...what a HELL!??!?:thumbup:
  9. Gorda123

    No caption

    looking good!! keep it going
  10. Gorda123

    Ok, now, I'm a lil freaked out!!!

    i cant wait to reach size 18!! my realistic goal is to be a sixe 16!! Enjoy tthe moment. I have lost over 30 lbs and have only gone down one size.... i am loosing weight in all the wrong areas i guess NO more Yo- Yoing!!!!!!
  11. Gorda123

    Me @ 199 5

    look at those arms!! what did u do to keep them so toned?..i notice the weights on the floor
  12. Gorda123

    New Lace Front Wig 011

    how much have you lost in total? you look Awsome!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Gorda123

    Me and the love of my life, Trinity!

    what a pretty girl... and i also mean your daughter ;-)children are truely a blessing
  14. Gorda123

    No caption

    you can really tell...how much have you lost?
  15. Gorda123

    And yet another first

    that is great!!sounds like fun. my daughter is dying to try ice skatting...i have not tied that since i was 13 years old and i was not good, my ankles could never handle my weight then, cant imagine now. I want to try new things, but for skating i think i have to give myself some more time to loose weight and tone up...just friday i took them sleiding and i agervated my sciatica..so today i am limping. But no matter what i am getting up tomorrow and working out.. how old is your son? did u fall at all?
  16. Gorda123

    to weigh or not to weigh...

    I am doing the same thing..how funny!! i get on the scale on monday morning ( but also on thurs ) I keep telling myself that what matters is how a feel and the inches that are melting off, but my head still want to see those #'s go down on the @$*&$% SCALE!! And it doesnt help that i have to weigh myslef 3 times cuz my scale is a little wack and gives me 3 different #'s so i choose the %
  17. Gorda123

    Ack! Help! Pre-fill hunger...

    CABOT cottage cheese. 1 cup has over 22 gm of protein and it keeps me full for a while. Right now i am eating like a i was prego... small meals every 3 hours, just so that i dont feel "hunger pains" and i am trying not to drink with my food or right after good luck
  18. Gorda123

    Week 38...GOAL...115lbs Lost

    BRAVO!!! this day was coming and now it is here so ENJOY!! i f you think you have more weight to loose or just specific places to tone up, then do it. YOu have proven that if you put your mind to it, it will happen. Vomiting in your sleep??? I am at 4 1/2 CC and i have a feeling it will take over 6 Cc to get to that sweet spot i hear everyone talk about. where is your Dr moving to? would it be hard to follow him.. Go out and celebrate!! buy yourself a sexy little black dress
  19. Gorda123

    Sept 2009

    you look perfect!!! how much do you work out? I am sure your whole family must be so proud of what you have acomplished. Congrats
  20. Gorda123

    50 lbs down 1/31/2010

    you look like a new man!! keep it up!!
  21. Gorda123

    5 months

    you look great!!! you must be working out like crazy!!! i cant wait to put on a size 18 jean!!good job!
  22. Gorda123

    Me-Feb 2010 - Down about 75 pounds.

    you look great!!! I am 4 months out and have lost 32kbs since last Feb. The weight is coming off slowly but i know i have to be patient... i keep a food diary and worl out 3 times a week.how many fills have you had? are you at your sweet spot?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
