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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Gorda123

  1. Gorda123

    My infant category entry

  2. Gorda123

    1 year post op

    wow!! great job you must be so proud!!my goal is to get down to a size 14, that sound great to me.have a great summer!
  3. Gorda123

    2010 06 04

    WOW!! what is your secret!
  4. Gorda123

    To fill or not to fill??

    SCREW THE PA!! Get yourself an appt with your Dr. You will probably will have to hear a speech from him but just take it in and then move on... I have not been 100% with my food choices and i have also had no restriction...and that is why my weight loss has been very very slow... in the last 4weeks have not lost anytrhing. Going for a fill next friday. Good luck and get back on track!!
  5. Gorda123

    6/6/2010 - 77 lbs down

    looking great!!!
  6. Happy Bday to you! Thank you for posting this. I have been struggling for the past few months since i have not lost any weight. I have 6.6 cc in my band and still feel no restriction. I am also not able to stay away from my old habbits. i am a "crunch carb " junky and i know that is affecting my weight loss. My one year Anniv is in Sept and it will also be my 35th Bday. I had hoped to have lost 80lbs by then. But i know it is not going to happen. It has been a total of 40 lbs so far so now my new goal is 55- 60 by Sept 30th. I have my 5th fill next week and have my fingers crossed that it will put me closer to my sweet spot. THANKS again for sharing, it really helps to read about people that are not perfect but still hopefull and willing to do what it takes. Hope your ankle is better!! VIc
  7. Gorda123

    1st follow up--and great news! (not band related)

    CONGRATS!!! I think in my past life i must of been a photo fanatic. In this life i just am content taking pics of my kids. Hope you win, that $$ would come in handy for all the new clothes you will need Since it is your 1st fill i would not pospone it. Is the food at that ceremony really that good?
  8. On my last blog i was fustrated over not being able to get ahold of a human at my Dr office.. Well yesterday i finally got a call back and the lady told me i could go in 10 days from now @ 10:15am take it or leave it. SO i said yes!!! I sure hope my husband can work from home that day. It takes me about 1 hour to get there but if there is taffic it can take much longer...so basically for a 20 min visit it will take me the whole morning to go and come back. I sure hope my Dr doesnt give me any grieff over coming in early for my 5 th fill... why should i wait another month if i know i am not even close to my sweet spot and i am not loosing any weight... Sept 30th will be my 1 year...so my goal by then is to have lost a total of 60lbs. Yesterday and today i did 1 hour on the elliptical...i basically dont get off till the machine tells me i have burned 500+ calories I like that machine better that the treatmill..it gets my hart pumping muvh faster and it is easyer on the knees Hope everyone is doing well.
  9. Gorda123

    06/15/10 1 yr later

    wow you look great...you must be so proud
  10. Gorda123

    All I get is a voice mail....

    OK so since i had my 4 th fill on MAy 20th i can officially say that i dont feel my Band. I still have zero restriction and can eat well over 10-12 oz of food at a meal. In 3 weeks i have lost 2-3 lbs..... so i called my Dr office to ask to come in for my 5 th fill...but all i get is a recording!!! Last friday i called 3 times..... thank goodness it is not a real emergency. I will keep on calling this week till i get a human on the phone. I do not want to wait till july 24th for my fill. I am fustrated..... but still happy i have lost a total of 40lbs. I have realistic goals. Unfortunally in the last 7 days i have overdone it with the food. Tomorrow is weigh in I am thinking of skipping it cuz i am not going to like what i see,,, Ofcourse i am sure my husband will step on that scale and see another 3 lbs gone. have a great week everyone
  11. Gorda123

    What to wear, what to wear...

    best of luck!!
  12. Gorda123

    April 2010 190lbs/50lbs lost so far.

    you look great!!!
  13. Gorda123

    Me, on the left, and my sister in Sedona. 5-15-10

    YOU LOOK GREAT!! how long have you had the band?
  14. Gorda123

    No longer considered Morbidly Obese - BMI 39

    CONGRATS!!! when i started my BMI was 42 now i think i am 37. still have a way to go. I will be content when i reach the Overweight section.I am tall , i was told that to get to "normal" i would have to weigh less that 160lbs. I dont really want that. My ultimate goal is to be in the 180's. I go to the gym usually before my kids get up and i do feel more alert during the day. You are going through a rough time, but this shall pass. Best of luck!!
  15. Gorda123

    Why do people....

    So true So true!!!. Im having a hard time... loosing litle a turtle!!! I am not eating well all the time...( had pizza last week for the 1st tiem in 8 months) but i am trying and reminding myself that i Have lost 40lbs and it will not come back.. So CHIN UP!!
  16. Gorda123

    Feeling defeated

    hi, I know what your r going through. I had my band in Sept 09 and have lost 40lbs. It is going very slow. I think partially because i have had 4 fills and still have zero restriction. So i can eat practically anything. I do try to stay away from "bad" food but i can eat well over 1 cup of food per meal. I am working out. My surgeon seems indiferent when i tell him that the scale is not moving.... I have my 5th fill for July but i am going to call and ask for the fill sooner to see if i get closer to the so called "sweet spot" I would also ve so happy to loose 1-2 lbs per week...i think that would be healthy. GOOD LUCK and keep you chin up! WE are doing the best we can, if you can look into changing drs Suggestiong fro protein COTTAGE cheese. 1/2 cup has 13grams and it goes down
  17. Gorda123

    Had My Fill Today!

    i tried going to your blog could not find it. 82 lbs!! wow that is great! For me it is going very slow... In Sept it will be 1 year i have lost 40lbs and still have zero restriction. I hope when i get my 5th fill i will be closer to the "sweet spot" when did you start seeing the difference in your body? i look at myself and do not see much change
  18. Gorda123

    Is 5cc a lot?

    WOW..he gave you 5cc in one fill!? I have had 4 fills and have 6.6 cc. 1st fill= 3cc then 2nd, 3rd, 4th fill = 1cc Unfortunally for me i still have zero restrction. its going really slow and i can still eat well over 1cup of food per meal. If you are not feeling well, you may need an adjustment. 5cc at once seems alot for me. I have my 5th fill at the end of July, but i am thinking of changing to sooner since i have only lost 2 lbs in 3 weeks....I would like to have a little restriction. good luck
  19. Gorda123

    2nd Fill Today

    it seems you are getting close to your "sweet spot'. I have had 4 fill and have 6.6 CC and still have no restriction. I am trying my best to stay away from bad food but i am hungry and can eat well over 1 cup of food per meal. I am working out more than i have ever have. Good luck to you!
  20. Gorda123

    Second fill and loving it.

  21. You look great!! It has been 8 months for me and i have lost 40lbs...very slow but getting there concidering i have no restrction yet.you look so happy!

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