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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janetsjourneytoslim

  1. janetsjourneytoslim

    Court Day~I was there, No one Recognized me?!! LOL

    :drool:Ok so the day I had to appear in court in a case I was ready to have tried, waited over a year for, was finally here! This was a Real Estate Development Case and I was to recieve a settlement that has long been overdue, so I was ready. Traveled to the town, spent the night, and I was right on time. Now the last time I had seen the opposing Attorney was on July 28th, 2009, the day before my LapBand Surgery. Since then, 91 lbs are gone, my hair in no longer the same color and not curly anymore and I have contacts instead of glasses. I have progressed with these changes and have gotten use to myself over time. I kinda like it! We all were there and everyone was just sorta chatting and saying their niceties to one another. The opposing Attorney told the Judge that we were missing one person and we were waiting on her. I did not know who it was or could be. In a few minutes, the Attorney came over and asked my Attorney where I was, I saw him point to me a couple of times. And I did not know what I had done. I was sorta on the spot. Then they were laughing a little with these strange looks on their faces. THEY had not known I WAS ME!!!! They were waiting on ME to get there! Now that was worth EVERYTHING I have gone through for the past year. Even some of the opposition group did not recognize me!!! I just LOVED it! So funny~~~CHANGE IS GOOD Ya'll! It is good!!!:confused:
  2. janetsjourneytoslim

    Court Day~I was there, No one Recognized me?!! LOL

    Thanks everyone! It was funny to me too. I have to go back as the case was "Continued" don't know when, but I feel it will go in my favour, God is on my side. And I will Continue to change and lose more weight too. LOL Have a great Labor Day all!
  3. Thank you sil, she is the last one out the door. Getting married 10-10-10, I am going to have empty nest syndrom for sure. She finished college and has become an RN, so proud of her. Can't wait to get dressed together for the wedding and wear something beautiful.
  4. janetsjourneytoslim


    You have made so much progress, you look great, I know you are very proud.
  5. janetsjourneytoslim

    -70 me take 2

    I enjoyed looking at all your pics, you have really transformed, It feels great doesn't it? Congrats.
  6. janetsjourneytoslim

    The best thing about losing weight

    Being able to wear high heels again and not have my legs and feet hurt. Feel my husbands arms around me as I am at the sink washing dishes. Yes his arms now surround me and I feel so skinny! Love that feeling! Love my Band.
  7. I know you are getting close, my daugter and you are about due the same time. I am keeping my prayers going up for a speedy and smooth delivery for you. My daughter in law just gave birth to our fourth grandson last Monday, he was 8 lbs and l oz. Michael Wesley, just a little doll. Now I am looking forward to our second granddaughter from my oldest daughter. She had PCOS and tried for 8 yrs. to conceive now AVA will be here in a few day. God is so Good to us. My daughter in law had gastric bypass several years and has had two children, she always loses right back down. God Bless You.

  8. janetsjourneytoslim

    The best thing about losing weight

    Wearing High Heels again! Walking without pain again! Playing with my grandchildren in the floor and getting up without help again! So very many things, but a special one is having my tall, handsome husband wrap his arms around my waist while I am washing dishes at the sink and tell me how pretty I am and how much he loves me! Yes I think that is the best, that he can now wrap his arms fully around me and I feel so skinny in his arms. God Bless and Keep You.
  9. janetsjourneytoslim

    Why am I such a scale whore??

    Hey I am 14 months out, 91 lbs down and I have Always weighed and recorded my weight EVERY day. ? That is the only way I can see WHAT and How what I eat is affecting my weight. I also used Ketosis to burn fat faster on my diet plan and then I had to weigh every morning, after the first urine and record the weight, weigh in the nude too. Best and most accurate weight of the day. I do not just jump on the scale at all times during the day, only in the AM. Bought a new set too, so they would be reliable. Ups and downs are to be expected along this journey, just enjoy the trip.
  10. janetsjourneytoslim

    19 pounds down since post op

    Good for him and thanks to you for being so supportive, and it takes it if he is to be successful. We all need that love and encouragement. Best Wishes.
  11. You are so welcome. The hardest thing is to Do Good Anyway. Sometimes when things get difficult for me, I keep saying that over and over. It is what makes you feel so superior in the end, when you can walk away from an episode and had the upper hand by not giving in to what others want and expect you to do and to react badly, but you did good to them, so they did now know where to put that action. God is a teacher and we are just learning to lean on him. He is helping me through life and this past year with the band, I have grown even stonger and closer to him.

  12. janetsjourneytoslim

    Do Good Anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

    If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Do good anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Almost every day, I hear a friend, a college, or a news reporter casting suspicion on the motives of someone who is doing good. They imply that others who seem to be doing good are only pretending to do good when in fact they have their own selfish ulterior motives. We may be accused of being selfish and have motives that are ulterior to ourselves for gratification by others who are not happy that we are doing good. Today I attended a funeral and was met by so many with praise for how I have lost my weight and kept it off. That felt good. But I really wonder where they were when I was heavy and still doing good for others? Oh well it does not matter, for we must do our best to help others and just accept that we can not change some things in life. The one thing we have done is change the way we feel, and look and how we now have more life to give to ourselves and those around us that we love. Oh God, Whom I praise, do not remain silent, for wicked and deceitful men, have opened their mouths against me; they have spoken against me with lying tounges. With words of hatred they surround me; they attack me without cause. In return for my friendship they accuse me, but I am a woman of prayer. They repay me evil for good, and hatred for my friendship. Psalm 109 Do not let those tear you down for what you have done and accomplished, continue to do good and show them that you were led for this journey. Keep the Faith!:confused:
  13. janetsjourneytoslim

    A total of 24 pounds lost - 8 days post-op

    Amen, I too believe that our faith and love of God will see us through this life. And his image is Beautiful and we should be also, inside and out! Great Job.
  14. So glad to hear you are mending and feeling better too. I really feel this is why I had the surgery to FEEL better and I do too. God knows right where we need to be and he will keep us there too. Have a good day.

