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Blog Entries posted by janetsjourneytoslim

  1. janetsjourneytoslim
    :biggrin: If you lack the courage to start, you are already finished! I love this saying and it is so true.

    We must get started, and if we have started and get off track, the courage to start over again.

    I have been up and down two lbs since Oct. 28th, It is down again, but I think that the exercise program I have started is building muscle and that could weigh more.

    I want Onderland by Christmas and that is my goal now. A little present to myself.

    start weight 256
    todays weight 210
    Surgery Date July 29, 2009:thumbup:
  2. janetsjourneytoslim
    I have met all the goals I have set for myself since getting the Lap Band. I have an upcoming goal for Christmas that I will be in onderland. Now I have six lbs to lose in 9 days! And~~~I have all these Christmas Parties to attend, temptations, and shopping trips ahead. Can I do It? I don't know, but I am going to push ahead and try really hard!
    I don't want to get the blues about it, and have my Christmas ruined because I don't make the goal, and I am sure I will be close to it anyway! The Good News is I have lost 55 lbs forever in five months so I will have to bask in that glory for a glorious Christmas if I don't make it to my goal, maybe by New Years!!!!! I still want a sexy red dress for Christmas! My husband will get a Garmin and ME!!!! LOL Merry Christmas ALL!:confused:
  3. janetsjourneytoslim
    :thumbup:Well now. Last year only one other person could sit on the full size couch with me on it too, Comfortably that is! Tonight all my husbands relatives stopped by to see us and I actually scooted over so two people could sit on the couch with me!! 94 lbs does make a difference in the size of the couch.

    Going to get up early, only 15 days till my daughters wedding! Made about 400 buttermints and dotted them with tiny icing rosebuds and leaves for the wedding. I only ate a couple! They had to be tasted!!!! My granddaughter who is three had way too many! LOL Tomorrow morning I have to finish the hand sewing of the pearls on her dress. She is going to be a beautiful flower girl too.

    Tomorrow night, going to Destin, Florida with a best friend for a Vince Gill Concert!!! Yayyy! Not my Birthday or hers, just a break for these hard working girls. I have not been to a concert in years. It is at the Beach!!

    It was nice to fit in with my in-laws who were always so nice to me before to my face, but felt sorry for me being so FAT before, they never told me but I knew it! I hope my husband was proud! He FINALLY told me I look so good to him! This whole year I was fishing for that compliment from him, he matters the most to me, the love and support of my life. He said it two or three times. My head was swelled and my heart too! God Bless you all! Good Night!:smile:
  4. janetsjourneytoslim
    :frown:well I am finally feeling nourished after the trip to Alaska where on the cruise I could not seem to eat properly!

    A slight unfill .04 cc's did the trick. NOW to get back on the Band Wagon and lose the next 10 lbs!

    I want to lose 30 more, but will get there one day at a time.

    I am hitting the gym tomorrow and starting my daily walks again, you can sure get off track when going on Vacation, I loved the cruise, but got more lbs to lose!

    Hoping all is well with your soul and your health, God Bless, have a great day!
  5. janetsjourneytoslim
    :mad:Waiting is the hardest thing to do! We are a want what we want, get what we want society and we want it in a hurry too!
    It is work to wait! Takes a lot of effort on our part! There are those of you with the lapband that are waiting to get a fill, waiting to get past the post op phase. Waiting to lose the weight you have gained over a lifetime of not eating right. Some of you are still waiting to be approved for the lapband, anticipating what it will be like when you do get the band, and just can't wait to know! But we all are waiting on something, and we always will be!!!! Waiting is HARD!!
    I am waiting to see the scales drop till:tt1: the last lb is gone, waiting to achieve my goals I have set for myself! This week I am down 2 lbs yeah for me and my efforts.
    "A strong and confident retriever Strains against it's leash, willing itself to be still. Every muscle twitches with expectation as it waits for it's master's command. Like this magnificent animal, you often find waiting to be HARD!!"
    God knows that it is not easy to wait and to obey him you strain against your natural instincts; nevertheless, at times he asks you to wait. He also knows that when you wait on him, you grow in faith and learn to respond with strength and wisdom. Those times give you the opportunities to place your hope in God's faithfulness rather than to focus on your own need for gratification.
    Wait on him for the perfect answer.
    Wait for the Lord; Be strong, and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord.
    Psalm 27:14 NASB
    Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret over those who prosper in their way, over those who carry out evil devices.
    Psalm 37:7 MRSV:sleep:
  6. janetsjourneytoslim
    Yes I am smilin, now in a size 12 (although they are little tight) and it feels so good.

