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Blog Comments posted by janetsjourneytoslim

  1. Onderland! I can almost see it! I have not been below 200 lbs in over 15 years! I weighed in at 200.8 this morning and I am SO CLOSE! I dreamed last night that I would weigh 199.8 today! Because I want it so bad?

    I think this is a milestone for most of us and it will certainly get me out of a slump I have been in tossing a lb or 2 around for a few weeks, so I am gonna PUSH like the dickens to get under 200! That will catapult me to get with this program and take off another 10 lbs or so! I just bought a lot of new clothes (had to!) and my husband has no where to hang his now. But I HAVE to keep the ones I am in now and I HAVE to shop for some I can wear in a month or so! LOL I like having these problems, but I never buy anything that fits, and getting lots of cute stuff, so that makes me work harder to get there and get into those new clothes! Got into a 14 jeans yesterday, but I did keep a pair of my 24-26 W to compare too! Wow I was FAT! Just five months ago! I still feel FAT, and I will be glad when my mind changes with my body. I still go to the Plus Sz section in a store and browse, then work my way over to womens, old habits die hard! LOL My daughters in their 20's want to dress me in YOUNGER lookin clothing, I MAY just let them! Have a ONDerful day and if you are not there, Good Luck in getting to ONEderland with me!:)

  2. It is cold here in the Southern town I live in in Florida this am! 18 degrees and too windy. don't know the wind chill factor, but I amm Freezingggg! Lost all my insulation! LOL You are doing great, like the blog, very informative for those just getting started! I thank God every day for my band, and watching over me through this process! 60 lbs gone in 5 months! 40 more to go!

  3. I agree with adagray, could be dehydration! Lots of fluids and if you don't like plain water, then Crystal Lite!

    I am down 60 lbs in five months, and I joined a Gym three months ago too,because like you I was worried about too much loose skin. I had a personal trainer design a plan for me and it is working! I have already added 15 additional lbs of weights to my workouts! Loving it! It is cold here in FL today 18 degrees! Makes me depressed, but I got to get up and get out! Congrats!

  4. You may be ok anyway at school because you physically will not be able to consume the total amount of the meal. But it does hinder the weight loss when you can not prepare the food yourself and know how it is prepared, what kinds of oils used, etc. After a week my port area (the area stitched inside was the sorest) stopped being painful, just knew it was there and a little discomfort and the other places were well on their way to healing. When do you go back for your followup appt? If you are still sore then, make sure you are not getting any infections! I feel for you, because I have been there with you, right where you are, I had gas pains in my chest and shoulder(left) soo baddd! Walking helps that, moves it around and gets rid of it! Your stomach is so swelled right now and as that goes down, and it will, you will be able to sit in the desks with no problem, in a couple of months and they will get passed before you know it, (I know seems like time is standing still right now) you will be smaller and happier! Hang on!

  5. :)Thank God the Ticker is moving again! Down a little more!

    I actually gained inches this time but lost weight~due to working out with weights, but I was happy because I came down another jean size! Exercise helps folks! I may have gained muscle and a few inches overall, but muscle will increase your metabolism and that burns fat and leave muscle! I will take it!

    Lost 6 more lbs, down 60 lbs now! 50 more to go!

    Pre surgery weight 262

    Weight lst day of two week pre-op diet 259.5

    Weight day of Surgery 247

    Weight today 202

    Surgeon: Dr. Timothy Klepper, Florida Panhandle, Bonifay, FL:thumbup:

  6. I could not understand why my CC's got less and less. I WANTED more and more, because I thought that is what gave me restriction.

    Well I found out the very interesting facts about the fills today when I went in for my Fourth Fill!

    You need more CC's when you are streaching out the stomach more! If you are staying on program, and eating like you should. (And thank god I haven't cheated that much) Then you require less CC's to get the same restriction as you had in the beginning.

    I have a 10CC band and I am at 5.7CC's I hope that I can get another 50 lbs off by July 2010! I will be setting some small goals, and breaking them down through time in order to get there! Going to change my eating plan a little, and start adding foods that are a little higher carbs, but in very small quantities! I want to be able to eat like REAL Normal people and still lose weight. Then when I get to goal weight I will just maintain, by increasing the caloric intake a little and watching it!

    I felt better after talking with my Dr. and his nurse today!

    I am getting slim~~~Thanks to Dr. Tim! (and the LapBand):)

  7. I can, I can I can and I am. I have just tied my shoes without a struggle, cross my legs like a lady and not have my crossed leg held over with my hands. Wear high heels again and not worry about falling down. Run if I want to! Walk two miles and feel good afterward and not out of breath! Sit indian style on the couch, get in the floor for exercise and not have to ask for help to get up! It really feels good, and you don't know what you missed until you do it again. Your post really make me think! Quote: You can't change your body if you don't first change the way you think! Best Wishes for your success!

