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Everything posted by izaiahsmommy

  1. izaiahsmommy

    Day eight liquids

    So i am officially half way through my two week torture....I mean liquid diet. I waited too long in between shakes so now i am STARVING!!! I just added a vanilla chai tea bag to my vanilla shake, which i heated in the microwave. Very yummy! I still dont really like the vanilla shake though. I am working an overnight and i am tired...and when i get tired i get HUNGRY!!!!
  2. izaiahsmommy

    Day eight liquids

    So i am officially half way through my two week torture....I mean liquid diet. I waited too long in between shakes so now i am STARVING!!! I just added a vanilla chai tea bag to my vanilla shake, which i heated in the microwave. Very yummy! I still dont really like the vanilla shake though. I am working an overnight and i am tired...and when i get tired i get HUNGRY!!!!:thumbup:
  3. izaiahsmommy


    I am having my surgery on may 10th....I am on day 8 of my liquids and for the past two days I have felt great on the opitfast shakes and SF jello/popsicles, and chx broth!! The first six days were very hard and I did sneak in a garden salad with chicken once, but seriously, If I can do it, You all can def do it!!!:thumbdown:
  4. lol i know~~!! i gave up!! I couldnt figure out how to do it!!
  5. wow you do look great!! How long did it take you to lose the 90lbs?
  6. izaiahsmommy

    Day Six liquids-addendum

    I just ate grilled chicken on top of a bed of spinach. Low sugar,carb,sodium balsamic vinag. and it was HEAVEN!!! I know I am suppose to be on a liquid diet, but honestly how bad could tht be??? Its not going to be an everynight thing...and I dont feel that guilty!! Ok so I do feel a little guilty, but I dont feel ravenously hungry!!:thumbup:
  7. izaiahsmommy

    Day Six liquids-addendum

    Thanks for the encouragement!!
  8. izaiahsmommy

    Day seven liquids

    SO after my big crazy salad binge last night I woke up still feeling full!! Not a sick full, but a very content full! I needed that salad!! I am feeling really good right now. Went for a swim in the pool.I had a vanilla shake for breakfast and just had a berrry bar(optifast for both) for lunch. The scale still hasnt budged since the other day. still says 263lbs. So i guess that was water weight that I had lost! I have to work and overnight tonight so i will be awake all day and night so it will be interesting to see how hungry i get and what it will take to keep me on track!! :thumbup:
  9. izaiahsmommy

    Day seven liquids

    SO after my big crazy salad binge last night I woke up still feeling full!! Not a sick full, but a very content full! I needed that salad!! I am feeling really good right now. Went for a swim in the pool.I had a vanilla shake for breakfast and just had a berrry bar(optifast for both) for lunch. The scale still hasnt budged since the other day. still says 263lbs. So i guess that was water weight that I had lost! I have to work and overnight tonight so i will be awake all day and night so it will be interesting to see how hungry i get and what it will take to keep me on track!!
  10. Hi Barbarasue! It is a difficult site to manuever, but i sent you a friend request so hopefully you will have an easier time findign me! I am on day 7 of my prep and I have my good and bad moments!! I would love to keep in contact with you during this long process!! I have my surgery may 10th. So, pretty much a week from now!!

  11. izaiahsmommy

    Day Six liquids-addendum

    I just ate grilled chicken on top of a bed of spinach. Low sugar,carb,sodium balsamic vinag. and it was HEAVEN!!! I know I am suppose to be on a liquid diet, but honestly how bad could tht be??? Its not going to be an everynight thing...and I dont feel that guilty!! :thumbup: Ok so I do feel a little guilty, but I dont feel ravenously hungry!!:confused:
  12. izaiahsmommy

    Day Six liquids

    So I am starving...I missed a protein shake because I took a nap with my lil boy!! I woke up starving!! I have since eaten a meal replacement bar and two jello's and I am seriously shaking I am so hungry! This is by far the hardest moment of the liquid diet so far. I guess I am going to have to be really strict with myself and not messing up my liquid diet schedule! Eight days left and it can't get here fast enough!:smile:
  13. izaiahsmommy

    Day Six liquids

    So I am starving...I missed a protein shake because I took a nap with my lil boy!! I woke up starving!! I have since eaten a meal replacement bar and two jello's and I am seriously shaking I am so hungry! This is by far the hardest moment of the liquid diet so far. I guess I am going to have to be really strict with myself and not messing up my liquid diet schedule! Eight days left and it can't get here fast enough!:thumbup:
  14. izaiahsmommy