    I was in a size 24W (packed in) when I started this journey 8 months ago today! I have been at times ready to throw in the towel, but I held on tight! In a few weeks and a few more lbs, I will get into these new clothes with ease!

    If you are just beginning, or just thinking about having the LapBand and you are unsure, let me tell you, get a positive attitude, don't let anyone talk you out of it, and just get with the program after the surgery and make everyone get out of your way and go for the goal! You will be so glad you did! Lovin my BAND!
  7. janetsjourneytoslim
    More bad news, my daughter who was planning the happiest day of her life had to face the loss of her best friend and future mother in law Rita from a massive heart attack on the 23rd of March. Still reeling from this shock, today she found her future father in law, dead. A suicide letter to her and his children.
    I have been so worried about her she is only 24, next weekend is her birthday and now this to deal with. 2010 was to be a happy year for her, and OMG the stress is unbelievable! I hope that I don't stop eating or start eating and can't stop. For those of you who are praying people, please pray!:thumbup:
  8. janetsjourneytoslim
    Well after the fourth of July and some cake and goodies. (cheating) I have rolled 2 lbs up and down.
    I am going to have to work hard to get them gone, cause I have a goal this month to meet to get to my bandiversary weight. I won't hit 100 lbs, but that is OK!
    Life does go on around us and we are still a part of it. We will get use to how to work out lives around the band, to work with it, not against it.
    Have a blessed day all!:frown:
  9. janetsjourneytoslim
    :thumbup:Thank God the Ticker is moving again! Down a little more!

    I actually gained inches this time but lost weight~due to working out with weights, but I was happy because I came down another jean size! Exercise helps folks! I may have gained muscle and a few inches overall, but muscle will increase your metabolism and that burns fat and leave muscle! I will take it!

    Lost 6 more lbs, down 60 lbs now! 50 more to go!

    Pre surgery weight 262
    Weight lst day of two week pre-op diet 259.5
    Weight day of Surgery 247
    Weight today 202
    Surgeon: Dr. Timothy Klepper, Florida Panhandle, Bonifay, FL:thumbup:
  10. janetsjourneytoslim
    :frown:Hey a loss is a loss! Down 1.3 lbs this morning! Yeah!

    When you have taken off over 80 bs, the losses slow down some, well lets face it, I have lost a great percentage of my excess body fat, so you have to realize things will slow down, that is why on EVERY DIET there is the last 20 lbs or so is soooooo harrrrrd to lose!:mad:

    Working hard for the next 10 lbs, hope for it in two months! That is the plan anyway.

    Was going to walk today, but it is 100 degrees and the lake I walk around is exactly 1 mile and perfectly round, just beautiful, but the Newspaper reported Snakes :mad2:(Moccosins) a lot of them crawling there, so me and snakes don't mix, here I come treadmill.

