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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by izaiahsmommy

  1. I was banded 5/10 and am doing ok. I have lost 20lbs and am pretty happy with that. I am also hungry all the time! I can't have a fill for another 4 weeks. I have been trying to make the right food choices. I find that if I have had to much time lapse in between meals(aka no snack) then i am ravenous and eat whatever i can! I had a Water roll today and it was heaven. I actually ate it rather fast too because i was starving and i had no problems. I can pretty much eat anything and have no problems. So i am counting doewn the days to my first fill!! Loved that feeling of restriction post op due to the swelling!

  2. Thank you for posting everyone!!! I was banded on may10th and i am really starting to struggle with hunger. Right now i am have some cream of wheat. It is yummy! I am suppose to be on full liquids, including yogurt and cottage cheese. Then on monday i am allowed to start incorporating soft foods into my diet. I am way too hungry though and have decided to start them a bit early. So far no problems.I had a teaspoon of Peanut Butter yesterday and a tablespoon of refried Beans today...still no problem....i am worried though that i will stretch my stomach and not even know it.

  3. I was banded on the tenth. It wasn't until the sixth day of my recovery that I really felt better. I has a lot of issues with gas. I still feel pretty bloated. Having a hard time getting all of my Protein. I had Clear Liquids first 24 hours and now for the next two weeks i can incorporate cottage cheese, and yogurt into my diet. Next monday which is day 15, I will be able to move to pureed foods like applesauce and potatoes! I am so excited for that! I work overnights and this is my first shift back. Feelin pretty good! I have lost a total of 20lbs in the past three weeks(two weeks was pre op diet of Optifast). My belly is really swollen still though and very bruised.

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