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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janetsjourneytoslim

  1. janetsjourneytoslim

    FINALLY! 100 Pounds gone...another 100 ish to go

    God Bless you and your efforts, you have really hit a milestone with the weight loss!
  2. janetsjourneytoslim

    Shock & Awe?!

    OMG! Sounds like your friend is in grave danger. I hope and Pray you continue to do just as you have and be healthy and consistant with your health care through your physician. I am praying for both of you!
  3. :smile:Well it use to be a fiasco in the mornings as I prepared to go to work, just to find something in my closet that would fit!!!:sad: Well those days are over, down 91 lbs this morning, and facing my one year bandiversary on the 29th of this month! I feel great and I have not been frustrated at all in finding something that fits me to wear to work!!! I just realized how awesome that is!!!! Now I just have to decide WHAT it is that I want to wear to work! I actually like wearing makeup again, because I don't sweat it off! I am learning new makeup techniques and I have a new Hairdo too! I actually straightened my hair which is naturally curly the other day with a curling iron and I LIKED it. Before I lost weight I don't think I CARED very much. Now I DO!!!! A lot of people have told me I look younger and I think I do too! Being smaller makes me happy! I have to tell you ladies, nothing makes me madder though than to hear a remark like I did yesterday! There was a big girl, at a convention center who was wearing clothing not flattering to her larger figure, she did look Fat and not at all attractive. Now, as a big girl, I KNEW my limitations and always dressed appropriately. One man said, "Now there is at least 350 lbs on hoof" Comparing a woman to a cow is not respectful at all, and a tiny girl was laughing with him at this woman. To tell you the truth, it broke my heart! I feel so much compassion for all of us big people, we are NOT treated fairly in the workplace or any other place for that matter, and most big people I know have more class, more heart, more of everything than some of the skinny people I know. I pray that God gives me a compassion and a role to play to others to witness the results of the LAP-BAND® to others who will listen, I believe with all my heart that the timing of the funds I recieved to have my LAP-BAND®, were in Gods hands, and I will continue to do my best to make this work in my life and help all others I come into contact with do the same. We have to learn as a society to love all people the same, no matter the situations we have in life. Have a great day all!
  4. janetsjourneytoslim

    "I can't find anything to wear"~~~I can't believe I DON'T say this anymore!!!!!!!

    You are so right Debra G! I am going to use some of your recipies for my low carb diet this week, thanks so much for helping me with this. I also want to add that there are those that would feel they will NEVER be small enough and are never content with the way they look and feel. I have tiny friends and fat friends too and I love them all! Some of my tiny friends freak out when they gain five lbs, that is a tremendous amount of weight for them to gain. I kinda know how they feel, the five lbs point is a stopping point and they turn it around, it bothers me when I follow a plan and don't lose weight at all, but I have learned to be content in all things.
  5. janetsjourneytoslim

    Back to the Basics for a Bandster!

    :thumbup: Well what can I say? I have to try to focus now as I am getting back to the basics! LOW CARB diets work for a person with the band. I want to lose about 15 lbs more before my daughters wedding in October. So I started on Low Carbs or almost NO Carbs yesterday for three days, that tends to work to get me into Ketosis. I checked my urine this morning after one day, and absolutely NO ketosis there! HA, what a waste of a Keto-strip. But just another day or two or after the weekend, I will try it again! I want to just burn fat really burn it up from now until 10-10-10. My daughter and I have to order our dresses for the wedding soon so they have time to arrive, I am going to get one size larger than I need and PRAY I have to take it in. The hardest part of getting back to the basics is sticking to the plan, but I will do it! My husband is working this weekend so that makes it easier for me cause I don't cook then. I am going to hit the Gym tomorrow too! Gonna be a good productive day! God Bless You all, have a great weekend!:thumbup:
  6. I too slow down and people ask me what size are you now? How much do you weigh? Rather that give them a play by play which is really none of their business, I just say, I am getting to the size I want to be! Faster than I thought possible, and I weigh 91 lbs less than I did a year ago. Just be general, they won't press the issue too much then. I did not want to dissapoint my Dr. and I wanted to lose 10 lbs per month on avg. But you CAN'T! When your body has dropped about 50% of its excess body fat, you WILL SLOW down and you won't be able to help it! I am losing 4-5 lbs per month now, and that is OK with me. Tell them this is a three year journey. The band does the most for you the first year, but for three years you can expect weight loss to occur if you follow a sensible eating plan. I am looking forward to year three now with great anticipation and I am going to work harder at toning up now too. Best Wishes!

  7. I think it is very BRAVE in annoucing that you had the surgery! Cute Blog name too! Love it! I told almost everyone because I was so happy for ME~~and I have never regretted it. MOST everyone was very supportive, except those few who would be jealous, but never were very complementary before either, so I just moved on! God is so good and provides me with daily encouragement! And I love this site too, because it gives us a place to share a common thread and vent as well. Welcome aboard, I am praying for you continued health and success!

