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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by sherenee

  1. hey thanks for the request of friendship. Hope everything is good with you and that your losing I havent had my first fill yet how about you? Cant wait for a little restriction beginning to be able to eat anything again. Havent gained but its a little scarey! ttyl

  2. Thanks for the comment. First fill yesterday....soft foods today.....dont really feel much restriction yet. He put in 4cc in my large band. Not sure how much my band holds. Dr. said Id be in there every 2 to 3 weeks for fills instead of every month which Im really glad about hopefully get to my sweet spot sooner. Good news is lost another 9 lbs since my last appt. For a total of 21 lbs down since wt before preop diet. 21 lbs down since first of August. Im pleased. Love your blogs!!

  3. Hey wrote you a huge long letter and then it didnt post ARGH!! Anyways in a nutshell Glad you are doing okay and that your fill is soon. Let me know how it goes!! Cant wait for my first fill on the 21st!! Keep me posted!

  4. Hey are you there would love to know how youre doing? Hope to hear from you soon!!

  5. Hey we have alot in common I'm a grandma too with 2 grown children and and LPN in geriatrics!! Part time now because im a burned out one LOL working the next 3 nights Im prn and try to p/u 3 to 4 shifts a month We also both live in the midwest me in Iowa St. Charles Was born and raised in Omaha though. Love to hear from you and how youre doing

  6. wow you are an inspiration!! Have chated with you on lapband talk site. Finally found your album and saw your transformation!! Unbelievable!! You look awesome and the tummy tuck is awesome too!! Hope when I get that far they will do that for me also as I also have Tricare. ttyl and again CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  7. Hey have talked with you on lapband site!! Joined the group today. Hard to find some of these areas Lol Hope youre doing well and hope to hear from you.

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