  8. If I understand correctly btrieger who made several comments to you, has NOT had the Band yet! But is full of advise that really only a Dr. can give you. Please contact your Dr. and get more specific answers, you have had major surgery and need to keep open communication with the surgeon.

  9. I second that motion by BG-you had major surgery with the band. A plateau won't last that long! Get an exray from your Doctor and both of you can see what is going on inside. Please don't mess around with your health. We care!

  10. Well, you have the right mindset and so I believe you will do well. Prayers for you and all us bandsters! Takes patience, lots of love and support, and you will find it here too. Log on everyday. Also use LapBand.com to keep up with your Protein and food intake, great resources! Good Luck to you on your journey.

  11. Congrats to you, and thanks for logging in like you did. Descriptive helps the new ones. I only found this site about two months after I had my surgery. I have been doing well and you will too! Lost 58 lbs so far, five months past my surgery date, so I am happy. I have only hit one plateau and that was during the Holidays, but maintained, not gained, and now the losing has started over again. Please take care of yourself, remember that you are not Superwoman, then let your Superman care for you! Rest, and drink lots of fluids, you can get dehydrated easily.

  12. Oh no! I am SOOO Sorry for you! That just is not fair. It is not something I have heard of and I am just too new at this but I am sure it is something that can be fixed soon. I understand that the port is stitched to grissle? Maybe the stiches came loose on yours? I really hate that, but it is good you are still restricted at the band location and losing weight. Hang in there, it is going to get corrected and you are going to be fine.

  13. I was banded on July 29th 2009, I have lost about 60 lbs total and I freeze all the time. My husband says that I must have low blood, and that something is wrong with me! LOL I asked the Dr. about it, he said Well you have lost a lot of fat (insulation from the cold). That is true~so it made sense to me. I am going to buy some underarmour insulated thermalwear that is super thin to wear under my clothes. Burrrr!

  14. You need to stay on the soft foods and lots of protein drinks. No hard foods! And never drink anything with your food. This will cause a clog and you will bring that food back up. Think about your stomach as a drain pipe, when you eat too fast, it backs up, then if you add fluids to it, it only emulsifies and turns to slime, so always dring l hour to 30 min before eating and or the same after eating, giving your food time to pass through the "drain". You will adjust to the fill period! It will hurt if you do not adjust. This is an opportunity to lose more weight the first weeks after a fill, work with it and the scales will make you happy! Happy New Year~Happy New YOU!

  15. I have a beautiful woman within~crying to be released to the world in 2010!

    She wants to be happy, healthy and yes even sexy!

    Look out world~I am on my way! Bandsters unite! Work as hard as you can to be positive, productive and help others along the way in this journey of our lives! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!! GOD BLESS YOU!:smile2::smile::eek::smile::smile::smile::)

  16. Best Wishes for you. Happy New Year and New YOU! Had my surgery 7/29/2009, best health decision I ever made, no meds since the surgery. I feel as if I were re-birthed the say of my surgery.

    After a few weeks you will be a pro at this. Any Questions feel free to contact me!

  17. Wait till after your checkup with your Doctor! They will clear you for exercise, but walking some right now around the house is a start. On the fourth day after surgery I felt so much better, then about the seventh or eighth day I had to get out and start walking, just to the end of my driveway and back a few times, and that is the beginning of my exercise journey, now three times a week at a full gym, Zumba, and Body Pump Classes!

  18. I had a hysterectomy in 1997 and was cut from hip bone to hip bone, I have a lot of scar tissue there now and some of it is causing me pain. I have lost 60 lbs, five months out. I am going to wait a year and then have the scar tissue removed, they may be able to tuck the tummy within this surgery and cut off excess skin where needed, my insurance will pay for this one, but a Tummy Tuck or any type of surgery is painful and serious, so I will have to reconsider and may just live with a little skin, the exercise is tightening it now! Try to do some exercise every day! The sooner you get started the better, Happy New Year and best of luck friend!

  19. I was also concerned about the EXCESS SKIN~ I had a friend who did the Gastric Bypass, she lost over 200 lbs and FAST too. She could not sit down for the skin on her back and butt area had become a drape! Finally her insurance company was persuaded that this was harmful to her and gave in for the removal of it and the tummy. She had skin hanging everywhere! I had not seen her in years till the other night and she has put back on a lot of weight! Why in the world would anyone do that after all that surgery. I liked food, but do not love it enough to sacrafice my health like that! God Forbid~I would pray everyday for strength. EXERCISE is a MUST! I joined a Gym~ paid for a full year and go at least three times a week and I love it! I never did this before the LapBand Surgery. I go at my own pace and no one pushes me except me! I can see my skin going back now and I drink lots of water.

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