    Still Walkin the LapBand Walk! Here's to us Bandsters.:tt1:
  11. janetsjourneytoslim
    :drool:Ok so the day I had to appear in court in a case I was ready to have tried, waited over a year for, was finally here! This was a Real Estate Development Case and I was to recieve a settlement that has long been overdue, so I was ready. Traveled to the town, spent the night, and I was right on time.
    Now the last time I had seen the opposing Attorney was on July 28th, 2009, the day before my LapBand Surgery. Since then, 91 lbs are gone, my hair in no longer the same color and not curly anymore and I have contacts instead of glasses. I have progressed with these changes and have gotten use to myself over time. I kinda like it!
    We all were there and everyone was just sorta chatting and saying their niceties to one another. The opposing Attorney told the Judge that we were missing one person and we were waiting on her. I did not know who it was or could be. In a few minutes, the Attorney came over and asked my Attorney where I was, I saw him point to me a couple of times. And I did not know what I had done. I was sorta on the spot. Then they were laughing a little with these strange looks on their faces. THEY had not known I WAS ME!!!! They were waiting on ME to get there! Now that was worth EVERYTHING I have gone through for the past year. Even some of the opposition group did not recognize me!!! I just LOVED it! So funny~~~CHANGE IS GOOD Ya'll! It is good!!!:confused:
  12. janetsjourneytoslim
    :closedeyes: She looks fabulous at 80! Sure hope I am following in those footsteps. I had the nicest comment today when I logged on from a sweet lady who told me I looked like I was in my 40"s. God Bless You!
    Taking off weight makes us look younger ya'll! And it will give you back years and more years. I had four children and two miscarriages during my child bearing years and that is also rough on the body. But it is all coming back together again! Thanks to the band and a lot of dedication! I am logging my food down again, rough but I am doing it, and today was a good day too. I had sugar free ice cream about two bites and a 1"x1" slice of cake. Just a taste, and I was satisfied.
    We had a lovely day at the Assisted Living Home with our Mom. So happy to still have her in my life! My dad died at age 54 and she was 52 and never remarried, so she was mother and father to me for many years now. She was born in the height of the depression and was so hungry, there were six children and her dad died when she was only three years old. She remembers stealing an egg from the neighbors hen house she was hungry! She had to take it back and apologize, my grandmother was too proud to just take it when the neighbors tried to give it to my mom who was four at the time.
    When we say "We are Starving to death, we really just don't know!" Well my Mom made sure of one thing, that is that we were never hungry! And I am glad for that. I was never really an obese child, but became obese as an adult, I can blame no one but myself for that! So happy I took control of it with the aid of the LAP-BAND®! It is still hard on days of Celebrations, but it is always on my mind! God Bless you.
  13. janetsjourneytoslim
    When we do well, we can help others! We are a walking advertisement for the LapBand.

    Had a great meeting today with the hospital Executive Assistant Director, My Doctor, the Allergan LapBand Representative, the OR Staff and the Staff of the Doctor.

    Learned so many things about the LapBand, and how I am going to be the chosen "Patient" to help further the progress of the LapBand and the future of its success in my area. Feeling very proud that I have done well.

    Found out that in America this year, the LapBand surgery surpassed the Gastric Bypass and is increasing in popularity! How wonderful to have this hidden tool to help us lose and keep the weight off that had caused us problems in the past associated with obesity. I love my BAND and I am so happy to be off diet pills that made my heart palpitate! I can sleep soundly at night, and get rested for my job the next day!

    My doctor is the best, really cares and great followup! It makes me want to turn back the hands of time, do it sooner, what I could have enjoyed that I have passed on.

    Oh well, look out world, I may be one of those sky divin grannies at 80!:confused:
  14. janetsjourneytoslim
    :mad:Only the Lord knows why! My dear friend Rita and my daughters future mother in law died this morning from a Massive Heart Attack! My daughter who is an RN tried to revive her but could not!
    I am so sad and hurt this morning, I could hardly eat anything yesterday from stress and now I find it hard to drink a protein shake.
    When I get upset my band tightens! I don't know why but I have to be relaxed to eat. Is anyone else having this experience?
    Please pray for me and my family and Rita's Family today as the shock wears off and reality sets in. Rita had a gastric bypass five years ago, lost 90 lbs and felt terrific, looked terrific and enjoyed life to the fullest, we just did not get to the wedding of our children this Oct together and to see OUR grandchildren, she wanted so badly! I will miss her terribly in our lives.
  15. janetsjourneytoslim
    :thumbup: Well I am ready for a fill. Not sure why I just can't get the scales to drop that much anymore. I feel like the restriction is less now on some days and more on others, but it does depend on what I am eating too.

    One of my best friends is getting ready to have the LapBand, she is going through the hoops that BCBS is making her do. And the Diet Clinics don't really help you, cause they just want you back and your money!!! The latter being the most important thing.

    I hope she does not get discouraged, she will be so happy she made this choice. I am down 67 lbs give or take a lb or two that fluctuates daily now!

    Support group meeting tomorrow night and I will be so glad! I NEED it. I want to thank all of you who have helped me these last six months. I know it takes time to go in and comment or send a private message, but it means so much to me. I don't know you all but you know where I am because you are there too, and it so helps to share on here.