    Day FIVE liquids

    Thank you for the encouragement!!!
  15. izaiahsmommy

    Day FIVE liquids

    So let me start off by saying I have gone from 272lbs to 263lbs in five days, even if a portion is water weight! That is just crazy! My surgeon said I would lose about 20lbs in two weeks, but I didnt believe him! It is motivating to see that scale go down. I have a 3y/o, as previously stated, and it has been hard to cook for him. I am surprised I havent snuck a bite in here or there, or even licked my fingers. I am almost waiting for the temptation to get so intense I cannot resist. I am sipping on some chicken broth as I type this. The salt seems to help. T minus four hours and counting until I can go to bed and not think of food!:smile:
  16. izaiahsmommy

    Day FIVE liquids

    So let me start off by saying I have gone from 272lbs to 263lbs in five days, even if a portion is water weight! That is just crazy! My surgeon said I would lose about 20lbs in two weeks, but I didnt believe him! It is motivating to see that scale go down. I have a 3y/o, as previously stated, and it has been hard to cook for him. I am surprised I havent snuck a bite in here or there, or even licked my fingers. I am almost waiting for the temptation to get so intense I cannot resist. I am sipping on some chicken broth as I type this. The salt seems to help. T minus four hours and counting until I can go to bed and not think of food!:thumbup:
  17. izaiahsmommy

    Day Four liquids

    Just had some yummy sugar free jello. Must say that being able to have popsicles, jello and broth kinda makes this easier. I am still not liking the taste of optifast, but I am pushing through that because I only have to put up with it for 10 more days! I like the ready made optifast shakes(vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry). They come packaged in what looks like a juice box, so its good for on the go. The optifast creamy soup is good as well and I add a little extra chicken bouillon to make it a little more palatable. The shakes that come like a powder and you have to mix is not that bad, although not my favorite. I have a little hand mixer(like the bullet), and that helps. I mix it with a little ice and ice cold water. I find it hard to make them taste as good as the alrady mixed ones. I also bought three different boxes of the optifast meal replacement bars. Chocolate (which is my favorite), Berry yogurt bar(yuck) and Chocolate peanut butter bar(double yuck). I It was pretty expensive so I kinda have to eat the disgusting ones at some point. I am going to save those for the last couple of days!! So, I have gone from 272 to 265.2 in these last four days. I feel a bit more energetic than I thought I would be. Have been cleaning my house like a mad women so everything is in its place and ready to go for post surgery. Every morning I get up, it is getting easier to get in the mind set that is needed for this diet. :smile:
  18. izaiahsmommy

    Day Four liquids

    Just had some yummy sugar free jello. Must say that being able to have popsicles, jello and broth kinda makes this easier. I am still not liking the taste of optifast, but I am pushing through that because I only have to put up with it for 10 more days! I like the ready made optifast shakes(vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry). They come packaged in what looks like a juice box, so its good for on the go. The optifast creamy soup is good as well and I add a little extra chicken bouillon to make it a little more palatable. The shakes that come like a powder and you have to mix is not that bad, although not my favorite. I have a little hand mixer(like the bullet), and that helps. I mix it with a little ice and ice cold water. I find it hard to make them taste as good as the alrady mixed ones. I also bought three different boxes of the optifast meal replacement bars. Chocolate (which is my favorite), Berry yogurt bar(yuck) and Chocolate peanut butter bar(double yuck). I It was pretty expensive so I kinda have to eat the disgusting ones at some point. I am going to save those for the last couple of days!! So, I have gone from 272 to 265.2 in these last four days. I feel a bit more energetic than I thought I would be. Have been cleaning my house like a mad women so everything is in its place and ready to go for post surgery. Every morning I get up, it is getting easier to get in the mind set that is needed for this diet. :thumbup:
  19. izaiahsmommy

    Day two liquids

    Ok well I am not going to sugar coat this....Liquid diets suck!!! It is a lot harder than I thought it would be! It is also not as bad as I thought it woud be. I know that sounds weird, but I know I HAVE no choice anymore.I have been doing it my way (aka any food that is in sight goes in mouth) for so long that I needed a complete overhaul. A liquid diet is my complete overhaul. I am excited about the surgery and I want to prepare my body as best I can before hand.I do have moments of uncontrollable hunger, but that usually passes. I work the overnight shift (7pm-7am) so when i get home at 730am, I am pretty darn tired and hungry. I was making my son his school lunch this morning and it took every fiber of my being to not devour the ham sandwich that was calling my name. It looked so tasty. I resisted though and am proud of myself so far. I am truly a food addict and I know this because I literally dreamt all night of food. I woke up and was panicked because I couldn't tell for a moment if I had really devoured that ham sandwich or if it was a dream. After thinking for several moments I realized it was a dream. I had not broken my diet and I was still on track. This is going to be quite a journey. :biggrin:
  20. izaiahsmommy

