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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by illuminationlady

  1. illuminationlady

    nervous and discouraged

    You may be in for a waiting period. It varies from person to person. I, myself, had to just control and maintain. I controlled what I ate and what I put into my mouth. I maintained/lost a little of my weight. I just now am at the point where I'm not starving all of the time. I have had 5 or 6 fills and now have restriction and am losing. However my daughter was banded (by the same doctor) and she has had no hunger...lucky her. She found out later that she started with 4.5 ccs at the time of surgery. I started with an empty band. So you can see how this varies from person to person. My point is that you may be in for a wait and need to not let this get you discouraged. Keep reading on this forum or look to a local support group. Best wishes!
  2. Creamed soups with unflavored protein powder (GNC) and Cream of Wheat are a great way to start with the eating process. I also had a baked yam about a week out. Greek style yogurt is very good also. Sprinkle a little honey on top. Very high in protein and low in sugar and calories. I also added fruit to my shakes and some people say to add peanut butter to them. Hope this helps...Best wishes!!! ps remember to drink a lot of water...that also helps.
  3. illuminationlady


    I started with an empty band so I could eat right away. But I think it varies from person to person. Some can't eat for a couple of weeks. If you are weak and need nutrition try some creamed soups or Cream of Wheat. Both helped me greatly. I added unflavored protein powder to mine. Best wishes!
  4. illuminationlady

    help me shrink my pouch?

    Stretching your pouch is myth. I thought I stretched mine out and I didn't. Now that I have true restriction I can only eat less than a cup of food at any one sitting. Don't worry about it...Best wishes...
  5. illuminationlady

    What to eat for mushy stage?

    Try some Greek style yogurt with honey sprinkled on top. Also, I had Cream of Wheat and added unflavored protein powder. My doctor wants me eating mainly protein and it seems to be working. I did cheat and had creamed soups but again added the protein powder. How about scrambled eggs with cheese too? Yummy...Best wishes.
  6. illuminationlady

    December Delights 2009

    Hi all!! It's been a while. I've gotten lost in Farmville on Facebook and I've been working on a couple of puzzles. Real interesting...huh? Anyway, I'm almost down by 50 lbs. and just lovin' it. Last month I lost 8 lbs. which is slow but steady. Slow and steady wins the race...It's difficult because I need knee replacement in both knees. I will have them done (one at a time...thank you) when I reach 200lbs. It's getting closer and closer and I'm really scared. I've heard it's pretty painful and a long recovery but my doc says I have to have it done, regardless of the weight loss. So, I really can't exercise much which is a bummer. Anyone out there had there knees done? If so, write back and tell me about it. Well, off to bed now. Just checking in..still love all of you tons and tons...Love, Dottie
  7. My DH actually gets more food now! We split everything; chicken breasts, yams, fish, everything...and now that I eat less...he gets more. But he has always been skinny and never gains any weight. Bests wishes...
  8. illuminationlady

    Banded on 5/19 ~ protein concerns

    I think you all should be getting protein (at least some). It is not necessary to stay on clear liquids that long. I added non flavored protein powder to my creamed soups. Greek yogurt is wonderful too. Dribble a little honey on top. I also at Cream of Wheat and added the non flavored PP to that too. About a week out I also ate some of my husbands baked yam at dinner. Best wishes...
  9. illuminationlady

    really worried....

    I agree, getting banded is anticlimatic. I was so excited and then after it's over it's a waiting game. Getting to that first fill is entirely anticlimatic also. I didn't get true restriction until after my 5th fill. I suffer from depression any way. Also, it's a whole new way of looking at food and being able to tell the difference between real hunger and head hunger. It was a long wait. That being said buck up little camper...you can do this. As a PP poster stated stay tuned into this site for support. I found it very comforting to read what others had been through. Read the success stories. Hang in there...you'll be fine!
  10. I started with an empty band and therefore had hunger almost from the beginning. It was everything I could do to just maintain. I thought I would never get true restriction. Now that I do...it's heaven!!! I only eat less than a cup of food at any one sitting and I have little to no hunger...so be patient girls...your day will come. Just really watch what you put in your mouth. Eat a lot of high protein foods that are low in fat, drink that water (64 oz. or more a day) and measure your portions. Best wishes...
  11. illuminationlady

    Washroom problems

    Lots of water, walking and a stool softener did the trick for me and then I, too, had the runs for about a week. Once you get going it's much better. Best wishes..(the water and walking really help move the bowels)
  12. illuminationlady

    Should I be worried?

