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Status Updates posted by izaiahsmommy

  1. yes i have noticed about a 3lb weight loss in gour days. I am also still very swollen and kinda surprised that i have lost even that amount. Don't get discouraged!! This does take time! It is very discouraging to not see the scale budge, but it will!! My dr said six weeks post op is for healing. Not losing weight. So just consider this period a resting time! I am still really gassy...how bout u? are u taking gas x?

  2. i am also having my surgery may 10th!

  3. Hi Barbarasue! It is a difficult site to manuever, but i sent you a friend request so hopefully you will have an easier time findign me! I am on day 7 of my prep and I have my good and bad moments!! I would love to keep in contact with you during this long process!! I have my surgery may 10th. So, pretty much a week from now!!

  4. I have my 2 week post op appt tomorrow morning. My hunger has subsided with the real food being incorporated. I haven't started exercising because i needed clearance from surgeon to do that. I walk every day, but that is it. I am down 23 lbs!!!!!

  5. I started two days ago. I am on Optifast, which is shakes/soups/ and protien bars. I eat an combo of that five times a day and a lot of water. Also, sugar free jello/popsicles. Chicken broth. At certain times I am ravenous and desperate for food, but that usually passes!! I just have to remind myself to keep my eyes on the prize! I want to lose 100lbs. I currently weigh 272lbs, so it is not that far fetched, but i know it is going to be a challenge!! We should def keep up with eachother seeing as we are both going through this at the same time!!

  6. I was really hurting for awhile there. I couldnt sleep. I couldnt get comfortable, but six days in and i feel much better!! I can't believe some people can get this done and be back to work in 3 days!!

  7. I am doing much better thank you!! How are you doing?? I am pretty hungry and have started to incorporate certain pureed foods in my diet. Like refried beans and cream of wheat....

  8. ya i am not hungry either! I had my surgery the same day. I have been sipping fluids and moving, but not really eating...I had a protein shake earlier today,but i could only drink about half of it over 2 hours. I am having a lot of gas pain and soem incision pain, but i agree with you on the c-section.....having a c-section is NOTHING compared to this!!

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