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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Gorda123

  1. Gorda123

    Am I Going To Die? and Salad for the price of a cookie.

    I have had slimming but not through my nose..hope i dont have to feel/see that. I am having my 3rd fill at the end of the month. right now i have ZERO restriction and i can eat well over 1 cup of food before i stop myself...i am also snaking. I hope that with my next fill i get closet to my "sweet spot" with out the slimming and vomiting. I can totally relate with "missing food" Good luck and keep it up!!
  2. Gorda123

    Bottomless Pit

    This gets me thinking.. I have also been hungry and feeling no restriction since my 2nd fill but since then i have also started working out 2-3 times a week. Maybe that is why ihave been so hungry?? Since Jan 28th i have only lost about 5lbs. my 3rd fill is coming up at the end of March. i hope this gets me closet to my Sweet spot. I am eating about 1200- 1400 cals a day and about 60-80 grams of protein. Good luck!!
  3. Gorda123

    My New BFF!

    WOW!!! i have been trhingking of joining the YMCA in my town. I have not been in a gym for over 10 years. After readying this i think i am ready for a new BFF!!! My family is on a tight budget but i think the membership to the Y will be good for all of us. Thanks for sharing.... i need to get out the house and what better place thatn a Gym keep it up!
  4. Gorda123

    When Men start noticing!!

    my Hubby has been mentioning the change.... very touchy feely. It feels nice. Heads Up, shoulders back Girls!
  5. Gorda123

    Haven't posted for a while

    this is great to hear. I have beel seeing the same # on my scale for the last 4 weeks. I only weigh myself once a week and it really gets me down. I did have some back problems where i had to take it easy on the workouts. But know i am 3 weeks away from my 3rd fill appt and i cant wait!! I feel no restriction. my goal is to loose 5 lbs before my appt. Congrats on you loss... it will be fun picking out your new outfit!!
  6. Gorda123

    Are you ready? Nah, I don't think so...

    Love Exercise TV!!! I have hope my skin will shrink back...but i have also started a piggy bank towards a Body lift *sigh* that is only and only when i loose over 110 lbs and have weighted 1 year to see if my body recovers. Suerte
  7. Gorda123

    feb 27,10 7 8 months later... 70lbs lost

    you look great, that blouse is big on you
  8. Gorda123

    Gianna & Gina :) February 2009

    Adorable!!. que linda
  9. Gorda123

    2-26-10. 35 pounds down. 34 to go. Current weight 189

    Wowo you look great!
  10. Gorda123

    I'm back to my love affair...

    i have had very littel restriction..i did have pain once when i swallowed so wild rice with out chewing it..it was 10 mins of pain. I suggest yo get a conservative fill, my second fill was less that 1cc because i wanted to go slow. Now i am waiting for my 3rd fill on the 25th and i will ask for a little more since i am sure i am not near my sweet spot. I can drink 4 oz of water in less that 30 seconds and eat more that 6 ounce of food with bearly feeling full. Good luck and keep up the good work everyone!!
  11. Gorda123

    48 Pounds Down!

    Good for you... that is a lot fo weight in 3 months!! i am 5 months post op and have lost about 32lbs... i have not kept to the diet 100% and just about 5 weeks ago i started working out ( that is if my back lets me). BAD habbits are hard to break. Good luck
  12. Gorda123

    Losing Toooo much weight on 6 month diet

    i suggest the same thing. call the surgeons office and make sure they r sending your "starting" weight'I was 42 BMI and only 1 comorbities. I have BCBS and i was aproved. Fortunally for me i did nto have to do the 6 month diet, my surgeon just asked that i give my liver a break by not eating any fried food, junk food or alcohol. So my the time i went under the knofe i was -7 lbs. good luck
  13. hi.. i know exacly what you mean!!

    My husband was hesitant at fisrt but now 5 months post op he sees that even wit the Band it is not a quick fix. its hard work and it is something i will be working at for the rest of my life. I have now lost 32 lbs since Sept and it is going slow. I have not been prefect but everyday i start new and tell myself that the weight that is comng off will be gove for ever. I have more energy and that changes my attitude.

    I hope you get your Husband on board, he cannot relate and that makes it hard. Good luck.

    your kids are adorable.

  14. hi, thanks so much for your nice words about motherhood. I am trying to be strong and ask for help.

    I got the band to get myself healthy but also so that my kids can be proud and i can be actively involved in their lifes.