    I agree, that you probably didn't do much damage and just tore a stitch. There's not much the doc can do for that and it will heal. Just be careful. I did not lift anything over 10lbs. for over a month. You could call him for the peace of mind as the PP stated. Best wishes!!
  13. It is a personal decision because it's your body and many people are not informed as to the entire process. My husband has a big mouth and told everyone. Now I am forced to explain everything over and over. I can be upsetting sometimes. Thank God I'm now dropping the weight because some people ask me every time they see me, "How much weight have you lost?". In the beginning, when I wasn't losing it made me feel bad from time to time. Now it doesn't seems to bother me. People do seem to be slacking off on asking as time goes by...
  14. Okay, I confess, I got lost in Farmville on FB. I have missed so much that it would be impossible to reply to everyone but really enjoyed reading your posts. I agree with Bobbie that this site is invaluable and each and everyone of you is too. HB 91 pounds is great and my husband tells me all the time how much smaller I look even though I haven't lost as much. I'm down almost 50 pounds, and I'll take it!!! My weight loss is slow because I exercise very little. I need complete knee replacement when I reach 200 lbs. on both knees (one at a time plz...). But last month I lost 8 lbs. with my weigh in with my doctor. He was pleased and did not do an adjustment. I can eat about one cup of food at a sitting and stay full for 4-5 hours at a time. Which is right on course for where I should be. I am very nervous about having my knees done but know that it is necessary. I've heard it is a lengthy recovery. My doctor said my knees will feel better with weight loss but not enough to not do the surgeries. Besides that I continue to farm with Bob and Bobbie and Leigha, garden, read and I love to do puzzles as of late. I just completed Noah's Ark and am now doing a map of OC by a local artist. Well, take care all...I miss you and continue my prayers for all of you (Anne...said a special little prayer for you to get your approval...glad to hear it's official). Love, Dottie
  15. illuminationlady

    Upper Back pain, Please Help!

    I don't have any answers for you except that you might be swollen from the reflux. Feel better soon! Call your doc and communicate. Don't be afraid to be a pest!!! Best wishes!!!
  16. illuminationlady

    Anyone else?

    Try some creamed soups! They really helped me feel better. Best wishes!!!
  17. illuminationlady

    I'm scared to death!!!!!!!!!

    I only wish I had done it sooner!!!
  18. illuminationlady

    How Much Do You Eat???

    Less than a cup of food at any one sitting. Stretching your pouch is a myth. Best wishes!!!
  19. When a piece of food gets stuck at the opening of your band you feel a very sharp pain and slime comes out of your mouth. Usually by bending over the sink you can get it to come up. It's not like throwing up at all. I don't get stuck very often but sometimes when I eat too fast it happens. It happened last week and I couldn't get the food unstuck, so there was a lot of sliming action. Hope this helps. Best wishes!!!
  20. illuminationlady

    Very confused..Pls explain

    Getting stuck does not mean you're at your sweet spot. I can barely eat a cup of food and stay full for 3-5 hours. Dry meat does get stuck easily. But that doesn't mean anything. You are probably not quite there yet. It took me 4-5 fills to get there. Hang in there! You'll get there...Hugs
  21. illuminationlady

    Tossing the Scale??

    I weigh myself in the morning, everyday. I, too, have trouble staying away from the scale but feel it is valuable to keep me in check. Twilight lover here too!!!
  22. illuminationlady

    What foods can you not tolerate w/band?

    Nothing really bothers me unless I eat too fast. Bummer about the yams. I bake yams all of the time for me and DH.
  23. illuminationlady

    Pain? What should it feel like?

    This is normal. The doctor filled you with a special gas to inflate your stomach for surgery. Even though they try to take most of the gas out some still remains. They are gas pains. I found that walking and GasX strips helped the most. Also, take your pain meds. Best wishes on a speedy recovery!!
  24. The Presurgery diet may be very effective however one cannot sustain it for very long. In the long run it is better for our bodies to eat normally and lose weight slowly. I tried liquid diets before the band and lost, only to regain the weight again. Losing weight slowly is a much healtier way to lose. So, no, I would not consider going back to the preop diet and am happy with the way I'm losing now.
  25. illuminationlady

    How did you get fat?

    I was fat from the start. I was a big baby and like Hummingbird genetics was against me. My mother and father and sister all were heavy. So, I came from a fat family. My family glorified food. We had big Sunday dinners with roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy and so on. I can remember eating steak and eggs for Breakfast. We were always eating, eating, eating. Finally, when I found an interest in boys I begged my mother to take me to a specialist who put me on a very strick diet with pills. I lost most of the weight and sustained it through my teens. I dated and married at age 23. Then I went through three pregnancies getting fat and then losing the weight. I yoyoed up and down all through my adult life. I have always been able to lose weight; just can't keep it off. I even lost 80lbs. once and sustained it for 2 years, only to regain that and then some. I sometimes think the band will do the same thing. I'll lose the weight but regain it. I don't want to believe that this is it. That I won't regain this weight that is coming off now. My daughter was banded in March. I hope and pray she'll lose the weight and not have a yoyo life like me.

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