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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Gorda123

  1. hi KK I am in the same boat.. I had my 2nd fill and i still have no restriction and loossing very little weight. Now i have to wait till the end of MArch for my 3rd fill hopefully this will get me closer to my "sweet spot" Good luck!!!
  2. Gorda123

    gettin back on track

    DITO!!! i am also waiting for my 3rd fill in 4 weeks... i have not lost much weight since my 2nd fill.. Im fustrated. I need to keep away from "crunchy food" that is my weakness. Good luck and keep it up!!
  3. Gorda123

    55 Pounds Down!

    you look great!!!!
  4. you look great.. my goal is to go from a size 24 to a 16 by Sept ( turning 35 years old) Not sure if i will make it, so far i have lost 32 lbs and have only l gone down to a size 22 pants...
  5. Gorda123

    Scheduled 3rd Fill

    DITO!!! lucky that you can get a fill every 2 weeks.. My Dr gave me my 2nd fill in Jan 28th. I have no restriction...and now i have to wait till my 6 month appt at the end of MArch. right now i have 5CC in a 10cc band. i am trying hard not to over eat and stay away from tempting foods...but ist hard with 3 small kids that seem to ALways be asking for food.
  6. Gorda123

    So About That Tiger Woods Apology?

    Marriege--- should end Kids--- he needs to be there for them Sponsors---- forgive & forget. its the american way Media---- they r only doing their job, if WE didnt buy the magazines; watch the shows... then they would be out of a job TIGER--- pray you did not catch anything and that little babies dont start popping up all around the world!
  7. Gorda123

    02-14-10 71 pounds lighter......feeling great.

    Wow!! i bet you are feeling like a new person.
  8. Gorda123

    50lbs lost. That shirt used to fit SNUGLY ok...TIGHTLY.

    that is great color on you.. congrats !! you are doing so well.
  9. Gorda123

    2 months post-op and 2 fills later....

    New day new Start... I have screwed up alot with my eating. With 3 kids around me asking for snack costantly i have found myself eating with them...stuppf thati dont really crave or enjoy. You are doing great!!!! yes your mom is probably feeling lousy about her not getting the band, but she is your mom and she wants you to be happy and healthy. my mother is very supportive but sometimes she says things that she does not realize can hurt and stress me out...especially when there is a week where i dont loose any weight. my weight is coming off very slowly...but i dont regreat having the Band. Keep it up!!!
  10. Gorda123

    Sciatica--- a real bummer!

    Ok so it has been a week since my sciatica appeared and on Tues it will be a week since i have been on the anti-inflamatories (celebrex) and the Vicodin...wich i can only take after my husband gets home since it makes em loopy :lol:and i really cant stay awake. So i take Tylenol during the day. I still have pain, i can not go more that 15 mins without feeling the pinch/shock go down my left leg. it is really fustrating because i want to get back to doing my workout at 6am but i get up very lame and i know i have a full day ahead of me with the kids. To TOP it off...i have gained 3 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused: i am still not feeing any restriction and i have 5 more weeks before my next fill. i am bumming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Gorda123

    They Say Old Lovers Can be Good Friends?

    great comparison children to FOOD!
  12. Gorda123

    28 pounds gone, 6 weeks post op

    wow it seems you are doing so well.. I have losy about 30 lbs in the last 4 1/2 months and i am also buying cheap clothes and afcouse getting into the stash i had in my garage that i could not fit in 1 year ago. it feels nice. My weight is coming off very slowly...i definitally need my 3rd fill but i have to wait till the end of March for that. I am seeing my brother in the summer, i hope he can honestly see a diference..he ofcourse has only been 10-15 lbs overweight so he cant understand what I have gone through. Hopefully by Sept i have lost atleast 70lbs...cross my fingers. The relation between animated childrens films sounds good. i also have watched countless hours with my 3 small kids and can deffinatly see a patern. Good luck with that.
  13. good luck!! the Band is great and it bring alot of challenges but it is all worth it.
  14. hi,

    I just read a post where you were suggesting to someone to get an agressive fill.

