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LAP-BAND Patients
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About turney

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 01/08/1981

About Me

  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Water Sports
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  1. Happy 32nd Birthday turney!

  2. Happy 31st Birthday turney!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary turney!

  4. turney

    What about beer?

    I have given up all carbinated sodas, atleast the daily ones. I drink OJ for Breakfast and tea all day. I dont miss diet coke at all b/c it makes me feel bad. As for beer, I still have them weekly but I do hard pour it in a cup to make it foam...... killing the carbination. I also put salt in it to kill more carbination. You have to listen to your body and do as it says. If I am wanting a buz, I dont eat before.... it makes me full and I can only drink a couple.
  5. turney

    what you can/can't eat now

    xlstan, I was banded last July and have lost 100 lbs. Single greatest thing I have ever done, except for my wife and kids. I had all of the same questions and fears, but I think you need to look at it as what foods will I want to eat vs what foods will I not want to eat. You can eat anything but you may have a reverse action to it.... ie pbing. For instance I LOVED McDonalds before the band and how I dont ever care if I go back. Reason being I dont like bread, or fries and their nuggest suck. So I can eat it but it makes me feel like crap, so I choose to not eat there. I have found myself liking spicier and tarter things more and more. I am willing to try foods that I normally wouldnt. Just dont think its a diet, there no foods you cant eat, just foods you wont want to. I have to agree with what Jack and dale have said.
  6. how long should I wait to swim? I was banded last friday 7-2
  7. turney

    I was banded! woot!

    i was also banded on friday, and have not had much of an appitite. this is definately going to be a ride. I am starting to figure out why they call the band a "tool"
  8. turney

    How long were you out

    I was banded on 7/2 and today I feel like can go back to work,. The only thing that has hindered me was the soreness from the port site.
  9. I am having my surgery at 12 tom. and am excited and nervous. I realize and have experience your anxiety but rest assure that is the best way to consistently remove and keep weight off.
  10. turney

    Life after surgery....?

    Thanks Rocket, that is what I was expecting..... send me a message if you get time. I am getting banded next friday,
  11. Please tell me it is not like the pre-op diet. I can stand eating less of foods, but not eating things I like and enjoy sucks. I guess that is why dieting never works.
  12. is my date. After 9 long months of office visits and waiting for approvals. I will be headed to Dallas for my surgery.
  13. sweetbee.... I live in the SA area and am geting banded on the 2nd of july
  14. turney

    Social Reservations.

    Jachut, Boy oh boy do I know what you mean. I was recently approved and now am waiting to schedule surgery. When am having a bad day and I turn to food I start to wonder if I wanna give this up. Then later I will be doing somthing, run out of breath or energy and think yep, I wanna be able to do things again. All in all the good by far outweights the bad and I am going to do it. However, I do have those reservations.
  15. turney

    41 and Getting Banded!

    silvers, great info. do you have any more insight?

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