  15. janetsjourneytoslim

    Six little Pounds

    Well I have six little pounds to go to get to my goal weight for my daughters wedding! Tried to lose 10 lbs. but now I am down four. Working on the wedding stuff is keeping me very busy and all these babies (grandbabies) coming. I am on the go a lot. We got baby Michael Wesley last night! 8 lbs, l oz, 21 inches long, he is a little doll with a head full of hair! Now one more is on the way our little Ava Danielle, my oldest daughter is expecting and ready to go by next weekend. I have five weeks left before my youngest daughters wedding and two flower girl dresses left to make, NO PRESSURE! Everything to check and re-check. Meeting with the cake lady on Thursday again. That cake is going to be good! Blueberry flavored fondant on one layer, Orange flavored on the rest, will post photos later. Have a great day all, God Bless You.:tt2:
  16. :scared2::smile2:There is plenty of time! If we have nothing else, we have time and it is on our side! I have said this before, but after reading a little bit about TIME, I am starting to see and feel it differently. TIME is both an enemy and a friend. At my age and I will tell you, I am 58. I see time slipping away fast, but there is so much happening in my life right now, it is good but it is on ZOOM AWAY! Tomorrow I will have grandchild number 5! A little boy named Michael Wesley, Michael after his daddy, my firstborn son. He is already over 8 lbs! So a big boy. Then next Monday, my 6th grandchild a little girl by my oldest daughter and her name is Ava Danielle, she is only 6 lbs now. Then on 10-10-10 my youngest daughter will be married. My life and the times of my life are so very blessed. I am thankful, I will look nice in the wedding photos, and my grandchildren will be proud to have me play with them and be active during my life with them. Better memories will be made because time has changed my life. You do your best to conquer time, and yet it continually slips through your fingers. You measure your life, your successes, and your productivity in terms of minutes, hours, days and weeks. You often lost your hope in the future and in the fullfillment of your dreams as time passes. God isn't subject to our concept of TIME. He is the Master of the Universe. When you place your trust in him, you can know with certainty that you have all the TIME to do what he has created you to to and that you have plenty of time to become just that. YOUR BRIGHTEST HOUR IS ALWAYS AHEAD, NEVER BEHIND! PSALMS 31:14-15 NCV LORD I TRUST YOU. I HAVE SAID, YOU ARE MY GOD! MY LIFE IS IN YOUR HANDS.:sleep:
  17. janetsjourneytoslim

    Plenty of Time~Your brightest Hour Is Always ahead of you!

    Thanks LoseIt, just got home, our Grandson was born today 8-30-10 8lbs l oz 21 1/5 inches long. Just beautiful and a head full of hair. He is perfect in every way and we are so happy and blessed. Can't wait to go back tomorrow and hold him some more.
  18. janetsjourneytoslim

    133 pounds, size 4

    You look amazing, I know you are so proud to be that small. I will never see a 4 because of my bone structure, but I am hoping for a size 12 soon, in a 14 now. 10's would be the elusive dream size tho.
  19. janetsjourneytoslim

    I just feel good about myself in this picture205lbs

    You look amazing and I love the hair straight, I changed mine too, it is naturally curly so I got a straightening iron and I like the change. You are so pretty. Congrats.
  20. janetsjourneytoslim


    You have really come a long way, and look amazing! Congratulations.
  21. janetsjourneytoslim

    some more liquid drinks for later!

    Thanks so much for posting these recipies. The protein shake by itself is getting boring for me. These look good and I am going to try some of them.
  22. Thanks jsc, I have had so many tell me that, I believe a good boost of self esteem had certainly helped me. And the weight loss has been a good shot in the arm for the esteem as well. I love my girls.
  23. :thumbup:Hey Girl! Don't be discouraged, it is just LIFE happening. You will get through this and God will help you, he is there always. He knows the things that will happen to us before we do. I never did get acid reflux after the surgery, but I sure did before. I have heard others that have had a lot of it afterwards. A friend of mine had pneumonia and was vomitting a lot and that will cause the band to slip or move and may cause surgery so you don't want that! You will overcome this and be strong and get that added weight back off again, I just know it. I will keep you in my daily prayers and want to see you well and in good spirits soon.


    Something I want to share with you.


    Lord, I trust you. I have said, "You are my God", My life is in your hands. Psalm 31:14-15 NCV


    Lord I place my seconds, minutes, hours and days in your hands. God I thank you for restoring my hope for the future and Lord build up my friend today and give her strength for tomorrow and the future. AMEN

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