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Blog Comments posted by janetsjourneytoslim

  1. :drool:Let the Ball drop and the New Year commence! Come on 2010~~~~LapBand losers will win! We are going the distance in the New Year approaching.

    I have been heavy (FAT~Let's just say it) all my life on and off again. This is the year it will all end. There will be a normal person emerging from within with the help of our little band.

    If you have been on the fence, not making the decision to go forward~~all I can say is Wait no more!!!! Do it!!!! The best move I ever made and as of yesterday, I hit the post band mark of five months! And with 60 lbs lost, I am super hyped and excited to go forward with this effort to acheive my goal.

    I keep thinking of how I will look, feel and what size I will wear by July 2010 my one year anniversary date. I see others here wearing size 8 and 6 and even 4's and I have NEVER been in a size 8 since I was 16 years old. But hey, I'm game! I get bolder and willing to try anything one time~even sliding down the Carnival Cruise Ships slide~the curly one(screamed the whole way) and it was FUN!

    I don't know about you guys~but I am ready to experience FUN ~ not just watch it happening from the sidelines! I am not a WILD person (or am I?) but I want to have a little FUN before my days are done.

    My children are proud of me, but don't quite know where to put me. No I will not be the babysitter anymore and sit home! Don't know what I am doing yet for New Years Eve, but by tomorrow night, I'll get a plan, and it is NOT to sit on the couch and watch that Ball Drop, Just let it drop in Times Square! Tell me about it later! LOL

    Let the New Year Begin for us Bandsters~~The best part of our lives is ahead of us! Come on 2010:wub::bye::Dancing_wub::eek::present:

  2. I have been banded five months, It is just habit. We have to modify our habits, and that is a hard thing to do. The band does help! I have not heard my stomach growl for food but two or three times in five months. When I was bored, I would stand in front of the fridge and look for something to eat, I don't do that anymore! It (band) takes the edge off hunger, and I workout more now, takes the place of eating. You will alway have "Head Hunger" and will learn how to deal with it! Promise. Good luck!

  3. I feel blessed, I got sick with a cold two weeks before Christmas and had to take meds, then had a Colonoscopy on the 22nd! Well I did not make my goal for Onderland only by four lbs. So I am blessed that I lost more weight! I had a wonderful Christmas with Family and Friends! Lots of Laughter and many Compliments. I got called the Skinny Girl~ Now thats a great Christmas Present even if I missed hitting the Goal I set for myself. I will be there by the New Year! It will be wonderful to be in onederland! No new years resolutions for me, just lifestyle changes! I already feel like I have a newbirth! Things have changed greatly for me with the band in place. I love exercising now! My new Hobby is the Gym. I asked for Gym Clothes for Christmas, size M!!!!! Not 24W's~~~~Yeah! Not Depressed Here~Here I go !!!! Happy New Year ALL!:Dancing_wub::thumbup::present::thumbup::bye::thumbup::drool:



  4. inaluckydog

    I know what you mean about the underwear! LOL isn't is crazy? I was on the treadmill and just felt my panties coming down as I walked, of course they stopped but what a yucky feeling! I have bought them twice since the Lapband!! I have been really tasting all sorts of forbidden foods. I really have not been able to overeat any of them, but I do miss food around the Holidays! And it seems all of those people around me who CAN HAVE those foods want to rub it in. Or say oh, you can't have this can you? And then of course I want to SHOW them that I can have anything I want just in moderation. I will actually be glad to see Christmas Over with this year, so I can move on with the weight loss and to my goals without so much temptations. Too many parties this time of year!!! It is a little depressing, cause I love to cook too! But we will keep our chins up! I definately want to buy some new clothes for next summer and want to get much smaller sizes. I am buying at consignment shops now to save money and getting by with some nice items too! I miss Chinese food! My only real cheat, but it can really bother me later, after I eat it! We will learn! Modifying our diets is not as easy as it seems on paper, you have to make misteaks to learn and to modify your personal eating plans. All things in moderation, I always say. Have a great day to you. Talk to you later.

  5. Karla, I was banded on July 29, 2009. I am just new to all this experience myself, but studied this Band for three years. I will tell you this, in the first few months. It IS IMPORTANT to drink some liquid whey protein fortified with vitamins and nutrients that will be absorbed in the stomach and distributed to other parts of your body. Hair loss is one of the worries we face when we don't get enough protein. To ensure that we do, drink at least one if not two a day with skim milk, they are delicious and satisfying to me. I feel full afterwards too. It has been five months post op and more of my hair is shedding now than ever before, and I am doing everything I know how to do to keep it from happening. I also teach the LapBand Support at our Local Hospital so If I can every help you just ask.