  8. Thanks for my birthday wishes! It was a great one! Had a little biscuit instead of cake last night at Red Lobster, I just LOVE those tasty things, but I ate at it slow so it would not get stuck! I was happy on my birthday! NOW Back to the losing game! Low Carbs, High Protein!

  9. Thanks so much for your Birthday well wishes. I did have some cake, not too much the day before my birthday, but last night at Red Lobster, I went for a biscuit instead, I LOVE those little things. They are so darn tasty! LOL I ate it slow as to not clog up anything. I had shrimp scampi and crab legs, very good! I too do not feel shame, real life will always happen and we will fit into it nicely! God Bless you!

  10. Thanks so much for my birthday wishes. I had a great day, went shopping with a friend out to dinner and to a movie. Saw Knight and Day, it was a cute movie! Gained a lb this morning, but ate at Red Lobster! It was so good, no cake, but I did sneak one of those little biscuits! Hey, it was my Birthday, right?

  11. Thanks for my birthday wishes! I had a great time, spent a lazy morning at home, and on the computer then I went out to eat with a Skinny friends she weighs 122 and thinks she needs to lose down to 117!! She is awesome and so beautiful! Went shopping and found a top to wear to the rehearsal dinner for my daughters wedding, size 14! I am lovin it! I still have large boobs, did not lose but a couple of inches in that dept! Ate out and then the movies! Lots of fun! Thanks Again, keep up the good work, love your blogs too.

  12. janetsjourneytoslim

    Today is my BIRTHDAY! REALLY!

    :tt2: well today is my REALLY Birthday! I will tell you my age, I turned 58 years young this morning! I feel so blessed and happy! I did eat a bite of cake last night, it was Chocolate and too sweet!! Yes I said it TOO SWEET! But to be polite to the ones who bought it for me and planned the party, I ate CAKE! Being away from a lot of sweets, you never realize HOW sweet they are and just how much sugar is in them until you do eat some and then you know! This birthday is special to me for one reason, I am smaller than last year because of the BAND! Photos were taken, and I could hardly believe that was ME in them compared to last year! 91 lbs smaller! Thank you Jesus for the will power and good sense to have this surgical procedure called the LapBand! My Re-Birth day is the 29th of this month! So I will celebrate again, not with cake tho! LOL To all of those who looked at me with pity and concern for my health, they now see a different me, but I did not do this for them, I did this for ME! You will do this for YOU, or you won't care or try and won't be a success at this journey! Get the mindset that YOU are IMPORTANT and deserve to be healthy! Life will be good, will get better every year! Like I said "I only wish I had gotten the surgery sooner". My only regret. Have a Blessed day with me!
  13. janetsjourneytoslim

    Just Tired

    When you feel tired, maybe you should eat some carbs! They will give you the energy you need. Also when we get tired, we get depressed? I do, then I feel helpless. I know that band is STILL there. Maybe your body is use to the diet and exercise program you are on so that is is COMFORTABLE there. Shake it up a bit, try to eat not counting calories, I DO! I only count the carbohydrate grams in food and I don't go over 50 per day! I eat all the bacon, eggs, butter, cheese, meat, and berries I want! And I eat peanuts and almonds too! I have lost 91 lbs in a year! Get the Adkins Diet online, follow it to the letter, and you will lose with the band. I also eat salads with vinegar and oil dressing, boiled eggs and lots of meat for toppings, pepperoni for a twist! Canned chicken with pickles and mayonaise, salt and pepper is so delicious too! There are lot of foods you CAN have and they make me feel good. Also, try the website www.400caloriesorless.com
  14. janetsjourneytoslim

    Six Month Update

    Loved your blog today, so glad you are where you are, you sound mentally healthier! You have grown from where you were. And the weight loss is wonderful an avg of about 10 lbs per month! GREAT! Always love reading your blogs too! You are inspiring! Have a wonderful day and keep up the good work, God Bless YOU!
  15. janetsjourneytoslim

    Checking In

    I am so happy for you grizzlyrider! I know exactly how you feel! You are doing wonderful, and I too look at my skin and think the same things! LOL I am planning a daughters wedding too for Oct. and must order my dress this week. I think I will get a size 14! Amazing isn't it? You are so right about everything you said in your blog, keep them coming now, you are encouraging ME! We all need each other for these little "mini-meetings"! God bless you!
  16. janetsjourneytoslim

