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Everything posted by vmack2001

  1. vmack2001

    Ugh..i hate get togethers

    lol.. i did but after being there for 6 hrs... u kinda get hungry...
  2. vmack2001

    New to LapBandTalk

    OMG!!! finally someone who can relate to me... I was banded last Sept. and yet only have lost about 35 lbs.. its been a year and I have had like 10 fills.. one time they filled me too much and I had to go back to get and unfill.. I lost 5 lbs in 2 days because of that.. which was GREAT!! but I couldt even drink water.. and I was MISERABLE and in PAIN!! but we are both in the same situation because I CANT eat meat or even veggies.. so of course I turn to food that I can eat, which like u say.. cheetos and ice cream and all the other bad food just to have something in my stomache..It is very frustrating when u dont lose weight.. sometimes I feel like this surgery was all for nothing.. my main problem is FOOD.. I luv food too much.. if u ever need to talk just hit me up.. because i definitely can relate to u...
  3. well it wasnt like I was so much far from ur weight.. I started at 239.. and I have been adjusted at least 10 times.. one time it was sooo tight that I had to go back for them to loosen it.. then I had gained back 10 lbs cuz it was tooo loose.. and I basically throw up everytime I eat..and no I rarely drink soda at all.. and alot of people tell me that they loose weight after they eliminate soda.. but I havent lost because of that...I dont know y Im having so much trouble with this band.. :(

  4. vmack2001

    Im sooo disappointed in myself...

    Right now is 11:30 pm and Im sitting here with my husband.. I should be asleep since I have to get up at 3:30 in the morning to get ready for work.. my stomache is growling so I ate 12 small pcs of rice crackers and I still feel hungry.. WHATS WRONG WITH ME??? I am struggling so much losing weight.. I no its the food I eat...I eat what I am able to just so I wont be hungry.. Im not able to eat veggies or even any kind of meat without throwing up..I currently have 6.2CC in my band. I no that it is probably too tight but I am scared that if I get it losen I will gain weight again and thats not the direction I wanna go.. My goal weight is 170 and currently is at 205.. :thumbup: After reading all the success stories on here I truly feel like a looser/failure... any suggestion/advice/comments would greatly be appreciated...
  5. vmack2001

    Feeling really low

    Awww.. dont feel bad.. u have done great!! I have had my band for a year now and i have only lost 35 lbs.. FOOD IS MY WEAKNESS!!! if u ever need to talk.. just leave me a message..
  6. vmack2001

    Ugh..i hate get togethers

    So today was my god daughter's 1st birthday!!! And of course at EVERY get together there is FOOD!!! lots of FOOD..:thumbup: I helped cooked..made fried rice and fried noodles and yummy eggrolls.. Man was I tempted.,.I finally gave in and TRIED to eat half an eggroll, a spoon of rice and a spoon of fried rice... and thats when it all went down hill for me..:cursing: the food did not sit too well and all came back up.. GOSH..how do any of ya'll control yourself when there's sooo much good food around??? IT REALLY SUCKS!!! I guess thats when self control comes in huh?? (which I didnt have)..then of course I packed some food home for my husband.. and as Im sitting here typing my blog..guess what Im doing??? Yea.. you guessed it.. Im throwing up the food I just tried to eat.. I am such a failure and a sucker for food... someone PLEASE HELP!!!!:thumbup:
  7. vmack2001

    What the heck went wrong????

    OK...so today I decided that today was gonna be a new day for me..and decided that I really needed to start eating right.. so all day I ate 1 cup of yogurt, 2 slices of cheese, my protein shake and 6 baby carrots with veggie dip. I am sooo proud of myself because I have not yet to throw my food back up.. after I got off work this evening I came home and weighed myself..HOW DID I GAIN 3LBS????!!!!! I am now back up to 208..OMG!!! what went wrong???? now im sitting here starving and eating a chicken salad..Can someone explain to me WHAT THE HECK HAPPED???
  8. vmack2001

    What the heck went wrong????

    yea i no right??? its kinda hard when the scale is in the restroom and staring at u..lol...
  9. vmack2001

    eating like a cow.... moooooo

    well CONGRATS on the 36 lbs!!! its been about a month for me and i havent lost anyweight either,.. its been up and down give or take a few lbs.. i guess its time for another fill.. so how much r u tryen to lose?
  10. vmack2001

    eating like a cow.... moooooo

    OMG.. I no the feeling.. there was a point in time when I was craving chocolate.. and of course I gave in... so how much have u lost so far??maybe u need a fill..
  11. vmack2001

    What the heck went wrong????

    OK...so today I decided that today was gonna be a new day for me..and decided that I really needed to start eating right.. so all day I ate 1 cup of yogurt, 2 slices of cheese, my protein shake and 6 baby carrots with veggie dip. I am sooo proud of myself because I have not yet to throw my food back up.. after I got off work this evening I came home and weighed myself..HOW DID I GAIN 3LBS????!!!!! I am now back up to 208..OMG!!! what went wrong???? now im sitting here starving and eating a chicken salad..Can someone explain to me WHAT THE HECK HAPPED???
  12. well..thank u very much for the positive comments...
  13. vmack2001

    New day...