    I am Happy Today to have all of you in my life, you are my Valentines!:biggrin::thumbup::tt1:
  16. janetsjourneytoslim
    :wink:Well it seems that my appetite is now getting less. I don't know what happened, maybe I am just use to eating less? But my head hunger was there for ALL the beginning months after my surgery and when I SAW foods that I use to eat or LOVED to cook like brownies, I did not think I could REFUSE to eat them.
    NOW, it seems like a page has turned and I am NO longer so tempted to eat those things anymore because my appetite is so low.
    Today, I was out on the road by myself, money in my pocket, it was lunch time and the restaurants were FULL, the food smelled good coming from the Restaurant, but I just passed them all by and went home for a lunch. Peanuts and Protien Shake! Then tonight it was chicken salad sandwich. I am totally full too! I did have a low cal single fudge pop for late night snack.
    I think this is where I am starting to feel settled with the way I eat now, and not LEFT OUT, because I am not at an ALL YOU CAN EAT buffet with my friends. I went to the Pizza Hut the other day, 1/2 of a salad and one SMALL slice of pizza and I was TOO FULL and almost sick feeling. So I just have to eat at the house most of the time, so I relax and ENJOY my food. Even drinking water too fast makes me feel bad. I think SLOW and steady is the way for me now.
    I like where I am now, it is soon to be 14 months on the 29th of Sept! 94 lbs off and I hope to shed the last 6 by 10-10-10, my daughters wedding date.
    Have a great nite all!:eek:
  17. janetsjourneytoslim
    :tt2: In his poem, "The Road Not Taken," Robert Frost wrote about two paths that diverge in a wood and how he chose the"one less traveled by,". He ended the poem with these words: "and that has made all the difference."
    We may ponder what may have happened if we had veered down another life path. Ultimately, however, it's the path taken that molds you into the person you turned out to be~~~for better or worse. How blessed you are when you choose the path that leads to God.
    I feel he directs my path! Let him lead you too. The path to change my life with the lap band has been wonderful, different, exciting and a path filled with challenges. But I am happier today because even tho I get up and get on the scales and they are not just where I would like them to be yet, I can tell you they are not where I was last year on a path to destruction of my body and mind. I can now serve my God stronger and longer because of this choice and I feel I have taken the Right Path. To those of you having surgery today, or in the near future, it is the path that will help you change your life!:smile::w00t:
  18. janetsjourneytoslim
    NO AMOUNT OF WORRYING can make things happen, let alone make them happen the way you want. Still, your human nature, bent on trying, rises to the challenge.

    What's the remedy for this all-too-common malady? Oswald Chambers, in his classic MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST, wrote," When God brings a time of waiting, and appears to be unresponsive, don't fill it with busyness, just wait.....If you have the slightest doubt, then he is not guiding."

    I know it is hard on those of you waiting, waiting for the money for the band, waiting for the surgery, waiting for appointments, waiting to lose the weight, waiting for solid foods. Just waiting in period and a lot of time living with the Band Challenge for the first year is spent waiting. Until I got a grip on this fact, I was over anxious, dissapointed and very irritable. So I got into a little prayer time and read the bible a little more, and decided that it was time to let God lead me through this journey. And now I am happy all the time and enjoying this road ahead of me.

    I am working on the next 10 lbs. and so far all is going well. I have 9 lbs to go! I joined the page Sparkpeople.com as suggested by someone on this site. It is helpful so far.

    Truly my soul silently waits for God; From Him comes my salvation. Psalm 62:1 NKJV

    Slow me down, God, when I am in a hurry and you are not. Help me walk with you, not ahead of you. Teach me to plant the seed and leave the harvest to you. AMEN:smile2:
  19. janetsjourneytoslim
    :thumbup: DON'T KNOW WHY! DON'T CARE!
  20. janetsjourneytoslim
    I found out that I have an 11cc band, I get my third fill this coming Wednesday. I do seem to get a little hungrier the week before the fill. Don't know why that is.
    I have had so many challenges this past two weeks, Class Reunion, Baby Showers, Celebration Dinners, Anniversarys, Fairs and Festivals Galore to mention a few. I have slipped a little here and there, but have always gained control and not thrown in the towel. I am striving for success, not perfection! I know that I am not perfect, no one is, but my goal now is to stay aware of what I am eating and get better at writing it all down. Drinking 80 ounces of water is a challenge for me, and the cooler it gets, I want coffee, not cold water, anyone else know how to get this water in?:wink:
  21. janetsjourneytoslim
    :rolleyes2:Yes my youngest daughter is getting married in October! She has always wanted the different things from all the other girls so 10-10-10 is her choice for a wedding date, won't be around for another 1,000 years! Great Choice! It will also be cooler in Florida for a wedding outside!

