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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Gorda123

  1. Gorda123

    @$%*^ Hair loss #2

    Ok..I looked for shapoo that had Biotin in it. But instead 3 days ago i started taking Biotin 1000 gm. I found it at Target and decided i need to try it. I m tired of seeing so much hair go down the drain:ohmy: I am planning on getting a haircut ( new look) soon but i need to stop the hairloss. The pill is small enough to be swalloed easily. I hope Biotin helps me with my hair on my head and not in the growth of it anywhere else hahaha!
  2. Gorda123

    The love of my life!!! Terrible 2-time! *exhale*

    i know how it is... for me just multiply by 2!!! i am going through the TeRRibLE #3's!!!!
  3. Gorda123


    oh yeah another thing...when you are sitting down it helpt to put a pillow on your belly...cuz you dont want little hands, legs, bodies bumping into your incisions.My kids wanted to check my "booboo" every 10 mins and play doctor. Walking is also good.
  4. Gorda123


    I had a C section to deliver twins. it is not worse. You do feel achy where the incisions are and you do need to be careful lifting over 10 lbs for a while. For me it was hard since i have 3 small kids and they all seem to want to be lifted or on me while i sit. And it does hurt if you get elbowed!!! still nothing compared to a Csection. i milked it for about 1 week, let my husband do the laundry, give baths, ect...let him experiense a piece of what i do day in and day out. be BRAVE!!! and good luck
  5. Gorda123

    still maintaining...a few more pounds to go!

    WOW--- amazing job. How much have you lost total?? what kid of work out are you doing?? you look great
  6. hi...how are you? not seen any updated pics. You are doing so well just wanted to chck in.

    hope all is well


  7. Gorda123


  8. Gorda123

    Getting ready for 200...

    Wow you are doing great.
  9. Gorda123

    Photo 0030[1]

    you look great, how much have you lost?
  10. looking good... wow you have lost alot of weight. I have lost 33 lbs in 5 months. I am just know starting to work out, hopefully the weight will come off a little faster.
  11. looking good!! I ma almost 6 month post Op and have only lost 33 lbs still 70 lbs to go. But slow and steady wins the race. Love the color of the dress, is it long or to the knees?
  12. Gorda123

    Me and my horse, Owen

    great pic...its been a while since i have been on a horse. hope to get on one in the near future
  13. Gorda123

    No caption

    everyone must be proud of you!!! i know i am, and i dont even know you
  14. Gorda123

    Been There, Done That?And Got the T-Shirt to Fit

    i have always wanted to go to a Bon Jovi concert...hopefully the day i go i will be able to get a Tshirt size L. 2Xl is great proof. I decided that the # on the scale is not as important as how you feel in your clothing.
  15. Gorda123

    5 days to go

    Best of luck!!! THe liquid diet is hard but it is worth it, you will need time to heal. Just remember that you will be limited for a while.
  16. Gorda123

    Intro: I'm ranting like an idiot to let it all out of me.

    Chin UP!! I have a 6 year old daughter and i pray that she does not go through what i have. I have been overweight since i was 15 and turned obese in my mid 20's. I wasted a lot of time. I never put myself down, but living in a country (colombia) where i was taller and fatter that all my class mates was hard. Specially with the boys telling me that i would be pretty if i lost weight... what?! I got the band to make a change, i need to be around for my kids and i also want my daughter to look at me and feel proud...she already can see the diference. I will do anything in my power to make sure she takes care of herself and knows that what she puts in her body will affect her. Good luck with your surgery. You will do great. And even though Korea seems like a far away dream.... if you are determend , dreams do come true.
  17. Gorda123

    Ready or Not, Here I Come!!!!!

    Great way to motivate yourself!! you have already lost ALOT of weight. Be proud. Give yourself a break, you had surgery and now you have recovered just to become a more healthy YOU. So now you can move, that means that you will be loosing lbs and getting into the 220's real soon. I have only been banded for about 5 months and lost 33 lbs...its coming off slowly.. good luck and i cant wait to see your progress pics!
  18. MAli, you inspire me. I have been with the band for 5 months anf have lost a little over 30 lbs.. it is going slow for me.I also love teh Kellog Shakes, cottage Ch. and the Smart ones meals. But right know i have no restriction, so i hope that when i get my 3rd fill i will have more control.how many fills have you had? what are you doing for toning?you look GREAT!!
  19. Gorda123

    Hubby and I, March 2010

    wow!!!! i am on my way..it may take me a while but it will be worth it
  20. God Bless. I have a 6 year old girl and 3 year old twin boys. I decided to have the BAND when i realized that i needed to be with them as long as possible and being 5'8 and over 270lbs was not going to cut it. I am 5 months out and i dont regret it... i am looking forward to a long, healthy, happy life with my family.Best of luck
  21. Gorda123

    band to tight

    i will definitaly keep this in mind... i dont know how you lasted 8 months in pain. Good luck refilling your band!!
  22. Gorda123

    I want a cookie

    lol... very funny If i was u i would go out anf get my self at the necessary stuff and practice making the 'perfect MarGaRita!!" I am more of a Piña Colada girls...less piña More RUM! Good luck

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