Serving portions are outragous! No wonder why there are soo many heavy weights. I have a hard time eating in front of people. I feel like they stare at my plate, then look at me and think wtf?! She must get 2nds and 3rds.
I've learned to not take home leftovers....there is no point. Sometimes I dont even want to eat with people. I have to eat super slow so it takes me longer, or if the food is really over done I have a harder time and might not eat at all. Especially with office luncheons....It looks like I toss my meal everytime (and it makes me feel bad still). Protein drinks are a must! I get really tired of the 'fills' and its a small concern now but if we ever wanna move outa Cali (which we definately will someday) how will I get 'fills' or anything then?
I seem to learn more and more as time goes by.