    Cant wait to get my 3rd fill, hopefully it will get me closer to the "sweet spot"

    thanks again.

  15. Gorda123

    Pre-Op Diet Day 4 and a little about myself

    Cheer up!! it will get better. the Band is worth all the tears of fustration over not being able to eat what you crave at this point...yes my husband still makes the mistake of asking if a "want" something at the store............. Remember that after you have gone through the surgery and have healed you will not have to dreprive yourself of much, it will just have to be in very small portions. I have been about 5 months post op. and i have lost 32 lbs. The weight is coming off slow because i have not been 100 % good with my new way of eating. Bad habbits die hard. But i comfort myself by knowing that i am loosing weight that will never come back. I have been Obese for the last 10 years and i cant even put the blame on having 3 kids. I also did not have a weight problem till i hit puberty and once i came to the US in 1992 i started gaining some mayor weight ( all the good fat food). Anyways, i wish you lots of luck . I also had issues getting prego for the sencod time, but once i did i was blessed with Twins . You are young and you will see that after you have lost some weight you will get what you want..
  16. Gorda123

    Bad Habits, Goals, and Commitment

    Good luck with your goal! I have a goal to loose 100 lbs by my 35th Bday in Sept. So far i have lost 32lbs...but i have not lost any in the last 3 weeks. Bad habbits are creeping back! I am no were close to my sweet spot and i have to wait till the end of march to get my 3rd fill. I want to loose 5 lbs before then. Thanks for sharing..this website really does help
  17. Gorda123

    Down another 5lbs! Sweet!!!

    hi ' i have Comcast cable at home and they have a excersise TV where they have tons of workouts...anywhere from toning, step aerobics to walking. i do the 2 mile walking one with Leslie Samsone..it is a good start.Its only about 35 mins and i can feel it. Someday i will move up to a harder one. I do plan to join the YMCA in the spring...since i fould out they offer babysitting while i workout ( u have 3 small kids) I know how you feel... i am bellow 250lb now and i have not been there for over 6 years. I hope to be bellow 200 be the end of year. im loosing very slowly but hey..its gone for ever!!! Good luck
  18. Gorda123

    banded in november pregnant in december!

    Congrats... a child is a blessing!!! YOu will do great im sure.. even if the fills are taken out you so you can eat for baby and you just keep in mind that after babby comes you will be able to start again. Enjoy the the moment.
  19. Gorda123

    The Battlefield of the Mind

    you are funny...i will admit i also had those 'Body Thoughts'... since my surgery in Sept my husband has been concerned about the assets going missing. I tell him that is why the Wonder bra was invented. My big concern is the skin and yes i have lost a little over 30lbs and i have seen some sagging in my belly and thighs. BUT i have been told that it take a while for the skin to catch up to the new body, so i have been lathering myself with lotion that claims to tighten after prolonged use. I have also been told i carry my weight well for the last 10 years ( i gained about 100 lbs) afte having 3 kids including a set of twins i cannot get over my belly. I am working hard at getting down,,,lots of tummy crunches!! it is a huge change physically and mentaly.... i still struggle everyday...but i do not regret the BAND for one minute because if one reason ---- HEALTH! I have tried SPANX and i could not fit in a 3x... i refuse to use something that makes me feel so trapped. I will wait till i loose a total of 100lbs ( goal) to see if i can squeeze myself into a Spanx 2x Good luck and remember that our men love us because of how we carry ourself..whether Big or thin. We can still rock it !!
  20. Gorda123

    day after surgery

    Welcome... you will do great. Some days will be better that others. I have been loose it slowly but it is all worth it.
  21. Gorda123

    ... I need to VENT!!