    Day two liquids

    Ok well I am not going to sugar coat this....Liquid diets suck!!! It is a lot harder than I thought it would be! It is also not as bad as I thought it woud be. I know that sounds weird, but I know I HAVE no choice anymore.I have been doing it my way (aka any food that is in sight goes in mouth) for so long that I needed a complete overhaul. A liquid diet is my complete overhaul. I am excited about the surgery and I want to prepare my body as best I can before hand.I do have moments of uncontrollable hunger, but that usually passes. I work the overnight shift (7pm-7am) so when i get home at 730am, I am pretty darn tired and hungry. I was making my son his school lunch this morning and it took every fiber of my being to not devour the ham sandwich that was calling my name. It looked so tasty. I resisted though and am proud of myself so far. I am truly a food addict and I know this because I literally dreamt all night of food. I woke up and was panicked because I couldn't tell for a moment if I had really devoured that ham sandwich or if it was a dream. After thinking for several moments I realized it was a dream. I had not broken my diet and I was still on track. This is going to be quite a journey. :confused:
  21. I started two days ago. I am on Optifast, which is shakes/soups/ and protien bars. I eat an combo of that five times a day and a lot of water. Also, sugar free jello/popsicles. Chicken broth. At certain times I am ravenous and desperate for food, but that usually passes!! I just have to remind myself to keep my eyes on the prize! I want to lose 100lbs. I currently weigh 272lbs, so it is not that far fetched, but i know it is going to be a challenge!! We should def keep up with eachother seeing as we are both going through this at the same time!!

  22. izaiahsmommy

    Day one liquids

    So here it is...the moment of truth!! I am officially on the liquid diet. I have had one chocolate shake(optifast)and 8oz of water. I am working an overnight shift tonight 7p-7a...so this shall be interesting. In the past I would have just ate everything in site in order to stay awake and happy! Now, i will sip my water and quietly contemplate going for a walk away from my desk every now and again. I am excited to start the process. I have been meeting with nutrionist, and dr's, and having a bunch of testing done to get to this point. So it actually has been a 4 month long process of getting to the point of cracking open my first yummy liquid diet drink. Went through my closet today after watching an episode of hoarders. That show just motivates me to clean!! Anyway, I found so many clothes that I use to wear and it was encouraging. You forget how small you use to be once you have been overweight for awhile! I found a size 12 pants. I can't even begin to believe I was once a size 12.I guess those will be my goal jeans. I am a size 22 now. I also planned a cruise for my mothers 50th birthday. That will be the end of november. I am excitd to think of what I may be wearing on that cruise!! Maybe a pair of shorts...or dare I say it...a BATHING SUIT!!!!!:confused:
  23. izaiahsmommy

    Day one liquids

    So here it is...the moment of truth!! I am officially on the liquid diet. I have had one chocolate shake(optifast)and 8oz of water. I am working an overnight shift tonight 7p-7a...so this shall be interesting. In the past I would have just ate everything in site in order to stay awake and happy! Now, i will sip my water and quietly contemplate going for a walk away from my desk every now and again. I am excited to start the process. I have been meeting with nutrionist, and dr's, and having a bunch of testing done to get to this point. So it actually has been a 4 month long process of getting to the point of cracking open my first yummy liquid diet drink. Went through my closet today after watching an episode of hoarders. That show just motivates me to clean!! Anyway, I found so many clothes that I use to wear and it was encouraging. You forget how small you use to be once you have been overweight for awhile! I found a size 12 pants. I can't even begin to believe I was once a size 12.I guess those will be my goal jeans. I am a size 22 now. I also planned a cruise for my mothers 50th birthday. That will be the end of november. I am excitd to think of what I may be wearing on that cruise!! Maybe a pair of shorts...or dare I say it...a BATHING SUIT!!!!!:biggrin:
  24. i am also having my surgery may 10th!

  25. izaiahsmommy

    Looking for May Bandsters

    I got my surgery day today!! I will be banded 5-10-10!! So excited!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
