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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janetsjourneytoslim

  1. janetsjourneytoslim

    Offically Banded

    Sounds like you are doing great! I never gave a shot, but have a daughter who is an RN so that helps if I needed it! She has been very supportive of me and always praises my WL. You are really on a great journey, it changes daily and you will get use to it. God bless you, keep with the program and you will do fine.
  2. janetsjourneytoslim

    The Journey Begins

    I think you should tell him, and share this with him, letting him know this is your FIRM decision! My husband was about the same way, except he was always there for me but thought I could still "do it" without WLS Yes, just take off 100 lbs, that should be easy~right? Right! If it were that easy I could have done it ten years ago. He was right there with me! He did not encourage or discourage, in fact he was fairly quiet about it, I wrote him a letter and gave it to him as I was being wheeled into surgery! He read it, never mentioned it, nor did I. I told him how much I loved him, admired him, appreciated him. And if anything happened to me adversely in surgery, I had to make this choice for ME so that I could be around for HIM and our children and grandchildren a LOT longer. SINCE the surgery he has seen me drop the weight and is so PROUD of me! He cooks and always cooks what I can have, reminds me to drink my protein shakes etc. He has always been a good husband, just not always supportive in every one of my endeavors. He was a LITTLE afraid I might die in surgery and he would lose me. I think he'd rather have me FAT than not at all. Could be a hidden fear of your DH(Darling Husband) LOL Good Luck and God Bless You as you go forward.
  3. janetsjourneytoslim

    "How Sweet It Is!"

    I love your post today! HOW Sweet it is for sure!!! I know the feeling, and I love it. I have about 25-30 lbs more to take off too, we will get it! And I took a trip on a plane to Seattle and had to draw up the seat belt from a previous passenger! SWEET! Wearing cute shoes and High Heels with no pain in my feet, SWEET! This was too the BEST CHOICE for me!
  4. Thanks Debra, love to see you on here and your recipes and blog!

  5. Thanks again, this is a path we are all trodding, just not alone! Glad you had the hernia now? Just kiddin, I had one too and the Dr. fixed it at the same time as my band, did not even know it!

  6. Thanks Sandra~I feel led down this path, but not alone!

  7. Thanks so much for your feedback on my post today! We are all walking a path, may it be right and good and blessed.

  8. Hi, It may have been the purpose of timing that gave you a reall good "replacement" walking buddy today. You had good alone time with God! We are all on the same journey in life, this is a good path for us!

  9. janetsjourneytoslim

    The Right Path Taken!!!!!!

    :tt2: In his poem, "The Road Not Taken," Robert Frost wrote about two paths that diverge in a wood and how he chose the"one less traveled by,". He ended the poem with these words: "and that has made all the difference." We may ponder what may have happened if we had veered down another life path. Ultimately, however, it's the path taken that molds you into the person you turned out to be~~~for better or worse. How blessed you are when you choose the path that leads to God. I feel he directs my path! Let him lead you too. The path to change my life with the lap band has been wonderful, different, exciting and a path filled with challenges. But I am happier today because even tho I get up and get on the scales and they are not just where I would like them to be yet, I can tell you they are not where I was last year on a path to destruction of my body and mind. I can now serve my God stronger and longer because of this choice and I feel I have taken the Right Path. To those of you having surgery today, or in the near future, it is the path that will help you change your life!:smile::w00t:
  10. :closedeyes:Well, I have to tell you that I don't lie about this band journey! I have started being hungrier at the end of the first year, so you newbies, milk it for all you can get while you are NOT hungry at first. It feels like I am hungrier now, and my tummy growls too, it did not do that at first. I am debating trying to add a diet pill to help with the last 20-25 lbs of weight I need to get off! I am not in a hurry really, but I get worried when the weight just drags or comes off and then right back on, 2 to 3 lbs rolling over and over again is frustrating too. I have heard of some taking a diet pill at the end to encourage the band, should I? Should I not? Anyone done this? I heard HCG is good??? I would love to hear what you did, if you would share. Had a great day with my granddaughter and Mom today! God Bless!
  11. janetsjourneytoslim

    My loss is another persons gain.

    Great story! What a revelation. I loved it! Every two months I was getting rid of clothes. Good thing my daughters and I own a Consignment Store, I could buy, wear, consign and start over again! It was too much fun! I have been stuck in a size 14 and some 12's now for awhile, but purchased some 10's that are hanging in my closet just waiting for me. SOOON Very Soon. Keep havin fun and lovin the band. Our new best friend!
  12. janetsjourneytoslim


    Yes it will, your life will change for the better tomorrow, we will all be here waiting to encourage you and help you as you pass through the first days of your new life.
  13. janetsjourneytoslim

    A decision to Trust!

