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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Gorda123

  1. great pic!! you should be very proud. I look forward to looking and feeling good in a dress
  2. Gorda123

    No caption

    wow you look great!!
  3. you look great!!! i have lost 40lbs...its going very very slow and i still have 60lbs to go what is your secret??
  4. Gorda123

    Amber 7

    wow...how much have you lost??? what is the secret?you look great
  5. Gorda123

    Almost 6 months out and 70lbs down.

    what you wrote gives me hope. So far i have very slow weight loss and ZERo restriction. hopeing to be at the sweet spot soon. 1) I have lost about 40lbs and still dont like what i see. I have twins so my belly is really my "trouble" area. it looks to me like i am 7 months prego. And the skin is getting jiggly...i already told all family members that any donations for my full body lift will be accepted 2) I have been open about my Band...so far the response has mostly been positive. I have had people be totally FAKE and i know that when i leave the room they are comenting...but should i really care? Nope. 3) I dont have this issue (yet) but i would take it slow ,,,it has only been 6 months. They way i see it is that once i reach my goal (loose 100lb) i will wait 6-12 months to see what my body does...if the skin does not shrink at all then i will seriously look into surgery.
  6. Gorda123

    6th fill was my sweet spot and in ONEDERLAND!!!!

    thats great!! it give me hope. I have my 4th fill coming up . I have zero restriction and i am hoping this fill will put me one step closer to my "sweet spot" I am staying away from shopping I have a closet full of clothes that have to fit... get loose... fall off of me before i need to buy some. It will be so nice to go into a regular store and try something that will fit. Good for you enjoy!!!!!
  7. Gorda123

    first fill

    you will reach 200!! I also have about 5cc in right now. Unfortunally i have no restrction. I have my 4th fill in 2 weeks and hopefully that will do the trick. I had my band put in Sept 2009 and since then i have given up bread and soda, i still eat pasta and rice but in small amounts. I would also like to live a normal, healthy life with regards to food. I have 3 small kids and i t seems i am always around food. Keep going to the gym... working out seems to help me with the stress of everyday life and i do feel better during the day. Good luck. my goal fo rthe summer is to loose 20lbs by sept....
  8. Gorda123

    Well hello sweet spot!

    you had peanut butter with bread?? wow you are lucky it was only 5 mins of pain! I so far have zero restriction but i have been keeping away from all types of bread for the exception of pitas. I have my 4th fill in 2 weeks i hope to get closer to the sweet spot and stop being hungry. i love the idea of having a a orange or P bar and feel full. I will always be surrounded by food ( 3 small kids) but i want to stop having cravins and eating just because. Enjoy the spweet spot.. best of luck
  9. Gorda123

    Before and After

    great pics...you look great. i hope to be able to have a before and after pic soon
  10. Gorda123

    The Third Band was the Charm!

    holy S*** you are good...i would of been a monster the first time I landed in the hospital...specially with that tube. Gald you are now Ok and on your way. Good luck
  11. Gorda123

    I am dissapointed i gained 2lbs back!

    hi Chachis, I am 15 days away from my 4th fill.... my goal is to loose 5 lbs by then. I have AERO restriction and trying to stay away from crunchy carbs (my weakness) I am also loosing very slow and it seems like i have hit a wall. I am doing my workouts and drinking my water and vitamins.. everyday i start fresh and try not to get bummed out. Best of luck
  12. Gorda123

    seatbelt with some room! Can you stand it! LOL

    great job!! that is what i want... lots a room to move
  13. Gorda123

    scanning the room....

    i still am the biggest..but it is ok. I know i am doing something about it and that I have a goal to reach. My weightloss has been slow...very slow. i am the photographer in the family so i am almost never in the pics. I dont think that will change cuz i love taking pics of a moment in time i want to remember. my daughter does take the camera from me and takes pic of me...its usually blurry and gets deleted. in time i will feel more comfortable walking into a room good luck
  14. Gorda123

    6 months after surgery 39 lbs so far

    wow..you look great!!! i have lost 35 lbs ans still have a ways to go. what is your secret???
  15. Gorda123

    Zumbaaaaaa I love it

    I started ZUBA about 1 month ago...every time i get a little better at keeping up. Getting back to my Colombian dancing roots it harder than i thought... ofcourse the 80lbs of extra weight makes it a challenge.Its fun and the time goes fast so i dont get bored...so far the instructer keeps using the same music,,,i hope she changes it at some point Good luck.
  16. Gorda123

