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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Taymac

  1. Hi, I've been "lurking" the last few months but now my date is near - next week, Dr. Coburn - and I could REALLY do with some advice on the Opti-fast. I didn't think this would happen but after only 4 days I really dread having to take it. On Sunday I skipped taking my mid-day shake and I felt like a truck had run over me by the eveing. Big mistake. Now, I feel absolutely wiped out by the evenings and I could fall asleep anywhere, any time. I really considered asking if I could get my money back by the time Sunday night rolled around. I was getting myself prepared for the pain of the surgery etc. etc. but now I'm not sure I can handle the "hunger" thing (and the headaches). Maybe craving is a better word for it - not hunger. I thought I was stronger than this - I feel like a wimp. Everone seems so happy with their lap-band - does it get any easier? Tonight I had 4 crackers - already I've fallen off the wagon. Oh my God, now I'm a whiner!
  2. Thanks, Yoda. I'm preparing a grocery list as we speak - hubby is going out for other supplies - I stocked up for me but not for him. Oh, well. But the popsicles are a great idea. I'm going to try them today even if they are not technically "clear fluids". I'll tell him to look out for DelMonte.
  3. Taymac

    Lapband Cookbook?

    I was banded yesterday at Dr. Coburn's clinic in Toronto. While my hubby was waiting with me before I went into surgery he saw the cookbook "Eating Well after Weight Loss Surgery" in the reception room. So while I was "out" he went to Chapters at the Square One mall across the road and bought it for us to use. It really is well-written and informative and gives the recipes in two-three different ways. The first week or two after surgery, the mushy/pureed stage and then the recipe for "others" - those we love but who are sadly not among the society of banded ones! My husband read the cook-book and figured that my surgery will work out to be a two-fer if we follow the recipes - he'll automatically lose weight! I said it wa more like a BOGO (buy one, get one free). He said thats a BOGOF. Hmmmm.
  4. Hi all, I was banded yesterday - it was so quick and painless, I'm amazed. No gas pains, thank goodness, for the car ride home! I slept most of the way anyway - no time to be a back seat driver this trip. So whenever you're ready just send me the secret handshake and I'll be ready to join the ranks of the fully-banded. Maria, I'm SO sorry I missed you at the clinic - I was having a good snooze I think. You good thoughts and wishes were with me. I don't usually remember my dreams but the night before I dreamt that I was late for my surgery and I was holding everyone up - the others after me were in their gowns and ready to go and someone (you?) was saying it was no big deal. Onwards and upwards (downwards?) - I think today I'll be a lady of leisure and read in the lazy boy - until its time to watch TV.
  5. Maria, What a memory! I'm just packing my things right now to head out to Toronto - soon. I was in a rush to get back from work to here. My surgery is tomorrow morning early(ish). I'm due there at 7:15am and then heading staight home afterwards. This last week has not been so bad with the Optifast thanks to all the hints and suggestions from the gang. I'll write when I get back or on Saturday. Actually, I wasn't nervous until I wrote that last bit - oh well, here goes. Talk to you soon - thanks for the good wishes!
  6. That should read NOT VERY NICE to deal with. My two flying fingers strike again.
  7. OK - just in case anybody reads this thread in the future, I just want to let you know that everything the other lap banders say here is true. It's now been one week and I feel just fine. No tiredness or fuzzy brain and the hunger is GONE. I've dropped 8 pounds and I don't feel like quitting anymore. The Crystal Lite works and so does adding coffee (not the best solution, I know but it works for me). So now my body/stomach is getting ready for what comes next. If I didn't have the Opt-hell first, I'm not sure going into surgery and then having to deal with the hunger/fuzzies all in the same week would have been very "nice". Thanks to everyone who gave suggestions. Wahoo ... roll on next week.
  8. Thanks for the support and hints everyone. I was worried that the hunger would always be there even after the procedure - I wasn't sure I could take it going on forever and ever. I'm going to try the Crystal Light and the flavours (bought some today) and I'm going to be strong. I started today with new resolve. I'm just starting to realize what a lot of strength it takes to do the lap band thing properly. Every stage must have its challenges. Until now I've only read about it through your posts. So now I get to live it. By the way, Yoda, I can't imagine doing the Opt-fast thing for months - you must be tougher than all get-out.
  9. Hi NancyC, You are very kind, thanks. I will do something to keep myself occupied - that is a good idea, rather than dwelling on it. Work keeps me very busy during the day, but I'll have to get going in the evenings. I know you start tomorrow on the Opti-Fast, so good luck! Let's keep in touch. Don't skip any shakes!
  10. Thnaks, Argon! That's great. I'm heading over there right now.
  11. I was wondering if any of you who have been banded could tell me how soon afterwards you went back to work? I'm going to be banded late in November and asked at work today to book the day off - its a Friday so I'm thinking I can return to work on the Monday but now I'm wondering if I should have asked for Monday off as well. How did it work for any of you - and how did you handle the diet restrcitions the first few weeks at work? I'm still not comfortable telling ANYONE about it. Thanks!
  12. Hi Green. Thanks for the note - I've been following your adventure through the board in other threads. I think I'll take off the Monday then and just let things follow their own course.
