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shonna uram

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shonna uram

  1. My Name Is Shonna, and Dr. Boone Did my Lap Band Surgery 3 weeks ago... I must say, He is a great surgeon.. My incisions are healing beautifully, some you can barely see.. I have lost 24 pounds in 3 weeks, and am feeling great... Anyone who is reading this a looking for a sugeon Dr. Boone is the Best.. Thank you Dr. Boone for giving me a fresh new start...
  2. shonna uram

    6 Weeks Post- Op

    Hi Everyone its me Shonna, well its 6 weeks post-op tomorrow and I am happy to say I have lost 35 pounds, wow what an accomplishment!! I feel like a new woman.. Life seems to be changing so fast for me right now.. Feeling really good and starting to look pretty good too LOL.. Well have a great day and I will post more later.. ; )
  3. shonna uram

    securedownload (26)

    Thank You Leigha : )
  4. shonna uram

    securedownload (26)

    From the album: just me

  5. shonna uram

    6 Weeks Post- Op

    Hi Everyone its me Shonna, well its 6 weeks post-op tomorrow and I am happy to say I have lost 35 pounds, wow what an accomplishment!! I feel like a new woman.. Life seems to be changing so fast for me right now.. Feeling really good and starting to look pretty good too LOL.. Well have a great day and I will post more later.. ; ):w00t:
  6. Thank you for the add.. It was good chatting with you.. I look forward to talking more soon : )

  7. shonna uram

    just me

  8. I still cant figure this site out yet lol, still learning it, so hear goes.. My Name is Shonna, I was banded on March 11 th In Fresno, Ca, by Dr. Boone... I have lost 24 pounds and feel pretty good.. I have not had any complications (knock on wood) lol.. I go for my first fill this Wednsday so I am a little nervous about that.. But I am very happy with my progress so far... :bored:
  9. I Hope your surgery went well.. : )

  10. shonna uram


    My Surgery is tomorrow.. It has been 8 months since this process began.. Its been a long road to get to tomorrow lol... I am excited to start my journey.. I look forward to talking to others who are on this journet too... :tt1:
  11. shonna uram


    Ok, So It has been 3 weeks since surgery and I feel good... I have lost 24 pounds and wow can you tell the difference.. This Lap Band was a great decision... I havent had any complications (knock on wood) I go for my first fill on Wednsday..
  12. shonna uram

    3 weeks Post- Op

    Well it has now been 3 weeks since my surgery.. It all went great, and I am proud to say I have lost 24 pounds!! I feel great and wow can you tell the difference.. This surgery was the best decision ever!! Anyone who is looking for a surgeon in California Dr. Boone in Fresno is the Best!!
  13. shonna uram

    3 weeks Post- Op

    Well it has now been 3 weeks since my surgery.. It all went great, and I am proud to say I have lost 24 pounds!! I feel great and wow can you tell the difference.. This surgery was the best decision ever!! Anyone who is looking for a surgeon in California Dr. Boone in Fresno is the Best!!
  14. shonna uram


    Thank You And Good Luck On Your surgery, you will do great too.. : )
  15. shonna uram


    My Surgery is tomorrow.. It has been 8 months since this process began.. Its been a long road to get to tomorrow lol... I am excited to start my journey.. I look forward to talking to others who are on this journet too...

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