    So many things that fustrate me right now 1st-- Since my 2nd fill (Jan 28th) i have only lost 3 lbs and have NO restriction.Plan on joinning the YMCA to see if i get motivated to working out...ofcourse that is if my back/leg cooperate. 2nd-- My Sciatica is still bothering me. After 10 days of Celebrex and not working out (dr's orders) i decided to just get 2 work outs on thur and friday...and now i am limping. I dont want to be on Tylenol for the rest of my life. And i dont have the time to sit an heal...have 3 kids to take care of. 3rd-- TAX season... granted that we let H&R Block do it, i still never manage to get all the right paperwork for them and the ask questions i dont really know how to answer.I just hope the refund can get help us out. 4th-- Im eating WAY to much!!! my 3 year old twins seem to always want to eat. I spend way to much time in the kitchen and that just gives me axcess to "cruchy munchies". Bad habbits are really hard to break!!! 5th-- I have lost about 32lbs and have only gone down one pant size...where am i loosing the weight? 6th --- Husband is not beeing very understanding. did he forget that i got the Band?? I still cook the same way but he is bringing home a lot of crappy food and offering it to me...what a hell!! maybe he doesnt like the fact the i am about 7 lbs lighter that him now :redface: 7th -- still loosing my hair!! i have been keeping my protein intake over 70 gms a day. I have also been taking Biotin for over 1 months and got myself a hair cut. It is freaking me out! 8th-- KIDS are driving me crazy. My 6 year old daughter is talking back and being very ruff with the boys. Time outs dont seem to affect her much. But at kindergarden she is a ANGEL!! The twins are destroying the house, we have just a few pieces of furniture in the living area.Their room only has beds cuz the climb and jump off anything. THey are fighting over everything and one bites, the other one pulls hair or with whatever he has in his hand he will hit the other on the head. There is alot of helling...crying..:frown: I also failed at potty trainning this boys. they are not interested and Im so sick of diapers!! :wub:I love my family BUt i know see how it is that food has come into my life as a lifesaver for so long... I want to change ... i need to change. CAn anyone relate!??????! I feel a little better now.... i realize this process takes time.
  22. Gorda123

    ... I need to VENT!!

    ..thanks so much fo the nice words ( watery eyes) I am trying hard to be positive and to take time out for myself...i just with i had more help from the people around me. I plan to join the YMCA to get some workouts BUT also to get out of the house and have some time to myself while my daughter is in school and the boys can stay in the play/kidsitting area the Y offers. I sometimes i wonder if i am going to survive with these kids... i cant see myself in 10 years when all 3 of them will be teenages.. OMG!! Thanks again for the motivating words..when i get home from work today iwill look at the mirrow and pat myself on the back ( while the kids & Hubby...are asking ""Whats for dinner mommy??" )
  23. Gorda123

    Dragon Slayers

    I know you wrote tis a while ago... but it made em smile and giggle!. Hope you are doign well in your BRAVE adventure to a new life!!!
  24. Gorda123

    1 month post op down 10 lbs

    what a good looking family. They must be very proud of you
  25. Gorda123

    ... I need to VENT!!

    So many things that fustrate me right now 1st-- Since my 2nd fill (Jan 28th) i have only lost 3 lbs and have NO restriction.Plan on joinning the YMCA to see if i get motivated to working out...ofcourse that is if my back/leg cooperate. 2nd-- My Sciatica is still bothering me. After 10 days of Celebrex and not working out (dr's orders) i decided to just get 2 work outs on thur and friday...and now i am limping. I dont want to be on Tylenol for the rest of my life. And i dont have the time to sit an heal...have 3 kids to take care of. 3rd-- TAX season... granted that we let H&R Block do it, i still never manage to get all the right paperwork for them and the ask questions i dont really know how to answer.I just hope the refund can get help us out. 4th-- Im eating WAY to much!!! my 3 year old twins seem to always want to eat. I spend way to much time in the kitchen and that just gives me axcess to "cruchy munchies". Bad habbits are really hard to break!!! 5th-- I have lost about 32lbs and have only gone down one pant size...where am i loosing the weight? 6th --- Husband is not beeing very understanding. did he forget that i got the Band?? I still cook the same way but he is bringing home a lot of crappy food and offering it to me...what a hell!! maybe he doesnt like the fact the i am about 7 lbs lighter that him now 7th -- still loosing my hair!! i have been keeping my protein intake over 70 gms a day. I have also been taking Biotin for over 1 months and got myself a hair cut. It is freaking me out! 8th-- KIDS are driving me crazy. My 6 year old daughter is talking back and being very ruff with the boys. Time outs dont seem to affect her much. But at kindergarden she is a ANGEL!! The twins are destroying the house, we have just a few pieces of furniture in the living area.Their room only has beds cuz the climb and jump off anything. THey are fighting over everything and one bites, the other one pulls hair or with whatever he has in his hand he will hit the other on the head. There is alot of helling...crying..:crying: I also failed at potty trainning this boys. they are not interested and Im so sick of diapers!! :wub:I love my family BUt i know see how it is that food has come into my life as a lifesaver for so long... I want to change ... i need to change. CAn anyone relate!??????! I feel a little better now.... i realize this process takes time.

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