  13. Hi Wheezy, Thanks, that good to know (about the flu). Interesting to hear your comments about the cost - I live very close (5 minutes away) to the US border - we live in Windsor, practically a suburb of Detroit - so a procedure in the US was a possibility for me. Better to travel 15 minutes instead of four hours to Toronto. However, for me as a Canadian the cost was $25K+ in US dollars. The US hospitals are constantly (and I mean once every 6-8 weeks) putting ads in the local paper and then holding "free" seminars over here for us Canadians to attend to discuss options re Lap Bands. That's how I first heard about it. Then when I heard the cost, I started seraching the internet. When I found the TLBC and the Surgical Weight-loss centre and one other place in Toronto and checked out the prices I was really surpirised at the lower cost. So was my family physician. He's had a lot of trouble getting OHIP to approve another patient and this may be a possibility for her - it's almost half the price of going to Detroit! So while we may think we're getting a bit of a bad deal, no kidding, this really is way better than the alternatives (for me anyway) as far as cost goes. I think a big part of the difference in the cost was to do with staying overnight in the hospital after surgery. My family doc is eager to see how it goes for me because I think he will be recommending it to others in his practice. Taking a day from work every now and then for a fill doesn't seem too bad now that I think about it.
  14. Thanks everyone - that really does help. I'm a little worreid about things like the horrible constipation monster but I'll check with my doctor. It's going to be Dr. Coburn in Mississauga. I noticed somewhere that someone mentioned he had his own bandster forum - or is it just his usual website? Just wondering. Has anyone any input on what to do if you get the stomach flu or something similar and need to throw-up (drive the porcelain bus). How does that work for anybody. What happens about nausea? Does it mess up your band? Or do you just explode cause it can't escape? I haven't found anything in the material I was sent by the doctor's office. Sorry to address such a messy issue.
  15. Thanks - yes, I do have a desk job working on a computer all day or on the phone. I guess I'll risk just taking one day off and hope all goes well and that there aren't any important meetings that first day! Luckily, we have a really realxed dress code (jeans) so I don't have to worry too much in that department.
  16. Hi people out in Lap-Land, I'm a raw newbie at this - but here goes. I've been considering this procedure for a few months now and done some research on the web but this is the first Canadian group I've found - thank God! I have some questions as I am not too close to a big metropolis. If I decide to "do the deed" is there anywhere in south-western Ontario that I can go (apart from Toronto) to get my fills? I don't mind going to Toronto for the procedure but I can't see myself travelling up there every month. It will blow in an entire day. And how often do you go to get your fills anyway? I saw someone mention that one clicnic doesn't charge for fills (is this right?). I know I should go over to the main site and check out more general stuff (I will) but does anyone have any recommendations about who to go to for the surgery? I'll keep my questions to only a few next time - Thanks!
  17. Hi Woodys - Thanks for the "fill" info re the DVD! My local GP is really supportive so I'm going to ask him if he would be OK doing it. And I'll check with the folks at Dr. Coburn's to see if they still have the DVDs - Argon you mentioned they used to/possibly have them. This is great - I'd better send an email to see if Dr. Coburn's office received my paperwork - it took three attempts to fax it through. Off to work - a happy camper. Thanks everyone - Tay.
  18. Hi Neenagh, How far south are you? I'm in Windsor - sounds like you might be somewhere around London? Did you make a visit for your initial consult or did you go in to Mississauga? And did you get your Opti-fast locally or did you do it through the Clinic? So many questions ... I'm pleased to meet you as well and feel suddenly very excited about hearing about your appointment being so close. The Opti-Fast thing sounds a bit grim. I've read other posts where people have been eating normal things right up to midnight before the operation! What sort of things should I expect with the initial consult - do they check out your band-worthiness? Like whether you are the sort that can stay the course and really make it work? Or is it mostly medical stuff? By the way - I checked out going to Detroit which is only about 7 minutes away. Lots of clinics there - they actually come over here quite frequently to give seminars for those wanting to explore the options of Lap-Banding. But when I checked out the prices... yikes - $25,000 ++ US dollars. Anyway, I'll be looking for your progress notes on this site. Everyone who has posted on this thread have been really supportive (and very knowledgable). Tay.
  19. Hi Cloe and Swanny, Great to hear from you both. I started the wheels in motion this morning - with Dr. Coburn. They've said I can do my initial consult by phone and then take it from there. Approximately how long was it before the consult? They are saying 4-6 weeks after the consult for the procedure. Way to go Swanny! Sept 15th is really close. What sort of tests did you have to undertake before getting your date for surgery? I suddenly feel like binging already just thinking about it. I'm glad about both your feelings about "telling" people - I feel the same way. I guess I'm a little embarassed, like I can't manage to lose the weight myself.Anyway, it's nice to hear from folks who have done it and someone who is just heading into it. Thanks! PS - how do you get those pictures next to your name to appear at the top of the email? - the snowman and the cat?
  20. IrishMist and Yoda, Thanks for the info! You've both been very helpful (and encouraging!) The two Doctors that you both mention are the two places I've narrowed it down to. I'm going to consider my options and then call this morning. I feel like I've found some place at last to talk about things. One last question but it may be a bit personal (and a bit related to my comment above) - did you ever tell anyone (apart from close family/spouse/partner) what you were undertaking? I've been on so many "diets" and weight-loss attempts that I'm embarassed to talk about this (lap-band) to anyone. In the past when I've talked to close freinds about it they've pooh-poohed the idea so I don't want to mention it again but I'm wondering if it is possible to carry on a sort of "normal" life and not advertise the fact. And just lose the darn weight. How do you handle it? - Thanks for everything.

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