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LAP-BAND Patients
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About MrsG

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 01/21/1981

About Me

  • Biography
    First time mom-struggling to get rid of baby weight...especially since baby is 9 months now-LOL!
  • Interests
    reading, cooking, spending time with family
  • Occupation
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  1. Happy 32nd Birthday MrsG!

  2. Happy 31st Birthday MrsG!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary MrsG!

  4. Hey MrsG, how have things been for you?

  5. Sorry to say this, but I think its a damn shame that you are more worried about you not getting sick in order to be able to have a surgery that can easily be rescheduled. You should be more focused on your sick family and hoping they bounce back from this nasty bug. Good luck to you and I hope your family recovers soon. Surgery dates will always be available-you do realize people have been dying from this sickness...hard to get them back.
  6. I take a liquid multi vitamin I purchased at Vitamin Shoppe and it doesn't taste bad either. It might take you trying a few before you find one that agrees with you, but you will find one-there are TONS out there! Good luck!
  7. Hey there DallasDude-I'm in Dallas too and had my surgery performed by Dr.Benavides on 09/24/09. I am doing great and just had my first fill today. He is pleased with my progress and I can't believe how much weight I've lost in so little time! You will be fine-positive thinking and smart food choices is the key. Dr. B is AWESOME!!! Keep me posted on your recovery and I'm sure you will do great! Good luck!!:thumbup:
  8. I'm so sorry to hear that. I do have a question though-did they tell you whether or not you had a hiatal hernia prior to your band? I had horrible acid reflux prior to the band and depended on medication for the help..come to find out I had a hiatal hernia. My surgeon also expressed to me that the band wouldn't be effective if the hernia wasn't repaired. I'm just wondering if maybe this is contributing to your problem...just a thought. best of luck to you!!!
  9. Oh, okay. You have to keep me posted on your recovery. I had my first fill scheduled for today, but had to reschedule and can't go until Nov 2nd...I'm going to have to kick it up a notch next week with my food choices!

    We can keep each other motivated!

  10. and thank you...

  11. Now it's Dr Westmoreland at Baylor

  12. Good luck on surgery day-you will be just fine!

    Who is your surgeon?

  13. Hi there-I have UHC and they don't cover bariatric surgery...however, the surgery center I went through has a little trick they use. Since I needed hiatal hernia repair...they billed the insurance for the repair and not the band....which got my procedure covered for $8k. I financed the remaining $3k and am on a monthly payment plan (200/monthly) I don't know if thats an option for you, but it sure helped me get a bulk of the cost covered. I hope this bit of information helps...good luck!
  14. Hi all- I have stopped weighing myself too. I decided I was going to do every other week, that way if I didn't lose one week, I wouldn't know it. I just don't want to be on the scale looking for constant changes, when there might not be. I can see a change in my face and the way clothes fit and thats what I'm going on to let me know things are happening. I have my first fill next Thursday and I'm sure they will weigh me then..I might close my eyes:closedeyes:..LOL-who knows. I was talking to a girlfriend of mine and she weighs everyday..she said it helps her stay on track. To me, it would make me crazy to see the changes from day to day-especially if there wasn't one. Do what works for you-and stay positive. The weight will come off in time..I wish they could have put some patience in there with the band.LOL Good luck everyone!!
  15. MrsG

    Freaking out

    Don't worry-you will be fine! Ofcourse you will be nervous because its the unknown and you have never had surgery. Just think of it as the best nap you will have since you were a kid:tongue2: Before you know it, the surgery will be over and you will be in recovery. You will feel pressure in your chest from the gas they use to blow up your abdomen, but it will pass the more you move around. You will be sore, but the ice pack will help tremendously with that. Keep a positive outlook and everything will be fine! I've had over 10 surgical procedures and I was still nervous...:yikes: But I gotta tell ya-that was the best sleep I've had since my daughter was born.:biggrin: In the end-IT'S ALL WORTH IT!!! even the nerves :thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