    My typical breakfast, is a protein shake on the way to work (after I have eaten) I eat one egg over light with two to three strips of bacon.

    For lunch a salad with two tablespoons of Ranch Dressing, and five or six crackers with Ham Spread or maybe a can of Vienna Sausage and a l ounce slice of Cheese.

    For dinner 4 to six ounces of Talapia (fish) broiled or baked with real butter. And a salad and some green beans or brussel sprouts. Then I may have a snack of 1 oz peanuts while watching TV.

    I feel satisfied! Contented. I log everything down on LapBand.com and keep up with my carbs and proteins. Women need at least 60 grams of Protein everyday and can have more!!!! But no more than 50 grams of carbs to lose weight! You can have 100 grams of carbs after you reach goal weight to maintain!

    Purchase low-carb recipe books for ideas for appealing meals. I cook them and my husband loves them too, he just has more than I do.

    Best wishes! I will be looking forward to seeing your progress.

  6. My third fill was actually the Charm! I did not even require a 4th fill in the fourth month. I always get them at the hospital under exray. The fifth month I only go .4cc. I have been so restricted since the third fill. I have done really good on my weight loss too. I have lost 55 lbs in not even five months. My doctor does not want more than 10 lbs per month. This helps you to NOT lose your hair, for lack of protein, and your skins elasticity to work with your weight loss. Drink lots of water for hydration (especially in the winter months) I started to the Gym two months ago, and I am also building muscle which weighs more than fat, so I may gain a pound or so or just not lose as much per month for a short time, once your muscle builds, the metabolism to burn fat increases and you will lose fast. Good luck with everything.

  7. I have met all the goals I have set for myself since getting the Lap Band. I have an upcoming goal for Christmas that I will be in onderland. Now I have six lbs to lose in 9 days! And~~~I have all these Christmas Parties to attend, temptations, and shopping trips ahead. Can I do It? I don't know, but I am going to push ahead and try really hard!

    I don't want to get the blues about it, and have my Christmas ruined because I don't make the goal, and I am sure I will be close to it anyway! The Good News is I have lost 55 lbs forever in five months so I will have to bask in that glory for a glorious Christmas if I don't make it to my goal, maybe by New Years!!!!! I still want a sexy red dress for Christmas! My husband will get a Garmin and ME!!!! LOL Merry Christmas ALL!;)

  8. Thanks all of you who posted a reply. Well I made it back from the cruise, so afraid to step on the scales! While at sea for two days, I went to the Gym, jogged the Olympic track, slid down the huge slide on the Carnival Fantasy! (and the small one too, with my husband, something we never did before!) Got in the swimming pool, the hot tub, and danced every night away! So I got plenty of exercise! It was hard not to eat a lot after all that workout, but I found that I could not overeat! I stayed away from the buffets, only a couple of times the entire cruise, the last morning you HAVE to go to the buffet! I really enjoyed being with my family and friends, and dressing up was fun with my new weight! I actually wanted to get photos made this time! I ate the meals as they were brought to us in the dining room, trying to select low carbs. I did have the Hot Choclate Lava cake and Ice Cream one night. I was so stuffed, I hurt! But all in all I did good, I did not GAIN one pound, now I did not lose a pound either, but this was an accomplishment for me. I did not want to have to go back and take off weight that I had already lost! Since I have gotten back (two weeks) I have lost another 4.2 lbs. Moving right along. All of you cruisers out there, you can do it! You will look at cruising differently now and you can feel NORMAL in doing it! ENJOY life to the the fullest!

  9. Heading on a cruise to Mexico, Cozumel to be exact, going with 7 other couples for a Thanksgiving Cruise.

    I am very excited about the cruise, but very nervous too as I know I will be put to the test with ALL that food on the ship.

    I have determined to eat only lean, high protein and good carbs. If I do slip, I'll hit the Gym and the exercise class!

    Anyone else have this happen? I am only 15 weeks post band, down 51 lbs so far and want to hit Onderland by Christmas. So I really have to prepare to say NO to MYSELF!:cursing:

  10. Remembering that the LapBand is our tool, it is not a diet pill that will harm us, but it is our guide to eating smaller portions.

