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RedBone Creole

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by RedBone Creole

  1. I too raised this same question

    My fill hurt like no bodies business!

    Yes they did use rather large needles.

    I was told in order to get the numbing medication I would have to get 2 shots with the same needle....

    "Ahhh Heck no!"

    I bear down and clinch my hands and take it for the team. It's only once a month and when you get to your sweet spot it's almost never. So take the pain in stride and get ready for your new wardrobe!

  2. I was successfully banded on 1/8/2010 by Dr. Lopez Corvala. Everything was fantastic from the planning to current. The hospital was beautiful and clean, the surgery and the staff were wonderful and the after care as far as phone calls and such (for my own dumb mistakes- not following directions) has been wonderful too. I paid $5995 and was picked up at the airport and taken to the hospital for 2 nights then a 5 star hotel for a night then back to the airport. It was a great experience. I highly recommend Dr. Lopez Corvala and his team. They represent health care as it should be!

    Hey, I too went to Dr Corvala and recieved the same treatment!

    The hospital was beautiful and state of the art!

    I go back every month for a fill with Dr Carmen

    William168: I was banded 1 month after you with Dr Corvala!

    Did both of you receive a 5 cc band?

    Can you believe that other post above stating their Doctor put a port with no band... Yeah right!

  3. Mzlb - re: Heparin - well, in France (where I got banded) my doctor said that was the protocol, but in the UK, where I live, it's not, so I only had it for a few days. Just wanted to check I'm not missing something I should have.

    Jo - think I have a 5cc band, but not sure - will check the paper-work.

    Don't think I can last on mushy food for a month. When is it safe to try something solid?

    Fed-up with people telling me, I did not need to get banded and looking at me as if I'm some kind of psychiatric case. Why do people think banding automatically implies something negative rather than positive?

    I'm done with 20 years of yo- yo dieting, done with feeling embarrassed about my body, done with the fat girl clothes. I plan on being fit, slim, healthy and sexy - in about 6 month time!

    I've decided, I'm keeping it quiet, and only telling those closest to me. Just don't see why I should justify myself to the world and his wife.

    I totally agree with you, I too was tired of the yo-yo diets for far too many years.

    I also didn't feel I was going to feel restriction, but boy do i now. I am actually a little too tight.

    I have a 5cc band.

    Good Luck!

  4. SherryW

    I'm so glad you put this into perspective for me.

    The last thing I want is a slipped band. I know I have been eatting too fast/much. I know this because I just got off a cruise.

    I'm also certain I am too tight since I just had a fill 2 weeks ago. I felt tight right away. My Dr put 1 cc in and I couldn't swallow so she removed .2 cc. Thinking it was gonna keep me in check I didn't say anything but I still felt tight. I'm hoping to get another .3 cc removed. I eat a cup of food and am full, but I am uncomfortable still. I am constantly pushing a burp out or spitting the foamy spit out.

    I hope this does the trick.

    I really don't want to reomve too much.

  5. Redbone sounds like you're PBing and if you've been doing that since your last fill you may be too tight. Question is is it after you've eaten or is it happening on it's own. If on its own you're probably too tight even if it's happening only at night. If it's after you've eaten only then smaller bites with a few minutes in between each bite should help.

    Vomiting for some is the contents of your stomach..but when banded sometimes it's the contents of what just went down plus salava. For most with a band it's not a harsh muscle thing like when unbanded and you have the flu but, more like a bend over and cough and it all comes up. Although...from experience of being too tight at time and also suffering a band slip......bandsters can definitely throw up just like you had the flu. It's not pretty!

    Anyway...if you're sliming or foaming alot....talk to your provider. He/she may suggest a slight unfill to help you out.

    thank you your knowledge of this subject!

    I sent my Dr. an email today.

    One last question though:

    if I can eat just about anything as I did before this last fill, how can I be too tight?

    Thanks in advance

  6. I believe in it too!

    I knew going in with a low BMI it would take more time than expected. But, I think I am doing great, I've lost 30 pounds since my 2nd fill and I workout.

    I know it is all about the food choices I make. I thought I was at a good restriction point right after my 2nd fill, but I was able to eat normal after 2 days... Only if I revert to swallowing with big/fast bites do I feel sorry. I need to remind myself all the time to slow down....

    I go for a 3rd fill in 2 weeks and I too am hoping to reach my "Sweet Spot".

    I was told I have a 5 cc band and I am at 4 cc's right now. Maybe this will do it!

  7. I started with a BMI of 30/31... Banded Oct 3rd 2009

    People thought I was crazy too!

    Obesity runs in my family & I was tired of yoyo dieting.

    Who cares what others think, only you really know if you should do this.

    I lost 30 pounds in 2 months! I'm 10 pounds from my goal.

    I didn't feel any restriction after my 1st fill but I feel much better now.

    I have a 5cc band with 4cc. I will go back for half a cc Jan 8th just to hit my sweet spot!

    By the way: I am a self-pay who went to TJ Mexico Dr Corvala

    good luck!!!

  8. What is a Protein bullet? I have some ready mixed drinks but what you refer sounds convenient.

    They are pre-mixed protien drinks 3-3.5 ounces each.

    You can buy them in a case @ costco or singles @ health supply stores or online.

    They are portable & you can pinch your nose and swallow them in 60 seconds.

    They are the consitency of un set Jello but are very strong in flovor like cough Syrup.< /p>

    You can buy then in incriments of 24 or 50 grams of protien each.

    That were the best thing I brought with me. When you travel the last thing you want to concern yourself with is counting grams...

    Trust me on this one, get some!

    Bon voyage...

  9. Trader Joe's has a line of chicken & turkey sausages that range from 17-21 grams of protien...

    I'm eatting the Sweet Basil Pesto ck & turkey sausage today: 1 link is 170 calories, 8 grams of fat, 1 gram of carb, 21 grams of protien.

    They are great. I also bought the chicken mango sausages but I haven't opened them up yet.

    I figure if I drink a shake & eat a link I'll have eatten about 40 grams of protien. The rest comes throughout the day & I don't have to stress if I got them all in.


  10. Heck yeah I'd do it again!!!!

    I've lost 30 pounds in 2 months and am 10 pounds from my goal. I am a self-payer & wish I had done it sooner.

    Yo-yo diets gave me low self esteem.

    Lapband has been the best decision I have made in my whole life!

  11. I traveled to Paris & London 1 week after my 1st fill and I felt very little restriction however I was not able to stuff myself as I would have done before the Lapband.

    I suggest you buy some protien bullets to pack in your suitcase so that you can ensure you get your daily recomended amount of it. It does help you lose weight faster. Other than that, it is up to you how you eat regardless of what's available...

  12. So it's been a while: here's my update

    I was banded Oct 3rd in TJ Mexico

    I had my 1st fill Nov. 6th & my 2nd Dec. 4th.

    My band holds 5 cc's. I received 2.5 on the 1st & 1.5 on the 2nd. I now have 4 cc's in my band.

    The 1st time around I was able to eat & felt little restriction. This time around I feel a lot of restriction & I am so excited. I don't eat that much before I feel satisfied.

    I cut my protien intake in half.

    My old clothes fit & some are baggy on me.

    I feel great about my loss but you know us ladies we are never satisfied...

    I hope everyone else is doing great and continued success in your weight loss!

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