    I am in Band Hell... had a 2nd fill last month and i dont feel any restriction. In total i have 5cc in a 10 cc band. i am so fustrated... i have to wait till the end of March to get my 3rd fill and i am so afraid i will walk into that office without loosing any weight. In almost 5 months i have lost about 30lbs...but i still dont feel it or see it.

    Anyways, i think i will be asking for a agrerssive fill in March.

    Hope thinks are going well for you.

  15. WAIT!! you got banned less that 3 months ago and you have already lost a total of 65lbs!!?!? that is incredible. Do not put yourself down. I do suggest you increase you calories and Protein intake. I eat 4-5 small meals/snacks a day...i have a crazy "stay at home with kids" kinda life and i almost never have the time or opportunity to sit at the table and eat. I have been loosing very slowly and that is partly because im not keeping to my new eating habbints 100% .Even if a screw up one day i get up the next starting from scratch! I am almost 5 months post op and have lost about 32lbs...still have about 80lbs to go. My 10CC band is filled to 5CC and i am not feeling any restriction.I try to keep temptation away but its hard when i spend so much time in the kitchen making meals/snacks for my family. good luck to you...and remember that "slow and steady is better"
  16. Gorda123

    Size What to Size What?

    Starting size : 24W Top 3x Current size : 20 getting into the the stash of smaller clothes i have kept for years:rolleyes2: I am feeling... encoureged, slowly feeling younger.Cant wait to feel sexy again I need to work on .... working out, getting my sciatica in control , getting to my sweet spot...and getting rid of my BELLY! My goal size is : 14 top Large I have had 2 fills and right now i dont feel much restriction. I am hungry every 3 hours and Yes i snack. I spend alot of time in the kitchen making meals and Snacks for my 3 small kids. I hate the scale... i think looking for changes with my pants is a better way.
  17. Gorda123

    50 lbs to Lose

    I am a mom of 3year old twin boys...and a 6 year old daughter. I am also about 5 months post op and the Band has helped me. The weight is coming off slowly just because my days are busy with the kids and i can only find 3-4 hours a week to work out ( usually before anyone wakes up). In total i have 100 lbs to loose ( cannot blame it on my pregnacies) I have lost about 30lbs. How fast you can loose it depends on your body, you wouldnt want to loose it too fast. it is a huge lifestyle change... a challenge for me has been keeping to my new eating routine while also making meals for my kids and husband. Congrats!! twins are a blessing. Good luck
  18. Gorda123

    Do you miss eating?

    I am almost 5 months post op. I miss food!!! i have 3 small kids and a husband that i still need to feed so i am in the kitchen alot preparing meals and Snacks. Have i been 100% faithfull to my new way of eating?? no. I have had bad days where i eat here and there and then ask myself why? i wasnt really hungry. food habbiits ar HARD to get rid of and i have to remind myself that it will take time to adjust, specially psycologically. I do not regret getting the band. because i know once i get over the hill i will see and feel the healthier ME. Good luck
  19. Gorda123

    Happy Bandiversary to ME!

    celebrate!! i know how you feel about loosing slow...but i remind myself that ''it took me over 10 years to gain the 100 lbs, why should i expect to loose it in 1 year.''' We are doing something good for our body and that is heading to the right direction. I also raided my "small size box" and half of it fits now. Feels good. Enjoy the moment and good luck!
  20. Gorda123


    you look great... how much have you lost?

    Ok so it has been a week since my sciatica appeared and on Tues it will be a week since i have been on the anti-inflamatories (celebrex) and the Vicodin...wich i can only take after my husband gets home since it makes em loopy :lol:and i really cant stay awake. So i take Tylenol during the day.

    I still have pain, i can not go more that 15 mins without feeling the pinch/shock go down my left leg. it is really fustrating because i want to get back to doing my workout at 6am but i get up very lame and i know i have a full day ahead of me with the kids.

    To TOP it off...i have gained 3 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!:crying: i am still not feeing any restriction and i have 5 more weeks before my next fill.

    i am bumming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Gorda123

    My First Performance Where I Loved The Way I Looked....

    I love "gotta keep moving" you make a great couple. much love

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