    We must change our way of thinking when it comes to the foods we choose to put in our bodies. This is not a journey to just get slim, it is also a journey to good healthy lifestyles. Eating better, and feeling better.

    Health and Wellness may be yours and you can add years to your life if you just accept the fact that "To change your life, you must first accept the help from the LapBand, don't fight it, and change your mind and way of thinking about food, and you will change your body.:biggrin:

  11. I like that feeling too, being able to do the small things, I put on a pair of pantyhose last week without a wrestling match with my legs! I can feel my knee bones touching now when I get in bed and lay on my side too, so weird! I am colder now though, and my husband is the one who is hot. When I was heavier, I would sweat at night, he can't get over the change. I actually got a slap on the butt the other day in some of my new jeans!

  12. :thumbup: If you lack the courage to start, you are already finished! I love this saying and it is so true.

    We must get started, and if we have started and get off track, the courage to start over again.

    I have been up and down two lbs since Oct. 28th, It is down again, but I think that the exercise program I have started is building muscle and that could weigh more.

    I want Onderland by Christmas and that is my goal now. A little present to myself.

    start weight 256

    todays weight 210

    Surgery Date July 29, 2009:thumbup:

  13. Christmas is coming and a Red dress (Sexy) is calling my name!

    I want to get into a nice sexy Red Dress by Christmas. I know that I am looking better, all my friends are telling me so, and I could get complacent and just stop right here, but this is where I always Gave Up at before when I was on diets. I AM NOT SATISFIED YET!



    WHAT IS YOUR PLAN?:):thumbup:

  14. I have only had my band for three months, but the last fill was so tight, I choked on a peice of meat and it stayed lodged for three days. Anything I put in after that (solid) came back. First time I had thrown up! I read another post from a girl who had hers about a year, she mentioned dialation of the stomach pouch above the band, and had to have the liquid withdrawn and it fixed. The pouch swells up making the band feel tighter. You need to call your surgeon, and please keep me posted as to the results.

    Concerned about you!


  16. Oh I know Gorda, but the Dr. I have uses ex-ray to help when adding my fills. The first one helped me so much, I got 1.5 cc's in an 11 cc band only. I really started to take off the pounds due to the restriction. The second one he added the 1.5 cc's and the ex-ray showed a reflux back up in my esophogus, so he drew back out right then and there .3cc's giving me only 1.2 cc's that time. Using ex-ray for fills is smart, then you are never overfilled and have to go in for some out. This 3rd fill is so restrictive, I am going to go on high protein liquids for the rest of the week and water. I have no problem with water, just need to drink more of it. I hate vomiting too, with a passion! I had not done it until three days ago, I tried to eat a piece of steak! Bad choice on my part, but the vomiting was not like before, it was like a spit up! Good Luck

  17. I was so happy to read your post, I know that food sticking problem very well after last Wed. 3rd fill! Boy, I think I am going to go to the mushy foods again and soups for the next few days to adjust and gradually add solid foods in, the gagging I do not like. I am dropping a pound a day right now, I am in Ketosis and guess I am burning fat, continuing to take a vitamin a day. How much weight have you lost, and how long have you had the band Sapphire?

  18. I am so sorry to hear about your Sister, emotional times can certainly take one off track, and your Sister passing would be critical. I have two sisters and I love them both so much. Yes Lindora is good, I love the motivation, and the program shows you step by step how to acheive that goal you are seeking. I log my food every day there. I know some who are using the Band and Weight Watchers too, just a program to give support is so healthy. Keep in touch, let me know how you are doing.

  19. No one wants to be a looser! Well I like it! I never thought that loosing would make me a winner! LapBand AP has made me a looser and I am happy about it.

    I have started to visualize myself at 80 lbs thinner, now that I am 40 lbs or so down from my old weight! Next year at this time I will be a totally different woman!

    Take a photo of yourself, use a black marker, and trim yourself down! This will give you inspiration to get with the program, stay with the program, and get thin.

    Take it with you always, when you are tempted, take it out, look at it and walk away from those foods that will stop you from reaching your goals!

    I have been asked to start a support group at the local hospital where I had my surgery! I am very excited about being able to help others in their journey to slim with me.

    Have a great day Bandsters!:huh2::)

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