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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MrsG

  1. Sorry to say this, but I think its a damn shame that you are more worried about you not getting sick in order to be able to have a surgery that can easily be rescheduled. You should be more focused on your sick family and hoping they bounce back from this nasty bug. Good luck to you and I hope your family recovers soon. Surgery dates will always be available-you do realize people have been dying from this sickness...hard to get them back.

    I am scheduled to have my surgery a week from Wednesday. We assume my dd had H1N1 and now it appears that my son does too. I'm soooo worried I am going to end up sick and not be able to have my surgery! I have the week off from work and all that. It will be a mess. Keep your fingers crossed that I stay healthy, pls.

  2. Hey there DallasDude-I'm in Dallas too and had my surgery performed by Dr.Benavides on 09/24/09. I am doing great and just had my first fill today. He is pleased with my progress and I can't believe how much weight I've lost in so little time!

    You will be fine-positive thinking and smart food choices is the key. Dr. B is AWESOME!!!

    Keep me posted on your recovery and I'm sure you will do great!

    Good luck!!:thumbup:

    Hi all.

    Well, I have surgery scheduled for November the 5th with Dr Richard Benavides at the Richardson Surgery Center. My pre-op diet starts on the 30th (no candy for me I guess!).

    I'm a little nervous and a lot excited! A couple of questions:

    1. I'm a big guy. Always have been. Played football in high school and still continue to eat like I did back then (I'm 35). My question: anyone else scared about not being able to eat big meals? I'm nervous I will not be "satisfied" with a small meal and fail.

    2. I am finding that I'm eating like crazy right now. Anyone else "chow down" for the couple of weeks prior to the pre-diet and surgery? I keep telling myself that "this will be the last time I get to eat this" - I think I have gained a few pounds this week alone. I hope this is not an indication of how successful I will be after banded!

    I look forward to posting more...after I am banded!!:(

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that. I do have a question though-did they tell you whether or not you had a hiatal hernia prior to your band? I had horrible acid reflux prior to the band and depended on medication for the help..come to find out I had a hiatal hernia. My surgeon also expressed to me that the band wouldn't be effective if the hernia wasn't repaired. I'm just wondering if maybe this is contributing to your problem...just a thought. best of luck to you!!!:unsure:

    I found out this morning that I need to have my band removed. I have too much acid reflux. Most of the time it gets better with weight loss but the band was just making it worse. I'm going to have gastric bypass and doc said I wouldn't have any more acid reflux. Little nervous but ready to not have such stomach pain.

  4. Hi there-I have UHC and they don't cover bariatric surgery...however, the surgery center I went through has a little trick they use. Since I needed hiatal hernia repair...they billed the insurance for the repair and not the band....which got my procedure covered for $8k. I financed the remaining $3k and am on a monthly payment plan (200/monthly)

    I don't know if thats an option for you, but it sure helped me get a bulk of the cost covered.

    I hope this bit of information helps...good luck!

  5. Hi all-

    I have stopped weighing myself too. I decided I was going to do every other week, that way if I didn't lose one week, I wouldn't know it. I just don't want to be on the scale looking for constant changes, when there might not be. I can see a change in my face and the way clothes fit and thats what I'm going on to let me know things are happening. I have my first fill next Thursday and I'm sure they will weigh me then..I might close my eyes:closedeyes:..LOL-who knows.

    I was talking to a girlfriend of mine and she weighs everyday..she said it helps her stay on track. To me, it would make me crazy to see the changes from day to day-especially if there wasn't one. Do what works for you-and stay positive. The weight will come off in time..I wish they could have put some patience in there with the band.LOL

    Good luck everyone!!:)

  6. Don't worry-you will be fine! Ofcourse you will be nervous because its the unknown and you have never had surgery. Just think of it as the best nap you will have since you were a kid:tongue2:

    Before you know it, the surgery will be over and you will be in recovery.

    You will feel pressure in your chest from the gas they use to blow up your abdomen, but it will pass the more you move around. You will be sore, but the ice pack will help tremendously with that.

    Keep a positive outlook and everything will be fine!

    I've had over 10 surgical procedures and I was still nervous...:yikes:

    But I gotta tell ya-that was the best sleep I've had since my daughter was born.:biggrin:

    In the end-IT'S ALL WORTH IT!!! even the nerves :thumbup:

  7. Hello!

    I was banded on 09/24 and am doing good so far. I haven't had any problems *cross my fingers*.

    I'm losing at a steady pace and can see a difference..well I've had alot of people pointing out a difference to me. I only told a few people about my surgery-not even my honey of 5 years knows. He knows I had surgery to repair a hiatal hernia, but doesn't know about the band. He likes my "junk" so has always been against my weight loss. I'm a curvy girl and don't want to lose that, just some of the fat covering them up-LOL! :o

    This is a learning process and we can all learn from each other and keep each other motivated. This site is SO helpful!

    I have my first fill on the 22nd and am looking forward to getting some more restriction.

    Here we go....

