I was banded last July and have lost 100 lbs. Single greatest thing I have ever done, except for my wife and kids. I had all of the same questions and fears, but I think you need to look at it as what foods will I want to eat vs what foods will I not want to eat. You can eat anything but you may have a reverse action to it.... ie pbing. For instance I LOVED McDonalds before the band and how I dont ever care if I go back. Reason being I dont like bread, or fries and their nuggest suck. So I can eat it but it makes me feel like crap, so I choose to not eat there. I have found myself liking spicier and tarter things more and more. I am willing to try foods that I normally wouldnt. Just dont think its a diet, there no foods you cant eat, just foods you wont want to. I have to agree with what Jack and dale have said.