    We went shopping for "Styles" in Wedding gowns and Mother of the Bride Gowns Saturday and a Tasting from the Caterer's.
    The food was delicious and by the time we got through with the Cocktail selections I was full! LOL The tiny crab cakes (4 of them) were the best! And the crostini's were good too (2) Shrimp Cocktail (2) and I was stuffed!

    I found a beautiful gown, loved the style on me! A size 14 is what I tried on but I "HAVE" to order a size 12!!!!!!How wonderful is that?

    When I started this LapBand Journey, I weighed almost 270 lbs and wore 22-24-26's depending on how they were made. I Thank God for leading me in the direction of the Band! Have a happy Day all!:thumbup:
  22. janetsjourneytoslim
    Could it be??? Am I addicted to this site???

    :sad:Well it certainly seems so! I have to have my daily fix of your smiles at the satisfaction of your changes in your body and the new joy that this walk with the band is taking you.

    I click on, check for any messages from you, check my blog. Then go straight to see the new pics that have been added.

    This is a life saving sight that lifts my spirits every day. I admitted it~~~I am addicted to this site!!!

    I need to have my friends on here to support my efforts and keep me motivated. (Also, A lot of prayer!)

    I don't know who started this site, but I thank God they did, keep the good blogs coming and the photos too. Have a blessed day.:drool:
  23. janetsjourneytoslim
    :wink:Let the Ball drop and the New Year commence! Come on 2010~~~~LapBand losers will win! We are going the distance in the New Year approaching.

    I have been heavy (FAT~Let's just say it) all my life on and off again. This is the year it will all end. There will be a normal person emerging from within with the help of our little band.

    If you have been on the fence, not making the decision to go forward~~all I can say is Wait no more!!!! Do it!!!! The best move I ever made and as of yesterday, I hit the post band mark of five months! And with 60 lbs lost, I am super hyped and excited to go forward with this effort to acheive my goal.

    I keep thinking of how I will look, feel and what size I will wear by July 2010 my one year anniversary date. I see others here wearing size 8 and 6 and even 4's and I have NEVER been in a size 8 since I was 16 years old. But hey, I'm game! I get bolder and willing to try anything one time~even sliding down the Carnival Cruise Ships slide~the curly one(screamed the whole way) and it was FUN!

    I don't know about you guys~but I am ready to experience FUN ~ not just watch it happening from the sidelines! I am not a WILD person (or am I?) but I want to have a little FUN before my days are done.

    My children are proud of me, but don't quite know where to put me. No I will not be the babysitter anymore and sit home! Don't know what I am doing yet for New Years Eve, but by tomorrow night, I'll get a plan, and it is NOT to sit on the couch and watch that Ball Drop, Just let it drop in Times Square! Tell me about it later! LOL

    Let the New Year Begin for us Bandsters~~The best part of our lives is ahead of us! Come on 2010:wub::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
  24. janetsjourneytoslim
    Remembering that the LapBand is our tool, it is not a diet pill that will harm us, but it is our guide to eating smaller portions.

    We must change our way of thinking when it comes to the foods we choose to put in our bodies. This is not a journey to just get slim, it is also a journey to good healthy lifestyles. Eating better, and feeling better.

    Health and Wellness may be yours and you can add years to your life if you just accept the fact that "To change your life, you must first accept the help from the LapBand, don't fight it, and change your mind and way of thinking about food, and you will change your body.
  25. janetsjourneytoslim
    :frown: It's official. After the fifth fill I am too tight for Pizza! So I am deliberating with having a little unfill.

    Not that I love Pizza and have to have it or anything like that, but with an episode in the parking lot at Wal-Mart with everyone around, and no where to let it out, trying to hold it in until I get into the restroom and can't OMG was I ever so embarrassed! Well then when I did get inside, I had to visit the Bathroom again! ONLY ONE PIECE TOO!

    The salad I had enjoyed stayed, the Pizza did not! I had only had liquids for breakfast and it was 4:20 PM so I decided to eat with my husband out tonight. So much for the romantic ending!

    I came home and made some Lumpia Roll mix (like an egg roll) I was still hungry and so I ate a small bowl of the hot filling, cabbage carrots, onions, hamburger meat, and chopped green beans, etc. Very good. When I am at home and relaxed, everything goes very well, when I eat out, watch out!

    Are we LapBanders so different that we can't eat out anymore, or not very well anyway? I am fast discovering this so I will order small from thence forth. I may have a slight unfill on June 4th, haven't actually made up my mind yet, but maybe!:sad:

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