  8. Hi there!!

    I was banded on 09/24 and I know exactly what you are talking about. About my 3rd day post op-the Protein was running out of me..no let me say EVERYTHING was running out of me. I ended up having to call teh doctor and they said i could get some immodium or any other meds to prevent that problem. I will say it got better, but for about 3 days I was like :confused::o-this is NOT going to work.

    It gets better-hang in there!!

    Hi all! I just wanted to introduced my self. My name is Jeni and I just got banded on Thursday, Oct. 8. I had no clue that the first few days would be painful, but I know it was worth it. Anyhow, here I am, day 5. I have taken out the trash, picked up dog poo, went to the store, and did laundry. Pretty darn good! I am thankful, however, that I am a teacher and get a week off this week for fall break. I ate some broth from my favorite chinese food place that must have been way to spicy or oily. Not sure, but stayed up til 3:30 trying to regulate my, until then, non-existent bowel movements. Anyone else have anything like this?:rolleyes:

  9. Hey there-welcome!

    I was banded on 09/24 and am doing great now. Pre op was good, gas pain was mild-the more I walked, the better I got. I was fine on the liquid phase after surgery until around my 6th day...all of a sudden, my stomach growled. I mainly lived on gatorade, sugar free popsicles, sugar free Jello and chicken broth. When I got that hungry feeling and was weak and running very low on energy-I increased my intake on my Protein Shakes. I did however call the doctor and they let me have mashed potatoes.

    Keep an ice pack nearby for the first 2 days after..well it worked for me. Kept my soreness level way down. I actually only took my pain meds for 2 days post op.

    You will do fine-keep positive thoughts and follow all rules.

    You will have to keep me updated after your surgery and on how you're feeling.

    Good luck!:thumbup:

  10. Hi Ariana-

    This site is very helpful. I found it before I got banded and have been on ever since. I was banded on 09/24 and things are going great. I go for my first fill on the 22nd and I have been contemplating if I was going to get one since I've been seeing good loss.

    I had a hiatal hernia and thats how it was billed to my insurance. I financed the remaining balance and am on a monthly payment for $3k.

    My process was fairly quick and easy. Went for consult, had blood work and ekg and egd done within same week. Was called back the following week with my surgery date.

    Good luck to you on whatever you decide to do. Research and make sure that you are ready and willing to accept the lifestyle change that comes with the band. It is a tool to help you along the way. The best way my surgeon explained it was "If you can give 30-40%, the band will give you the rest". Makes a lot of sense...I have to practice making smarter choices now. I can't just expect the band to do it alone.

    I'm still learning and at this point I think its trial and error. I'm getting there though.

    Keep in touch!

  11. Hi there-I know exactly what you are going through. I started feeling that same way around my 6th day out. I called the doctor and they approved me to have mashed potatoes to put something heavier on my stomach to provide me with more energy. Are you able to drink any Protein Shake at all? Try milk of magnesia, thats been working pretty good for me. Also, try some prunes if you don't mind the taste of them.

    It does get better-trust me. I was banded on 09/24 and I'm feeling great now!

    Just communicate with your doctor and see what they advise you to do.

    Good luck!

  12. Hello all-

    I'm 12 days post op and feeling pretty good. No more gas pains, no more incision pains-and actually only one incision is visible. :thumbup:

    I'm loving weight control banana bread oatmeal right now and broccoli cheese soup!!

    Things are going well-I'm getting great feedback from people so apparently the weight loss shows...even though I can't necessarily tell. My honey sure does like it :cursing:

    Hope everyone is doing good and making great progress! We are on our way!!!!:D

  13. Well...I see we are feeling the same thing. I was banded on the 24th and have been fine and satisfied with pudding, Jello and broth and all of a sudden today-my stomach is GROWLING!!!:scared2:

    I don't go back for my follow up visit until next month and I'm not set to start the soft food diet until Saturday which seems sooooo far away! I can get full after I drink something and usually get full pretty quickly. But the actual feeling of being hungry surprised me today.

    I think I will call the doctor today and see if I can have oatmel or something like that to hold me over. I've made good progress so far, so I don't want to do anything to mess it up.

    We can do it guys! Everyone keep up the good work!!:(

    Wish me luck:drool:

  14. Man, oh Man...this is the conversation for me!

    My honey doesn't even know I got banded last week and I don't plan on telling him until I absolutely have to. When we got together I was around 220 or so...well 4 years later I get pregnant with our now 9 month old daughter and I'm at 288. This is the heaviest I've ever been and I AM NOT FEELING IT AT ALL!! However, daddy loves all my junk:tt1:

    I think once he can see how much more happier I am and the stunts I can pull when I'm thinner he won't even care. Now I have to admit, I like myself thick as well-my frame ir curvy and is meant to carry some extra weight, just not this much. I'm looking to get down to about 180 or so.

  15. Good morning all-

    I'm back to work today and was banded last Thursday. I can say I'm feeling good and I've lost 9lbs so far, well a total of 18 from the beginning of the pre op diet. I'm pretty pumped and surprised that I'm not hungry. It's amazing to get full on Jello and water-HAHA:ohmy:

    Congratulations to anyone else who was banded last week! WE are on our way!

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