    What did you eat after your fill?

    i was also told to do liquids, mushy for 3-4 days. I did that for the 1st and 2nd fill....but unfortunally i have not any restrction...even after my 3rd fill. I have my 4th fill on the 20th..hopefully that will do the trick, i do plan to do the liquid/mushies since that is the week when i loose the most weight. good luck
  17. Gorda123

    People do notice..

    it felt good seeing these women from work. I look at myself everyday and dont see much change...specially in the belly area. My boss was a little over the top with the compliments. Last time i saw her(about 1 year) she was doing the "cookie Diet" and she said it was working...in my head i asked myslef how long can you eat those cookies without getting totally sick, well it seems she stoped that and gained the 20lb she lost. everyone complimented on my "pretty face"...maybe it was the make up, cuz i only use it 5-10 times a year. Anyways, hopefully the next time i see them i have more progress. I am still stuck at 35lbs. I have my 4th fill on the 20th. till then i will keep doing Zumba, treadmill and eating 1200-1500 cal a day. yes i am still fustrated BUT i am tankfull for the band and do no regret it. Hope all is well...
  18. Gorda123

    April 27, 2010

    im speechless.... you should have a smile from ear to ear. congratulations. I hope to be able to hold my "fat pants" up like that in the near future
  19. Gorda123

    15 weeks

    you look amazing!!! i love reading what people are going through...it gives me hope that i WILL loose the weight, even if my body is hangging on to every oz of fat... I stopeed weighing myself, i do it once a week (mon) i am focussing more on how my pants and shirts fit. have a great day
  20. Gorda123

    9 months down..about 50lbs lost post op 80lbs all togather

    what is your secret?? i am 7 months post op and just down 35lbs.. i still dont see. you look great!!
  21. hhmm have you seem my pics?? dear lord.
  22. Gorda123

    ..will anyone notice?

    i just realized that on Tuesday i am going to a work related meeting where i am going to see people i have not seen since i weighed 276-280lbs:unsure: These women are very jugmental and i am sure they have been giving their opinion about my surgery and im sure their expectations are high ( none are Obese) I now weight 243lbs... I cant really see a big difference when i look at myself but i am kinda hoping my coworkers do...is that stupid? i know that what comes outof my bosses mouth is usually not sincere..so that will bug me. Anyways... i know come tuesday i will be looking in my closet for something slimming..black always works.:wink2:
  23. Gorda123

    fustrated #3 nothing has changed

    Ok so i had my 3rd fill one month ago. I now have 5.6CC and in the first week i lost 4lbs.....and that is it!!:smile2: Once i started eating solids i have maintained.In total i have lost about 35lbs..in the last 7 months. i am only 1/3 away from my goal and i have ZERO restriction. One night i was able to eat about 10oz of MEAT! and to top it off i had about 2oz of mash potatoes. I have been keeping to 1200-1500 cal per day and about 65+ grams of protein. I am working out 2-3 times a week. I just started going to Zumba classes and at home i work on tummy crunches. It just seems my body is refussing to give up any FAT. I have not been perfect with the Diet.... with 3 small kids it seems i am always surrounded by food and so i find myself eating cookies, crackers, godfish, chips... and ofcourse those things go down well:sneaky: I have my next appt in 4 weeks. I would be somewhat happy to be able to loose a total of 10 lbs before then. I am guessing my Dr will give me another 1CC... I read alot of blogs and hear people say that they " are at their sweet spot" I would truely be happy if i could loose 1 lbs a week...more importantly to see iches come off!! I hope soon i will be able to have a more positive Blog. thanks for hearing me out... its good to vent!:wink2:
  24. Gorda123

    "I'm proud of you

    yes it is nice to hear those words from your parents. Mine are very supportinve. My dad lives out of the country and the last time he saw me i was at my heaviest 280lbs... we email eachother 2-3 times a month and he is always asking how i am doing. My weight loss is going slow...but getting there. My mother comes over every 2 weeks for the weekend, she is my best friend and helps me out. You are going to have a lot of changes going on, just be positive and think how great it will be once you have the Band and who happy and surprised your parents will be next time they see a healthier, skinnier you!
  25. Gorda123

    ON CRUISE 4/12/10 surg 12/15/09 192lbs

    you look great

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