    Bandster Bashers

    :rolleyes2:I do not understand for the life of me how others can bash us for being banded! I hear you all saying that you have not told others that you are having this surgery. Is it because you are afraid they will bash you about it? Or is it because you want to let them see you lose weight and be surprised? I think it is so wrong to not tell others what we have done, I will never lie or keep it from my loved ones. Most of the people I know are very happy for me and that I have lost this weight. I do have heavier relatives and they are in serious health problems because of the added pounds they are carrying! Instead of not telling them what I have done, I am showing them how what I have done could also help them, to solve some of the health problems they are having that are directly associated with being overweight! We must stand up to any Bandster Basher, but in a kind way. They are bashing us because it hurts for them NOT to have what we have. They really are hurting with their problems of obesity. I KNOW I have been right where they are. I still feel fat to a certain degree, maybe because I am not right where I want to be with my weight loss at this time, but I am getting there! God Says, "Be ye Kind, one to another!" In all things represent the one who is in control of your life and strive to be more like him, then others will see the real you and the efforts you have asserted to change your life for the better, praise goes so much farther than bashing others for what they did or did not do, so have a great day and remember to love those who hurt you as well as those who don't! God Bless~!:thumbup:
  17. janetsjourneytoslim

    Journey has began

    Congrats Knapp! You are beginning a wonderful journey! Welcome aboard the LapBandtalk site, I will warn you IT IS ADDICTIVE! LOL God Bless YOU!
  18. janetsjourneytoslim

    had my band done yesterday

    God Bless you as your body heals and your spirits improve after the surgery! You will begin to adjust and grow use to the idea you are now banded! When the weight starts to come off, you will be so happy that this was your choice, I am one year out and down 91 lbs. It really changes your life for the better.
  19. janetsjourneytoslim

    Recipe Of The Day! Chili-Orange Chicken Drumsticks

    Yumo! I will check out your BLOB! LOL Don't think you caught that error, but it made me smile and started my day off good! Have a blessed one!
  20. janetsjourneytoslim

    The third fill my be the charm

    Sounds like you are doing well. Congrats on the weight loss so far. Third fill for me was a good one and really felt tight so I ate less at each meal. Still stayed on the 1,000 calorie diet and lost weight. Happy Days are ahead for you!
  21. janetsjourneytoslim

    The REAL LapBand Connection

    Bless you NewMechelle and LostIt. It is hard to stand up, but we must and grow stronger through it. I have a dear friend who died at age 57 from a stroke, she had been overweight all her life, then about 4 yrs. ago she had gastric bypass, and she was never happier. I thank God for the happiness she knew and the wonderful things she did in her life the last four years of it. She even bought a Harley and learned to ride it. Something she would never have done when she was heavy. I do miss her so much!
  22. janetsjourneytoslim

    The REAL LapBand Connection

    :thumbup: Hi Everyone! Ever really wonder why we are so addicted to this site? It is because we are all Connected. Connected by the journey, connected by the cause, connected by a small piece of rubber like material that keeps us in control of our eating habits. It is there, but more than that, it is our everyday mental reminder, that we are banded persons sharing the same walks of life daily! What we must all learn to do is rely on this band and keep it doing what it is suppose to do with our help! Ignore Distractions!!!! Our own flaws can distract us from keeping our eyes on Jesus. If we think too much about what is wrong with us, we will forget what God can do through us. If we look too much at what we lack, we will forget to be thankful for what we HAVE! Have a wonderful Day today!:rolleyes2:
  23. janetsjourneytoslim

    Enjoy Your Life

    :rolleyes2:Enjoy your life to the fullest! Whatever may be your task, work at it heartly (from the soul), as something done for the Lord and not for men, knowing with all certainty that it is from the Lord and not from man that you will receive the inheritance which is your real reward. Colossians 3:23-24 Reading the scripture is the only way to stay on track with life and truly enjoy life, when we stray from it, we so alienate ourselves and start to feel helpless, that is because we are. Pray for the strength to stay on track and enjoy your life. Jesus died so that you can enjoy abundant life, not just the days you are off work or on vacation, or when you get to go shopping or golfing~~~but every day of your life. He wants you to enjoy going to the grocery store. He wants you to enjoy driving the kids to school. He wants you to enjoy paying the bills, cleaning the house or mowing the yard. You can enjoy life if you DETERMINE TO DO SO! Say, "I am going to enjoy every aspect of my life, because Jesus died so that I could have joy unspeakable and full of glory!" Never let anything rob you of your JOY, EnJOY Your LIFE! Embrace the wonderful changes taking place in your body and in your soul! I have and what a true transformation is taking place. God Bless you all Today is my prayer.:thumbup:
  24. janetsjourneytoslim

    The REAL LapBand Connection

    You are so welcome ssmom, we must all share the word of God and encourage one another with it! Have a blessed day.
  25. janetsjourneytoslim

    Enjoy Your Life

    Thanks finallyncontrol, I accepted your friendship request today. I check in every morning on all of us going down the path of living with the band. Pray for us all on a daily basis, and I feel we are close without really knowing each other personally. We have a connection that is real!

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