    :smile:Learning to swim in daunting. You'll probably never forget how it felt to squint across the pool before filling your lungs with that last deep breath. Three strokes later, your hesitant paddling ended in frantic sputtering when water started closing over your head. At the same moment, strong arms caught you from beneath and lifted you back up to the surface. ( I had this happen to me at age 12 in our large round town lake) A heart of trust is one of life's sweet but hard-won gifts. The discovery that God is always there, ready to lift you up when you start to sink, replaces fear with courage and timidity with boldness. Along with that courage and boldness comes the strength to face whatever life throws at you~even when it requires a long scary swim to the other side. We can equate this long scary swim to the other side, to our decision to have the LAP-BAND®®® as well. We are uncertain, hopeful, scared and wanting. We have to get decisive, use the courage that we can drum up from within and be bold and go forward with our decision, trusting that we are doing the RIGHT thing for us! I know that I could not do a thing or make a decision without first trusting God to guide me. When I decided to do this LAP-BAND®®® thing, I was scared, unsure of how it would affect my life, how it would change me and my family, could I do it? It became a decision I had to Trust! Some days, I am still scared. I will try to eat something and I question myself, can I eat this? Will it get stuck? And I can get on edge about the band. Other days there is no question. I am starting to feel Normal with the band, not apprehensive at all, about getting together with friends attending functions such as weddings, showers, and parties without thinking everyone is watching me eat. I feel like one of the bunch again! I thank God everyday for my decision.:tt2: In you O Lord, I put my trust; Let me never be ashamed; Deliver me in Your righteousness. Psalm 31:1 NKIV Dear God, I am a child in your arms. Thank you for holding me in your loving embrace. I depend on your provision and protection. Amen
  14. janetsjourneytoslim

    Down 76 pounds!!!

    You look amazing, good job!
  15. janetsjourneytoslim

    1 Yr. Out.....70 #'s gone! (7/2010)

    Great JOB! You and I are about the same time for our surgeries, you have done so good.
  16. janetsjourneytoslim

    Hunger increases at the end of one year with the band! Take a Diet Pill?

    Thanks you wonderful friends, I too am leary of Pills, and I think I will just add more resistance to my exercise and more walking, jogging etc. and let the band do it's work! My husband is happy with me right now! LOL I don't want my heart to be affected or get on speed either. Love you all!
  17. Just wanted to day you look awesome, keeping it off now will be easier with the band. I am one year out and counting the pounds away too! Hope I lose and look like you in a year!!! God Bless.

  18. janetsjourneytoslim

    2 years after banding

    Love the NEW YOU, Hair style and you look years younger, and I believe you will live so much longer now that the weight is off forever!
  19. janetsjourneytoslim

    Summer 1998---I'm the fat one!

    Hard to believe, I bet you keep this one on the fridge, so as to never go here again. You look awesome now!!!
  20. janetsjourneytoslim

    YESSSSSS! Can't Shop in Woman's World!!!

    Loved your blog, know exactly how you feel, it is wonderful, I am looking for 10's next, need 20-25 lbs more and I am there, I want this for Christmas 2010. Got to get back to the basics and stick to it to get it!
  21. janetsjourneytoslim

    In horrible pain four days out

    Hello, I was banded one year to the day ahead of you, I still remember how I felt as well, but on the fourth or fifth day I was really on the mend, my scars have all but faded away now. The pain is really coming from gas and in incisions and stitches around the port area, so you should take something for pain, if you cannot take strong meds. Then just pulverize tylenol or some tablet and mix it with water and take it! You are entitled!!! God Bless I am praying for you and wish you a wonderful year of weight loss.
  22. :closedeyes: She looks fabulous at 80! Sure hope I am following in those footsteps. I had the nicest comment today when I logged on from a sweet lady who told me I looked like I was in my 40"s. God Bless You! Taking off weight makes us look younger ya'll! And it will give you back years and more years. I had four children and two miscarriages during my child bearing years and that is also rough on the body. But it is all coming back together again! Thanks to the band and a lot of dedication! I am logging my food down again, rough but I am doing it, and today was a good day too. I had sugar free ice cream about two bites and a 1"x1" slice of cake. Just a taste, and I was satisfied. We had a lovely day at the Assisted Living Home with our Mom. So happy to still have her in my life! My dad died at age 54 and she was 52 and never remarried, so she was mother and father to me for many years now. She was born in the height of the depression and was so hungry, there were six children and her dad died when she was only three years old. She remembers stealing an egg from the neighbors hen house she was hungry! She had to take it back and apologize, my grandmother was too proud to just take it when the neighbors tried to give it to my mom who was four at the time. When we say "We are Starving to death, we really just don't know!" Well my Mom made sure of one thing, that is that we were never hungry! And I am glad for that. I was never really an obese child, but became obese as an adult, I can blame no one but myself for that! So happy I took control of it with the aid of the LAP-BAND®! It is still hard on days of Celebrations, but it is always on my mind! God Bless you.

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