    First off I wanna say thanks to the peeps that has responded back with inspiring words...and you guys are right. maybe I beat myself up to much and not give myself enough credit for the lbs that I have lost.. but one thing I no.. is that I will not give up.. I have in the past but now i realize that if I do.. everything that I have worked hard for will just go down the drain... plus this DAM surgery WASNT cheap!! LOL.. so now I have finally got up the courage to post my pics.. sadly to say I am a lil ashamed of my weight.. if you look at the pic with me and my siblings u can tell which one I am.. the one in the middle is my baby sis.. and Im a lil worried for her cuz she is starting to gain weight.. my main concern is her becoming a diabetic like me, since it runs in our family..my other sister besides the baby is actually our OLDEST sister.. yet she is the smallest out of all of us.. DAM HER!! lol.. im still trying to figure out what went wrong with us two..lol After being on this site and reading everyones success story I HAVE TRULY made up my mind.. I have about 40 lbs to go..and Im not giving up.. Its time to take it SERIOUS!! I t has been a year now after my surgery and yet only down 34 lbs... I will keep ya'll updated with my weight and hopefully they are all good news!!!
  14. vmack2001

    New day...

    wow..well glad to see someone out there feels my pain too.. and u losing 10 lbs in a week is great!! no one ever said it would be an easy road..come on now.. who in this world can just drink that nasty shake all day!! I NEED REAL FOOD DAMMIT!! lol.. and if u dont mind imma save u as a friend..:cursing: u gotta keep me updated with ur weightloss as i will do the same.. one thing i need to stop doing for sure is weighing myself every day.. heck its depressing..
  15. vmack2001

    Day 9 post op

    Yea ur sure right about being a food addict..lol.. thats me for real... i hate having food go to waste and having this band aint helping non.. and trust me i try.. i really try to not let food go to waste but came to reality that all that happens is that i throw it back up and end up in pain...UGH!!!! i think i eat or at least try to eat just to eat because i see people eating.. but after time.. u will figure out what u can and can not eat.. good luck with ur band.. and cheating every once in awhile wont hurt.. at least once or twice a month..lol it will be well deserved...
  16. vmack2001

    Day 9 post op

    lol... oh wow.. dont feel bad.. 5 days into my post op i tried to eat a sushi beachroll.. and man was it calling my name.. unfortunately it didnt wanna stay down and thats when it ALL came up.. that was a lesson learned for me..lol so dont feel bad.. it will be ok
  17. vmack2001

    New day...

    First off I wanna say thanks to the peeps that has responded back with inspiring words...and you guys are right. maybe I beat myself up to much and not give myself enough credit for the lbs that I have lost.. but one thing I no.. is that I will not give up.. I have in the past but now i realize that if I do.. everything that I have worked hard for will just go down the drain... plus this DAM surgery WASNT cheap!! LOL.. so now I have finally got up the courage to post my pics.. sadly to say I am a lil ashamed of my weight.. if you look at the pic with me and my siblings u can tell which one I am.. the one in the middle is my baby sis.. and Im a lil worried for her cuz she is starting to gain weight.. my main concern is her becoming a diabetic like me, since it runs in our family..my other sister besides the baby is actually our OLDEST sister.. yet she is the smallest out of all of us.. DAM HER!! lol.. im still trying to figure out what went wrong with us two..lol After being on this site and reading everyones success story I HAVE TRULY made up my mind.. I have about 40 lbs to go..and Im not giving up.. Its time to take it SERIOUS!! I t has been a year now after my surgery and yet only down 34 lbs... I will keep ya'll updated with my weight and hopefully they are all good news!!!
  18. vmack2001

    To fill?

    well i think if ur losing weight at least a few lbs a week.. u should wait.. plus having a fill dont feel too good..lol.. just take it slow.. i no ur urge of wanting to lose weight fast is bugging u cuz i went thru all that.. wanting a fill everytime i went to see the doc..
  19. vmack2001

    Im sooo disappointed in myself...

    Right now is 11:30 pm and Im sitting here with my husband.. I should be asleep since I have to get up at 3:30 in the morning to get ready for work.. my stomache is growling so I ate 12 small pcs of rice crackers and I still feel hungry.. WHATS WRONG WITH ME??? I am struggling so much losing weight.. I no its the food I eat...I eat what I am able to just so I wont be hungry.. Im not able to eat veggies or even any kind of meat without throwing up..I currently have 6.2CC in my band. I no that it is probably too tight but I am scared that if I get it losen I will gain weight again and thats not the direction I wanna go.. My goal weight is 170 and currently is at 205.. After reading all the success stories on here I truly feel like a looser/failure... any suggestion/advice/comments would greatly be appreciated...
  20. Hello I came across your blog and I myself am a diabetic..I am type 2 myself but i take 2 diff.types of insulin. i take levimir before i go to bed every night and humalog only when needed..i take metformin as well..I myself has struggled with my weight. I have been banded for exactly 1 yr now and only have lost 34 lbs.. before my surgery i was taking meds for high cholesterol and high blood pressure..glad to say I only now take levimer and metformin.. so with me loosing the 34 lbs has helped with my health..due to my diabetes and the insulin i am on.. its hard for me to loose weight..im only loosing a few lbs a month... but for your BMI only being in the 27 range you wouldnt qualify for the band.. but since you are a diabetic, depending on your insurance company it should cover the surgery as long as your doc agrees.. theres just a few requirements your insurance will have you go thru..I have BCBS so the process for me was extremely easy..
  21. well.. i have ate a lot less but i guess cuz i still eat some food that are carbs.. i started off at 239.. which is the most i have ever been...now im down to 205.. i have been on an up and down battle with this band... when i try to eat healthy like meat and veggies they dont stay down.. so i eat whatever i can eat..like ice cream.. which i no is bad for me.. sometimes cheetos.. cuz that stays down....IDK.. i no alot of it is what i eat too...

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